Lerne dieses Wort
Video: 1 min. introduction

About LearnThatWord

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    Voraus auf Ihrer Reise in Wort schnell, einfachen Schritten. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf das Lernen, was Ihnen wichtig ist, wir werden Ihre Fortschritte hinter den Kulissen zu verwalten.

    Learnthatword ist eine komplette Lösung. Wir sind Ihre virtuelle Mama, Catering für alle Ihre Bedürfnisse und hilft Ihnen, das Beste was Sie sein können.

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    Ich bin WordGenie ™, Ihrem persönlichen Coach.
    Ihre weltlichen Wunsch ist mir Befehl!

    Entfesseln Sie meine Kräfte, lieber Herr!
    Es ist alles für Sie bereit, für die Ein-Klick-Magie!

    Lassen Sie mich begleiten Sie auf Ihrem Weg Wort, so dass Sie gut geplante, logischen Schritten voran in.

    Was gibt mir solche magische Kräfte?

    Lernen von über
    30 Wortschatz Experten.

    Tiefe Analyse von Millionen von Texten.

    Jahre und Jahre der besessen
    um Worte.

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  • Multi-

    Entdecken Hintergrund des einzelnen Wortes, seinen Nuancen und Aromen, um ein Gefühl dafür, wie es zu benutzen bekommen.

    Integriert in jedem Quiz ist unsere Open Dictionary of English, ODE.
    Es ist das Wörterbuch der reichsten und interessantesten Lernenden zur Verfügung. Entdecken Worte durch:

    Aussprachen aus der ganzen Welt
    100s von Verwendungsbeispiele
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    Interactive thesaurus
    Definitionen aus mehreren Quellen
    Übersetzungen in 37 Sprachen
    Synonyme, Antonyme
    Wörter, die sich reimen
    Herkunft und Wortstamm Informationen
    Tutoring Kommentare und Wissenswertes

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    SMART progress

    You want results, not busy work!

    At LearnThatWord, every session is targeted, interesting, and made just for you.

    We check off words you know, so you focus your energy on those that need more practice.

    Your individualized learning plan presents the right words for review at the right time.

    Get lasting results 10x faster than with any other vocabulary study tool.

  • schnell
    Fast & Fun

    Sessions sind blitzschnell und problemlos.

    Wir wollen nicht auf Spielereien oder "Effekte" ab, um Sitzungen Spaß machen.

    Unsere Mitglieder lieben sie für ihre intelligente Design und Effektivität.

    Sie werden die schnellen Fortschritte, die Sie noch mehr als die Belohnungen und Preise, die Sie verdienen zu schätzen wissen.

    Steigern Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten in die Privatsphäre, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo, ohne Noten, Druck oder Verlegenheit.

  • Nachhaltige
    anhaltende Ergebnisse

    Ein Wort wird zum Wortschatz, wie Sie es lernen "auswendig." Es ist der Moment, wenn Sie nicht mehr daran zu denken, bevor Sie es benutzen.

    Sobald Sie diese Ebene der Reichweite "Automatismus" ist das Wort, für immer dein. Sie werden es nie vergessen.

    LearnThatWord ist die einzige vollständig verwaltete Lösung, die diesen Automatismus baut.

    Sie werden jedes Wort mehrmals im Laufe der Zeit zu treffen und seinen Nuancen und erkunden "Aromen." Unsere Multimedia-Ressourcen bringen Worte zum Leben.

    Bewährte Lernmethoden, beschleunigt durch adaptive und individuelle Coaching, machen Worte "kleben". Neue Wörter werden zu Wortschatz, die Sie nach vorne bewegt.

    Wir sind so überzeugt von den Ergebnissen, garantieren wir ihnen!

  • nicht

    Our goal is to empower you by giving you the vocabulary you need to succeed with confidence.

    We provide unlimited free tutoring to students worldwide.

    Upgrade anytime to enjoy premium features. Premium members support our global literacy campaign, Vocabulary Junction, and the expansion of our collaborative learners’ dictionary.


Als Standardsprache festlegen
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Dyslexia - will LearnThatWord help?

Dyslexia is not "a" learning disability, but rather a collective term for a group of symptoms, which may vary in cause and severity.

We have heard from members who saw great breakthroughs using LearnThatWord, but we have not yet been able to conduct a scientific study. Also, since there are so many forms of dyslexia, we like to stay away from making any claims in this area.

Rather, we'd like you to see for yourself it this helps. If it does, please share your experience with us!

Our suggestion

Please start a free account. If you want to include spelling tutoring and performance reports, please enroll in a monthly plan or invest in a few Pay-Per-Result tokens. Once you see it works for you, you can always upgrade to a long-term plan or buy a larger bundle of tokens.

Focus on consistency in the beginning, not results, and give it a month or two. Ideal would be sessions of 15-25 words every day. You need a minimum of three sessions per week to tell if it works.

If more time lapses between sessions, even a non-dyslexic brain has trouble to remember the words, so scheduling sessions in 1-day or at the most 2-day intervals is absolutely crucial to make this work.

Dyslexics (sometimes also called "dyslectic") often feel very frustrated when working with words. It will take a while for the brain to unlearn its defense mechanisms and realize that at LearnThatWord there are no negative consequences or embarrassment associated with making a mistake.

What we see time after time is that the number of repetitions will soon shrink, and the number of words learned goes up, along with confidence!

Should you have another experience and find that despite regular sessions there is no improvement after a month or two, we will gladly refund your fees. If you're not happy, we're not happy!

What is dyslexia

Experts diagnose and define dyslexia in different ways. The World Federation of Neurologists defines it as "a disorder in children who, despite conventional classroom experience, fail to attain the language skills of reading, writing, and spelling commensurate with their intellectual abilities."

The U.S. National Institutes of Health defines it stronger, as a learning disability that impacts a person's ability to read, write, spell... sometimes even speak. Dyslexia is quite common and because it persists throughout life, there is also a large number of adults who struggle with its challenges.

What to do about dyslexia

Dyslexia can vary from mild to severe. Early intervention, with personalized tutoring will produce the best results; however, it is never too late to improve.

Aside from the learning disability itself, older students over time have experienced a lot of frustration and negative feedback associated with words.

Our brains are wired to avoid anything that causes pain, so this can create another layer of disabling emotions. It's very hard to learn something that we resist, and it's natural to resist something that we experience as painful.

LearnThatWord allows students to work on their skills in complete privacy, and to focus on their personal challenge words.

The program rewards EFFORT, not existing skill or speed of progress. Rewards and prizes acknowledge time on task - the single most important key factor to overcome learning disability.

Commonly, an impairment in the brain's ability to translate images seen (sometimes also sounds heard) into meaningful language causes dyslexia. It's not caused by vision or hearing problems, mental retardation, brain damage, or a lack of intelligence.

Many dyslexic (dyslectic) people are highly intelligent. They simply struggle to communicate!

However, since their disability causes them to struggle with reading and writing, there is a very high risk that they fall behind academically. Even more dramatic is the unfortunate effect that the student often starts to feel self-conscious and insecure. When frustration sets in, self-defeating attitudes and resistance follow in the path.

Some also find that students with dyslexia need longer to store word patterns (Mental Orthographic Images - MOI). They tend to benefit from logic approaches like phonic and spelling rules more than non-dyslexic students, who commonly simply create MOI of what a word looks like.

LearnThatWord bietet 100% personalisierte Betreuung, sowohl im Wortschatz und Rechtschreibung.

To get such personal support in privacy is often a big relief for dyslexic/dyslectic students, who may have experienced more or less subtle feedback that their individual need for additional review is "too much."