Learn That Word
Video: 1 min. introduction

About LearnThatWord

  • all about
  • word
  • multi-
  • smart
  • fast
  • lasting
  • non


by Transposh - translation plugin for wordpress

Frequently Asked Questions

About LearnThatWord

-    How is LearnThatWord different?
-    I have a spell-checker. Who cares if I can't spell on my own?
-    What age groups benefit from LearnThatWord?
-    How does LearnThatWord teach new words?
-    How much time will this take?
-    Can I add my own words? Can you provide homework help?
-    Words are just not my thing. Can I still be a good speller?
-    Where should I begin? What grade level should I choose?
-    Why don't you teach phonics and spelling rules?
-    Do I have to download the program?

Quiz Related

-    Do you teach American or British English?
-    Why does my quiz always start with the same words?
-    Why don't you use multiple-choice questions?
-    Why is the text entry field so large?
-    How can I add my own words?
-    Where can I get performance feedback?
-    How can I change my grade level and goal setting?
-    Will my level automatically increase as I become better?


-    The quiz loads as an empty box.
-    I see scrolling bars when loading the quiz.
-    I can't hear the audio. 
-    Why can't I move through the quiz with the tab key?
-    I still need help. 


-    What does Pay-Per-Result mean?
-    How many quizzes can I take free before making a deposit?
-    How can I earn free credits?
-    How much does it cost? Do you have family pricing?
-    Can I see which words were studied, and which were learned?
-    Can I fax or mail payment?
-    What is your privacy and user policy?
-    What kind of rewards do you offer?
-    Since this is a nonprofit program, why isn╒t it free?

Parents and Teachers

-    How can I review progress?
-    Can I add my own list of words?
-    Is this program standards-based?
-    How can we use LearnThatWord in our school?
-    Why don't you teach the words first?
-    How can LearnThatWord raise funds for us?
-    Do you offer site licenses?
-    How do we get started?
-    Is LearnThatWord only for gifted students?
-    Do you offer scholarships?


How is LearnThatWord different?

Practicing "your" words 

Our goal is to support this program with the entire English language, so you can get tutoring support for all of the words and exactly the words that are currently important to you.

Learning with all your senses
Our database of 150,000 words contains definitions, audio, images, translations in 37 languages, sample sentences with audio, tutoring comments, links to online resources, and is continuously expanded to meet this goal.

It's all about you
LearnThatWord custom-tailors everything to your needs. No matter if you're a fast or slow learner, LearnThatWord will keep pace, patiently and attentively.

LearnThatWord stays with you
Words that are currently hard for you are practiced until you demonstrate that you learned them—whether that takes three or many more reviews.


I have a spell-checker. Who cares if I can't spell on my own?

Research has shown clearly that your spelling skills directly impact your writing and reading capabilities. Bad spellers make unenthusiastic writers. If your choice of words is limited by doubt, writing becomes a frustrating struggle, limiting the way you share your thoughts.

People with solid vocabulary skills write effortlessly based on what "looks right.” Their well-trained brain also lets them skim through text efficiently by making nearly instant "looks like" decisions. If your brain does not yet have a Mental Orthographic Image (MOI) stored for a word, this gap in your knowledge creates a roadblock, slows you down, and makes reading a hassle.

Slow readers typically suffer from a limited vocabulary. As readers advance, they no longer read by decoding, as they did when they embarked on their reading journey.
An advanced reader quickly associates the words on the page with a library of Mental Orthographic Images (MOI) built over a lifetime of learning. Building a rich collection of MOI is the first step to creating confident readers and writers.

For more information, review our white paper or blog - "Cna yuo raed tihs?"

Who else cares? Your future employer does, and so will the people you interact with on a daily basis. Not knowing how to spell is seen as a sign of inferior education, and carries a negative stigma. Spelling errors reflect negatively on your work, and subsequently damage the reputation of the company that employs you.

Spellcheckers and similar tools are designed to back you up and proofread what you write, but they can’t and won’t make you smarter. Life is full of embarrassing moments if you rely on these tools to make basic decisions for you.

Surveys show that spelling errors on applications are more strongly weighed by most employers than grade averages or previous work experience. Many employers now require a hand-written sample of their future employees' writing skills.

A 2006 study revealed that 80% of employers found the writing skills - namely spelling and grammar - of high school graduates insufficient to meet the demands of the work place.

Learning how to write correctly and confidently without the right support may have been a frustrating and intimidating experience in the past. LearnThatWord makes it easy and will reap big rewards throughout your life and career. You will soon find that building your vocabulary is not rocket science: It’s easy, with the right tools.


What age groups benefit from LearnThatWord?

LearnThatWord is suitable for all ages and skill levels:

-   children as well as adults,

-   word whizzes and those who struggle with words,

-   people who love language, and those who feel intimidated by words.

Nothing is "out of the box" at LearnThatWord. Every session is custom designed to your needs, so our members are a very diverse group of people.

We recommend LearnThatWord for ages 7 and higher, although first grade level vocabulary is included as well. Why? Because as parents we believe that in the first years of learning how to write it is more important just to have fun with words, letters and the magic of writing. 

At this early age it’s better to focus on making the young writer feel empowered and comfortable with this new skill. From second grade on, you can rely on LearnThatWord to make learning new words--how they sound, what they mean, how to spell them--easy and enjoyable.


How does LearnThatWord teach new words?

LearnThatWord focuses on the review processes necessary to commit new or challenging words to long-term memory. It is designed to work hand-in-hand with your curriculum and lessons.

Scientists have known for nearly 100 years that a test-study approach yields superior results more effortlessly. However, only now does smart web technology empower us to put this knowledge into action.

To learn more about our concept, please view our introduction.


How much time will this take?

Building your vocabulary is a lifelong task. LearnThatWord, however, teaches vocabulary many times faster than traditional methods, helping you learn more, faster.

We recommend at least three sessions per week. Ideal would be daily.

Frequent sessions, even if they're just short ones, are better than long ones, if you let too much time pass in between. The ideal moment for review is after the word has faded from short-term memory, and before you completely forget.

Did you know that:

- Students on average already know 75% of the words presented to them on their weekly spelling word list. Requiring that they'll "study" them anyway makes a task that should be stimulating, boring.

- Three hours per weeks are dedicated to the spelling list related tasks on average. Regardless of the effort many of the words tested on Friday╒s test are simply "crammed" into short-term memory, and forgotten on the following Monday.

By providing personalized sessions, LearnThatWord saves time. It focuses all resources on what actually needs further practice. This structured process manages time and energy wisely. It also ensures that challenge words are learned for life.


Can I add my own words? Can you provide homework help?

Yes, you can request your own words easily. Such priority words are always presented first in the next quiz. LearnThatWord is based on a database of 150,000 words, so you don't have to edit or record anything, it's already done for you. If you like, you can customize your list by adding your own definitions or comments.

Looking for a list for a certain textbook or subject? A list ready to go may already be stored in our quickly growing archive.

This video explains how our word list archive works.

Lists of words added are always quizzed first. Next we will review words with you that were previously entered incorrectly (those from your practice list).

After both added and practice words have been reviewed, LearnThatWord will introduce new words based on your preference settings. If you do not want LearnThatWord to suggest additional words, simply check "Only quiz me on the words I add" in your preference settings, and the quiz will end after reviewing the practice words.

Our free word list archive contains lots of useful word lists, and is quickly growing into a universe of useful lists to study. Please share your own lists with others as well.


Words are just not my thing. Can I still be a good speller?

Absolutely! Even if you've always struggled with words, it is never too late to build a great vocabulary and become a confident speller. LearnThatWord was designed to help—no matter what your skill level, age or personal circumstances.

It is true: Some people learn words almost instantly and effortlessly, often simply by reading. Others need multiple exposures to retain a word. Often the "talented" learner is simply a confident learner╤one who early on was encouraged by a "can do" attitude. When we enjoy and treasure words, our mind automatically pays attention to them, helping us learn quickly and easily.

If nobody inspired you to find words interesting, chances are your brain concluded that words are "hard" and "bothersome." Meeting new words made you feel frustrated and stressed causing your brain to resist learning them.

Fear of embarrassment soon made the "bad speller" and "struggling reader" avoid words, writing and reading altogether, excluding you from a life of verbal confidence.

Good news: Changes can be made at any age! 
Did you know that about 30% of our registered members are adults?

Take a few quizzes to see how easy and supportive our program is. Most members already notice a change in their confidence within days. Set yourself a goal of taking a 25 word quiz (this takes only 5 minutes!) a minimum of three times per week. We guarantee that you will see changes that inspire your everyday life quickly. You will want to continue your studies, because LearnThatWord is faster and more effective than anything you've tried in the past.

Words empower. They help you read, write and speak more effortlessly and effectively. A broad vocabulary lets you absorb information more quickly and think more clearly. You will find that people respect you more, and that you become more successful, with less struggle.


Where should I begin? What grade level should I choose?

Your best grade level is where you know the majority of the English vocabulary presented and get at least 80% right. For many students, this comfort zone may be a few grades below their actual grade level.

Starting in your comfort zone will allow you to build your vocabulary foundation systematically. The quiz will automatically advance you towards words of increasing difficulty. You can easily change your grade level in your preference settings.

Please note:

Words currently on your practice word list are not affected when you change the grade level or goal setting, they will still be repeated at the beginning of ever quiz until learned.

If you find that words presented in the quiz are not aligned with your needs, you can always disable them at the end of the session in which they occurred, and any time before starting the next session.

Once a word is in the study cycle, it will be removed after you enter it successfully over three subsequent quizzes. 


Why don't you teach phonics and spelling rules?

We offer one of the largest lists of root words and suffixes on the Web, and are developing a compendium of phonics and spelling rules.

Some teachers like to teach vocabulary grouped around certain root words or rules, and you will find a lot of lists in the word list archive, ready to be added.

That being said, neuroscience clearly shows that learning to read and write is not a logic-based process but a pattern-based one.

We can describe the logic of our language through rules and phonics, or use this knowledge to help us make a decision in a moment of doubt. The brain, however, is not making decisions through such analytical processes. If it were, reading and writing would become so slow, complicated and processing-intensive, that we would not be able to sustain it for a long time.

After the first introduction to letters and the sounds they make when combined, most people read and write based on Mental Orthographic Images (MOI), a "mental library" telling our mind how written words look and quickly attaching these shapes to meaning. Most of us form MOI effortlessly when we get the practice it takes, and then use these MOI to read and write with increasing speed and confidence. The majority of learners do not use rules to interact with language, but simply form MOI when new words are being learned— this is fortunate, since we are communicating in a language that contains a huge number of irregular or rule-contradicting words.

To some, this process may not seem very smart, since it means the brain is downright memorizing new words. Upon closer look, however, it proves to be an amazingly effective and powerful approach, allowing for speedy processing of large amounts of data and giving us a glimpse into the vast and powerful capabilities of the human brain.

Our brain has the power of an incredible super computer. It maintains a huge library of words so we can skim through text, hardly noticing that we are reading. It is this processing power that makes incorrect words jump out at experienced readers instantly, alerting us that something does not "look right."

Some learning disabilities reduce the brain's ability to form and/or process MOI. Often as a consequence a shift to a more analytical approach takes place. This is the reason why phonics seems to work so very well for students with certain learning disabilities.

Just because it is a great way to teach students with certain learning disabilities does not, however, mean that they are good tools for the rest of us. MOI-based learners (the large majority) rely on regular practice focused on introducing words in interesting context. After all, the brain will easily learn what it finds relevant and important


Do I have to download the program?

LearnThatWord is an online program, and there is nothing to download or install. No updates or local configurations are needed, and we keep your learning profile securely backed up.

Our database with all its audio and image files is huge, and would place serious stress on your computer. In the near future we will offer additional ways to take quizzes—offline and on your phone.


Do you teach American or British English?

LearnThatWord uses American voices for the audio in the quizzes. We focus on US-American spelling conventions, and accept alternative spelling conventions (if accepted by Merriam-Webster) and British English spelling variations as well. 

In this case, it will accept the variant spelling as correct, and display the classic US spelling on the answer screen. 

With your help, we are looking forward to soon provide British pronunciations as well. 

Why does my quiz always start with the same words?

Your quiz repeats words at the beginning on purpose; it is not an error

Here is how it works:

Every time a word is entered incorrectly it is added to your list of practice words. Practice words are repeated at the beginning of each quiz, right after newly added words and before introducing additional words based on your goal settings.

Your practice words are reviewed quiz after quiz until you enter them correctly three times in a row over subsequent quizzes. Your practice words and their study status are shown in the practice words area of your portal.

The number of total repetitions depends on your actions. Most of the time new words are learned within the minimum three repetitions. Other words (such as those you previously "learned" incorrectly) may take many more repetitions to enter long-term memory.

Words that were added to the practice list by mistake, for example because of a typo, can be removed from the list after the session in which they were added and before starting the next quiz.

For best learning results, taking short quizzes frequently (ideally, daily) works better than taking larger quizzes every once in a while. Reinforcing content while it is still in memory allows you to learn with the least number of repetitions.

Words that have been successfully learned are automatically removed from the practice word list, and a spark is added to your account. You can earn additional sparks by learning a word with the minimum three repetitions only, or by getting three words in a row right during the quiz.


Why don't you use multiple-choice questions?

Multiple choice questions are not a teaching tool at all. They were initially designed to provide a simplistic testing format that allowed administrators to automate test evaluation.

To use multiple choice questions in instructional materials is problematic! 

Brain research has shown over and over that our brain absorbs whatever is presented, regardless of any "right" or "wrong" labels. Asking a student to pick the right answer from a set of wrong answers is a sure-fire way to confuse the brain, and weaken its ability to produce right answers with confidence.

Knowing how to pick a word from a list of alternative choices does not mean that you know that word. 

It often simply means that you can detect a higher likeliness that an answer may be right; this knowledge by itself really does not mean all that much. It will not help you when you are looking for words while writing, reading or speaking.

To succeed in life you need to know a word's meaning and usage, how it sounds and how it is spelled, and you need to be able to have the right word available to you when you need it.

Only if vocabulary has been permanently stored in your brain's active database of words can it inspire complex thought and confident communication.


Why is the text entry field so large?

Clear visual presentation is a big part of successful learning, because it helps the brain form an image of the word. Utilizing the wisdom of current educational and brain research our quiz is designed and optimized to maximize the brain's learning processes. 

The quiz font was carefully selected to support visual learning - its letters' upper and lower length is pronounced and supports formation of Mental Orthographic Images (MOI).

Text entry and correctly spelled words are displayed in extra-large font, while misspelled words are immediately erased. 

A quiz design that is as simple and uncluttered as possible makes it easy for the brain to commit words to long-term memory without unnecessary distractions.


How can I add my own words?

In your portal, click on Add words. Here you can add any words you would like to study with priority. 

You can also search our word list archive to see if somebody else has already entered the list you want to study.

As you enter your own list, you also have the option to enter your own definitions or comments. These will then be displayed during the quiz alongside the LearnThatWord information for that word.

Click here to watch the word list archive video.

If you already started a quiz, any words you add will be presented in the next quiz.


Where can I get performance feedback?

Review your Performance area in your portal. It consists of two parts. The initial screen shows an overview of your performance. To see detailed information for a specific quiz, select its checkbox and click on Details.

The progress bar to the right of the quiz will also show how you advance. You get one point for every unique word you studied (repetitions do not count). Bonus points are earned when you enter the word before listening to the audio (Vocabulary quiz only).

You can form a team with other friends by adding them in your Preferences page. Now, whenever you move your mouse over the torch icon, you can see who studied the most words! 


How can I change my grade level and goal setting?

You can change your current quiz grade level in the left side of your portal. Here, you can also select a new goal setting.

Once you start the next quiz, your new settings will automatically take effect, while still remembering any previously studied words. 

Please note:

Words currently on your practice word list are not affected when you change the grade level or goal setting. They will still be repeated at the beginning of ever quiz until learned.

If you find that words presented in the quiz are not aligned with your needs, you can always disable them at the end of the session in which they occurred, or any time before starting the next session.

Once a word is in the study cycle, it will be removed after you enter it successfully over three subsequent quizzes. 


Will my level automatically increase as I become better?

Yes, if you follow our predefined study modules, you're words will automatically increase in difficulty and you will be advanced to the next grade level automatically.

If you are working through the Spelling Bee module, words are sorted by frequency (how likely they are to appear in a spelling bee) and then difficulty. 

The quiz loads as an empty box.

If you don't see buttons when starting the quiz, or can't see the supporting videos but only an empty box, you need to install the Flash player. A Flash player is a program that is used by over 98% of all web users to enjoy fast loading audio, animation and more. 

Installation is very easy to do: Just click here to download the latest player:
A small, safe file that will make the Internet a lot more fun! 

If you have Flash player installed, and your quiz still loads as a white screen, you may need to update your Flash player to the latest version at the link above.


I see scrolling bars when loading the quiz.

Our website is designed to work with all common browsers. However, since every browser displays the information provided a little bit differently, we do recommend Firefox. With Mozilla's Firefox browser you can use the keyboard to navigate through the quizzes, which makes it faster and easier. If you don't have Firefox installed, click here to download it. Installation will automatically import favorites and other settings from other browsers.

If the quiz loads with scrolling bars, your browser resolution is causing the problem. Often this can be adjusted by using your browser's "Zoom" button. If you suspect that your display settings are not optimal, you can change the setting for your computer.

PC users click on the Start button in the bottom left corner, then Settings, then Control Panel, then Display. In the Display Properties box click on Settings, and move the pointer in the screen resolution field to 1024x768 or higher. 

Mac users can change screen settings by clicking on the Apple icon in the top left and going to System Preferences, then Display.


I can't hear the audio.

Problems with audio can have many different reasons. Please find below instructions to deal with the most common ones.

A - Make sure your headset or speakers are properly connected and turned on. Also check any volume controls on your headset or speakers.

B - If you are using an external amplifier, make sure it is turned on and the volume is at the right level.

C - Your speaker icon is normally displayed to the left of the computer clock:
In the bottom right corner, if you're on a PC. If you're on a Mac, look for it in the upper right corner. Click on the icon and make sure the volume is turned up, and the mute button is UNchecked.

D - Restart your computer and try again. This often resolves software conflicts with other programs using conflicting audio settings.

E - If you only hear some words, but most of the time can't get audio, your Internet connection may be too slow. LearnThatWord is designed to work well at dial-up speed. However, if your connection speed drops too low, server requests for audio may time out.

You can go to http://speakeasy.net/speedtest/ to determine the speed of your connection. If it is below 56 kbps you need to troubleshoot your connection with your Internet service provider.

You can also test your connectivity here:

http://reviews.cnet.com/7004-7254_7-0.html. Please also note that your speed will vary throughout the day. If you find that the Internet connection is indeed the problem, you may want to convince your Internet Service Provider to improve their services based on data gathered, or switch to another.

F - Please click on the introduction movie to see if you can hear the audio there. If you hear the voice during the video, but not the audio during the quiz, please look for a horizontal pop-up message on top of the website window, right below the browser toolbar. 

This field, which pops up when you start the quiz, is asking you to click and download or upgrade your Flash player. Once you do this, simply authorize installation of the latest Flash player and your problem should be fixed. 

Why can't I move through the quiz with the tab key?

You can, if you're using Google Chrome or Firefox browser. 


I still need help

Our live chat support is available by clicking in the top right corner of each page. We provide live chat around the clock. Should our agents be busy, please send us an email. 

We respond to all messages within a day.


What does Pay-Per-Result mean?

Pay-per-Result, also known as PPR (pronounced: "pepper"), is a revolutionary patent-pending concept developed by eSpindle Learning. It guarantees that you invest in the best resources and only pay for measured, long-term results in an otherwise free program.

This means you only pay a few pennies when we help you learn a word that used to be challenging for you. Click here to watch a movie explaining the concept.

In addition, for every dollar you invest in yourself, we will add 10 learning credits to a literacy campaign of your choice.


How many quizzes can I take free before making a deposit?

A learning credit is due when you have successfully learned a word that used to be challenging for you. So, even if you discover such "challenge words" in the first quiz, the first learning credit is due only after you entered the word correctly over three subsequent quizzes.

This means that you have at least four free quizzes to evaluate our program, possibly more.


How can I earn free credits?

There are different ways to benefit from LearnThat without paying a penny:

-   Searching the web with GoodSearch.

-   Shopping online through Goodshop links.

-   Registering your credit or frequent-shopper cards with eScrip.

-   Selling things you no longer want for free on eBay.

-   Donating a car you've outgrown.

Click here for step-by-step instructions how to get started. 

Many of our members have discovered that by spending a few minutes setting this up, they can invest in themselves and support our literacy campaigns without spending a single penny out-of-pocket! 


How much does this cost? Do you have family pricing?

The cost per learning credit depends on how many credits you purchase. They're offered in bundles. You can easily share credits with family and friends to take advantage of quantity discounts. Detailed learning reports can be downloaded at any time, so you can always tell how your credits have been invested. If multiple users want to purchase credits as a group, the payment is processed through one account, which then sponsors the others by giving access to the credit pool.

Detailed reporting of how credits have been used is available 24/7.

Buying credits in quantity creates substantial savings. You may also suggest to your school to invest in LearnThat for its students.

$5 - 10 credits / 50 cents each
$10 - 25 credits / 40 cents each
$30 - 100 credits /30 cents each
$50 - 200 credits / 25 cents each
$100 - 500 credits / 20 cents each 
$300 - 2,000 credits / 15 cents each 
$500 - 5,000 credits / 10 cents each 
$900 - 10,000 credits / 9 cents each 
$2,000 - 25,000 credits /8 cents each
$3,500 - 50,000 credits / 7 cents each 
$6,000 - 100,000 credits / 6 cents each 
$12,500 - 250,000 credits / 5 cents each 
$40,000 - 1,000,000 credits / 4 cents each
$90,000 - 3,000,000 credits / 3 cents each

Your learning credits never expire. We will start offering other study areas as well in the near future.

We also offer annual one-time ($99.80), annual self-renewing ($79.80) and 5-year ($299) memberships. Memberships are tied to one account and can't be shared. Memberships are also not refundable. If you're not sure if you will use LearnThatWord throughout the year, buying learning credits is advised.


Can I see which words were studied, and which were learned?

Absolutely! We provide detailed reports that show both your learning results as well as those of anybody you may decide to sponsor. These reports show when the word was added to the practice list, and when it was removed. The report is instantly available on demand in your portal.


Is ordering online secure? Can I fax or mail payment?

We use a SSL secured process that encrypts your data while in transit, and you are protected during online transactions both by your credit card company and PayPal or Google Checkout (whichever you prefer). 

You also have the option to print out this order form and fax or mail it to us. Alternatively, contact our helpful live chat team for instant help.


What is your privacy and user policy?

Our privacy policy protects you 100%. We do not share, rent or sell our member lists, and only collect data that is necessary to provide you with a smooth and fun online experience. 

Click here to read our full privacy policy and user agreement.


What kind of rewards do you offer?

Our members are rewarded for their study effort in multiple ways.

The progress report next to the quiz tracks the number of new words studied, plus extra points for bonus words (words that were entered correctly before listening to the audio). It automatically graduates you to the next level once you reach 100%. There are 23 different levels, with the top level being "Worduoso." You can print out a customized diploma at every graduation.

The blue icons, on the other hand, count the total number of words studied. You can form a team with your friends for friendly competition.

As you take quizzes, you earn nuggets and sparks, which convert into coins (a coin is made out of 12 nuggets and one spark). You can spend coins on LaLinea cartoons, games, or convert into points at your favorite social networking site.


Since this is a nonprofit program, why isn't it free?

LearnThatWord was started in 2004 by a 501(c)3 nonprofit called eSpindle Learning. Our goal is to offer a confidence-building, frustration-free eLearning website that is available to those who can afford tutoring and those who can't.

Our goal is to make academic knowledge accessible to all—and to empower people from all walks of life with a broad vocabulary as a foundation of lifelong success.

LearnThatWord is the Taj Mahal of vocabulary instruction, ambitious and wonderful, amazing and grand. Our program is currently based on a database of 150,000 words and continuously growing. Every word is complete with audio and definitions, translations in 37 languages, often enriched with sample sentences, tutoring comments, and images.

LearnThatWord will never be "finished," just like the English language never is, and we are full-heartedly committed to constantly expand, upgrade and improve our resources.

A project of such dimensions comes at a substantial cost. It is only possible on the Web, powered by a community of committed supporters. Relying on built-in sustainability instead of grant funding we can make sure that this program will continue to grow.

Your membership fee sustains this project, and secures its future developments. Being a nonprofit means that nobody owns LearnThatWord or any surplus created, so all of the funds are used to sustain the program and future developments—and there are many on our to-do list! 

In addition, every dollar you invest in yourself automatically creates 10 learning credits for a literacy initiative of your choice.

If you would like to support LearnThatWord in additional ways, your donation is fully tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.



How can I review progress?

As a parent, simply log in with your child's log in and click the performance tab in their portal. 

If you are a teacher, you can create classrooms in your teacher portal, and then send the classroom key to your students. As they enter it in their student portal they become part of your class. Teachers can create—and students can be part of—unlimited classrooms. 

In classroom view you can see a performance overview in your teacher portal, and get detailed information by downloading the learning report.

Click here to view a video showing our teacher features. 


Can I add my own list of words?

Yes. You can send words to all students in a class or group with just a few clicks. Search our large word list archive to see if others have already uploaded your list, or create your own. You may even add your own definitions and comments, and they will be displayed as alternative definitions in the quiz.

Words that you add to the wordlist will be quizzed with priority once the next quiz is started. Priority words that were misspelled will be repeated at the start of each subsequent quiz until your students have gained automaticity.

In addition to words you add, students or their parents can also add their own words, or choose one of our many study modules, based on their interests. Our modules can be used to prepare for the National Spelling Bee, get ready for the SAT, or learn to ace the most commonly misspelled words, etc.

This video explains how our word list archive works.


Is this program standards-based?

LearnThatWord complies with the legal and social compliance standards of the California Department of Education, and is carefully aligned with nationwide and state specific No-Child-Left-Behind (NCLB) standards. In addition, our program is designed to harmonize with your existing materials by allowing you to find or add word lists that correspond to your curriculum or textbooks.


How can we use LearnThatWord in our school?

Do any of these problems with traditional study techniques sound familiar? 

*** Most students will already know many of the words on the list, but will still be obliged to spend their time and attention "studying" them. 

*** Top students will possibly know all the words already, making a task that should be stimulating, boring.

*** Less proficient spellers, including those not fluent in English, or those with a learning disability, may lag behind their peers and be in need of far more extensive tutoring--a need that, due to limited time and financial resources, might go unmet. 

*** Students will typically study their word lists on the morning of a test, so their test scores will reflect only the power of their short-term memories instead of actual learning and retention. Administer a "surprise test" a few days later, and the scores will probably show that many of the words have quickly faded from students' memories. 

*** Spelling word lists require on average 3,5 hours of classroom time per week, in addition to time spent studying at home. This is time lost for other more interactive learning tasks.

***Students who have substantial vocabulary gaps may be embarrassed of the deficiency. They feel humiliated when it shows that they don't know a word that their classmates do. This creates frustration, which is reduces the brain's performance.

*** In sum, a minimal level of new learning is the return on the investment of considerable time, money, and other resources on the part of students and teachers (including parents). 

These are the benefits of the new patent-pending LearnThatWord technology: 

(+) Every learning session is custom-designed for each individual student, using their unique learning profile.

(+) With its 150,000-word database, LearnThatWord allows students to focus on the words currently important to them. 

(+) Words that students have mastered will not be repeated on subsequent tests. 

(+) LearnThatWord focuses on those words that students still need to work on. In other words, LearnThatWord replaces the typical study-test approach with a more dynamic test-study approach. 

(+) Words that students misspell will be repeated in subsequent tests over carefully planned intervals, until the student has correctly entered them three times in a row over a set of quizzes. 

(+) This staggered approach accommodates students of varying learning speeds and is a far more reliable measure of long-term retention. We further see that as the student's verbal confidence improves, fewer repetitions are needed to successfully learn the word.

(+) Multi-sensory practice supports multiple learning styles.

(+) LearnThatWord will never grow impatient or make the student feel bad! 

(+) Advanced-level students can proceed to a quiz level that is appropriate for them, and that addresses their particular goals—maybe winning the Spelling Bee or mastering the most commonly misspelled words. 

(+) No cramming for tests, and no final exam: Since LearnThatWord adapts to and keeps track of the individual╒s progress, learning is a continuous and ever-intriguing experience. LearnThatWord places the emphasis on learning results, and these results are the only thing you pay for.

(+) At any time, the student╒s progress is clearly documented, including study time, which words have been mastered and which need more work, etc. 

(+) Use of our technology is free, and you only pay-per-result: An approach that guarantees that your education dollars are invested wisely. 

(+) LearnThatWord is not only a tool for the English teacher! Words important to other subject areas can be uploaded as well, and will then be reliably tutored. 

(+) Students are rewarded for both their study effort and their performance on task.  

(+) A brief practice sequence reinforces words that were entered incorrectly two times in a row. Practice is provided right as the problem is identified and the brain is receptive to input. 

(+) Students progress through 21 levels of expertise. These measure effort, not existing skill level, and personalized diplomas can be printed upon each graduation.

(+) While the quiz is designed as an English immersion environment, ELL students can retrieve a translation of the word in one of 37 languages in an instant.

Start your free school account now.


Why don't you teach the words first?

LearnThatWord is designed around test-study. A test-study approach is superior to a study-test approach, because it allows students to focus their time on fulfilling their individual needs (please read our White Paper Research Based Tutoring of English Spelling for more info).

While LearnThatWord quizzes may initially feel like an exam, there are no negative consequences attached to making a mistake—it is simply the first step to preventing it in the future.

Research has shown that it is more effective to first determine which words a student already knows, and then focus the tutoring effort on the words that a student does not yet know confidently. Such an approach, while desirable, is hard to implement in any traditional study environment, because it requires sophisticated organization and management. 

LearnThatWord was designed to assist learners by creating custom learning quizzes based on their individual learning profile. This way, learning becomes more efficient and interesting, providing long-term retention.


How can LearnThatWord raise funds for us?

We love to partner with other websites, PTAs, non-profits, and educational institutions. If you like LearnThatWord and would like to know how you can earn substantial revenue as a partner, please contact us for more information.

We offer a great fundraising program to schools, and have many custom solutions to offer.
Please click here to sign up. 


Do you offer site licenses?

Yes. Schools can purchase learning credits in bundles, just like individuals. Due to their size they are able to purchase larger packages and benefit from substantial savings.  

Your maximum annual expense may be capped to make sure you don't exceed your budged.


How do we get started?

Please sign up for a free 30-day trial, the best way to try it out! We start you out with 100 free learning credits per school so you can evaluate the program risk-free.

If you have questions, our support team is available to help you get started and answer any questions you might have.


Is LearnThatWord only for gifted students?

No. It is true that LearnThatWord is a wonderful tool for students who may be under-challenged in a traditional setting and aspire to higher goals, like winning the National Spelling Bee. 

However, with its intelligent quiz engine LearnThatWord is a suitable learning tool for the full range of students: 

(+) Students that are lagging behind in the classroom and need extra tutoring and assistance are able to catch up in easy, efficient steps.

(+) Students with learning disabilities (dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, etc.) find a patient and effective tutor in LearnThatWord. LearnThatWord will remember the words they need to practice and will never tire of providing assistance. 

(+) Students of English as a foreign language (EFL/ESL) will benefit from the combined tutoring on pronunciation, meaning, usage and spelling. 

(+) Students preparing for the SAT or college life can focus on academic vocabulary.

(+) LearnThatWord offers a custom module focusing on words that are commonly misspelled to help the average speller gain 100% confidence with these "word traps."

(+) Some of our members simply enjoy LearnThatWord as a fun and easy tool to train the mind and keep mentally fit and alert.


Do you offer scholarships?

Yes. If you are a nonprofit organization or school and need help, please apply for a grant!

In addition, we support a variety of literacy campaigns, most prominently our Vocabulary Junction campaign, supporting elementary students.


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