WW 7 Lesson 11
List #: 3772
Comments: Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 11 and words from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Created: 05/03/2010
Modified: 05/03/2010
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(part 1) (30 words)
ballast, buoyant, eerie, fathom, pique, realize, tedious, unscathed, assert, avert, blithe, docile, dwindle, lethal, monitor, mutilate, nimble, plight, ponderous, verge, vigilant, ensue, flourish, garrison, hoard, inundate, invincible, nomad, placate, principal
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(part 2) (26 words)
recede, contravene, hermetic, devolve, indefatigable, emanation, savant, clemency, provenance, aliment, acquit, apathy, imprecation, auspice, antediluvian, argus, taciturn, parody, satire, adjure, evince, vocation, demur, shoal, peremptory, retrograde