9th grade word list
List #: 4045
Keywords/tags: vocabulary word list, spelling word list 9th grade, word list for ninth grade, words 9th graders should know
Comments: The word list is roughly sorted by difficulty.
Subject: English vocabulary and spelling, 7th grade.
Grade Level: 9, 9th grade, ninth grade.
Created: 06/01/2010
Modified: 06/01/2010
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(part 1) (30 words)
abet, affectation, abandoned, abbess, abbreviation, abdication, abdominal, abduction, abhorrence, abidance, abnegate, abnegation, abominable, abominate, abomination, abridgment, abrogate, abscission, abscond, abstinence, acclamation, accompaniment, accompanist, academician, accredit, addle, accursed, accusatory, acerbity, acetate
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(part 2) (31 words)
achromatic, acidify, acidulous, acoustic, ado, afresh, aftermath, afterthought, acoustical, acquiescence, acquittal, acreage, acrid, acrimony, acronym, actionable, actuality, actuary, acumen, adduce, adherence, adhesion, adieu, adjacency, adjudge, adjunct, adulterant, adumbrate, advent, adolescence, adverse
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(part 3) (31 words)
adversity, advert, advertiser, advocacy, affluent, agglomerate, adjutant, adoration, aggrandize, aegis, aesthetic, alteration, amatory, anathema, allotment, aliment, aide-de-camp, akin, alabaster, alacrity, albino, album, alias, alibi, alienable, alienation, alkali, alleviate, ambrosial, ambulate, ambush
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(part 4) (31 words)
agrarian, airy, alcoholism, alcove, alder, alderman, almanac, altruist, alumni, amalgam, amenable, amend, amends, amenity, amorous, ampersand, amphibian, amphitheater, antispasmodic, askance, amply, analogous, ancestry, apotheosis, appall, appalled, arbitrary, anemometer, armada, armature, animosity
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(part 5) (31 words)
annals, ascribe, asexual, authenticity, antiphon, apparition, backgammon, antagonism, antagonist, antarctic, ante, antechamber, antedate, anterior, anthracite, anthropology, anthropomorphous, antichrist, anticyclone, antilogy, antipodes, antiquate, antislavery, antitoxin, apostasy, apostate, apostle, apparatus, archaism, archangel, archbishop
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(part 6) (31 words)
athwart, appellate, append, appertain, apposite, apposition, appreciable, aptitude, aqueous, arable, arboretum, archdeacon, aspirant, aspire, archipelago, aristocracy, assets, atheism, athirst, arrant, arrogant, arrogate, artful, artifice, artless, ascendant, assassination, attorney-general, assess, assessor, assiduous
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(part 7) (31 words)
assonant, assuage, atrium, atrocious, astringent, atomizer, auricular, auriferous, aurora, auspice, atone, attest, attribution, auburn, augment, augur, baize, balk, barring, barrister, beige, autocracy, autonomy, autopsy, avalanche, aver, avidity, avocation, awl, axiom, aye
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(part 8) (31 words)
azalea, baleful, benevolent, benignant, benignity, benison, bequeath, bereave, balsam, bawl, beget, betrothed, bevel, bandy, barcarole, battalion, batten, batter, beatify, beatitude, beau, becalm, beck, bedaub, bedeck, befog, befriend, belay, belie, belittle, belle
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(part 9) (31 words)
bemoan, benefice, beneficent, benevolence, beset, besmear, bestial, bestrew, bestride, bethink, betide, betroth, betrothal, bewilderingly, bibulous, biconvex, bidirectional, bier, bigamist, bigamy, bight, biped, bombard, bombardier, bombast, bravado, bric-a-brac, birthright, bilateral, bilaterally, bilk
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(part 10) (31 words)
billet, billeted, binomial, biography, blase, blemish, blithesome, boatswain, bodice, bodily, bole, bolero, boon, boorish, borough, botanical, botany, bowdlerize, boycott, braggart, brandish, bray, braze, brazier, breaker, breech, brethren, carrion, brigade, brigadier, brigand
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(part 11) (31 words)
buffoonery, butt, brimstone, broach, brogan, brooch, bulwark, buoyant, cadence, cartel, candidacy, caprice, capacious, cardiac, captivate, caravan, caries, carnage, caste, catharsis, chameleon, choral, censor, censure, cereal, cerebral, chaos, characterize, charismatic, chasten, chastise
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(part 12) (31 words)
chisel, choleric, cholesterol, claimant, christen, chromosome, chronic, citadel, confine, clandestine, collide, cleric, collector, coagulate, coalition, coerce, coherent, coherently, cohesive, coincidence, constitute, convalescence, convene, converge, compliant, condense, convulsion, commandeer, commingle, consumption, confiscate
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(part 13) (31 words)
comply, compulsion, conceit, concerto, conciliatory, concord, concurrent, conducive, confectionery, confide, consecrate, conjecture, conjugate, connotation, contumacious, consignee, consistency, console, conspire, consulate, contradiction, contemptible, contender, continuation, continuous, conversant, convocation, convoluted, corral, creamy, counterpoint
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(part 14) (31 words)
cosmetic, councillor, counterfeiter, crag, cremation, demolish, critic, cupidity, curriculum, curtail, delectation, dastard, datum, decadent, decagon, decapitate, decathlon, defensive, demise, demonstrate, decipher, declamation, deforest, deform, decrepit, deficient, degenerate, degrade, degrading, dehydrate, deign
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(part 15) (31 words)
dejection, diplomat, dell, delta, demean, demeanor, demented, demonstrator, density, denude, depositor, dialectal, deprivation, deride, dexterity, disciple, desist, determination, detract, devout, diagnoses, dictate, dictum, differentiate, digress, dilemma, disperse, disqualify, disarrange, disprove, disinfect
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(part 16) (31 words)
disinterested, dramatize, disparagingly, disparate, dissemination, distend, distill, doublet, diversion, divert, divisible, earthy, dregs, embargo, duckling, duress, encore, edifying, efface, effigy, effrontery, effusive, egoism, elicit, elite, ellipse, ellipsis, elocution, elucidate, emanate, embellish
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(part 17) (31 words)
ethereal, emigration, emphasis, emphysema, employer, emulate, epidemic, engross, enigma, epoch, enthrone, enunciate, envoy, equilibrium, estuary, expeditionary, fetter, excruciating, exemplify, exhilarating, exonerate, expanse, explode, exploitation, exploitative, extemporaneous, extract, extravagant, extricate, faction, faux pas
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(part 18) (31 words)
fester, fez, finality, fiery, finesse, finite, florid, forgo, format, formation, franchise, fraudulent, furor, funereal, fuse, gaiety, gentry, genus, gestation, ghetto, gig, gingerly, glib, gloaming, grotto, gosling, gravitational, gravity, grimace, grindstone, grueling
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(part 19) (31 words)
guile, hackneyed, heroine, handwriting, heifer, hemorrhage, heptagon, heretic, heterodox, hidebound, hieroglyphics, hilt, idolatry, impasse, impregnate, horticulture, humdrum, hydra, hydrophobic, hypothetical, illegitimate, illicit, illuminate, inconsistent, immutable, impassive, imperial, impervious, implicit, imply, incapacitate
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(part 20) (31 words)
impromptu, improvise, inane, inanimate, incarnation, incognito, incommodious, interrogate, incongruous, incorporate, incorrigible, incredulity, incriminate, index, indict, indictment, infatuated, infirmity, invade, ingenious, ingredient, inimitable, inject, insensible, inseparable, insignificant, inspector, instantaneous, intrude, insufficient, inter
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(part 21) (31 words)
internal, interpreter, kerchief, intrepidity, iota, investigator, inveterate, isle, irritate, joust, juggle, kimono, latent, lathe, justification, ladle, khan, kith, landholder, larceny, left-handed, legging, leniency, lens, lifelong, lifetime, limitation, loquacity, maladroit, mania, lovable
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(part 22) (31 words)
lowly, luminous, menace, madden, magician, magnanimous, magnetize, makeup, malediction, maltreat, martyr, medallion, masquerade, mobilize, matinee, metamorphose, metamorphosis, mismanage, mediterranean, metronome, migratory, moccasin, metabolism, monastic, midwife, millennia, mimic, minimize, ministerial, misbehave, misplace
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(part 23) (31 words)
moat, moralist, morality, moralize, moderation, mordancy, mongrel, monolithic, morale, mottled, municipal, myriad, nomination, omniscient, navel, necessitate, negate, negligee, nestling, observance, nicety, nominal, nominee, noncommittal, nondescript, nuisance, null, obligate, nucleus, nunnery, nurture
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(part 24) (31 words)
nutriment, nymph, oblique, obstruct, omnibus, odorous, odyssey, offhand, officiate, offshoot, orgy, onrush, option, orientate, overseer, overshadow, out-of-the-way, outdo, outlast, outskirt, overdose, overproduction, oxidize, pantomime, participant, Peter, packet, palate, paramount, penitent, pander
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(part 25) (31 words)
panegyric, parry, pasteurize, pathos, pavilion, personnel, perspire, pertinent, perturbed, pervade, pestilence, pecuniary, pelf, penance, pendulous, perfumery, pharaoh, perjure, permanence, permeate, perpetrator, persecution, persevere, personable, petrify, petulant, phenomenon, precursor, physiognomy, pilferer, plaudit
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(part 26) (31 words)
piquant, pirouette, plagiarism, plaintiff, prate, portage, plight, pollute, pommel, pomposity, porous, potentate, powerless, practicable, premise, profess, premature, proxy, protocol, prolific, prone, provisional, provocative, pugnacious, punctilious, purge, quandary, radical, quittance, regimen, regiment
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(part 27) (31 words)
rarity, rangy, rational, rationalize, ravage, rebuff, recruit, rendition, renegade, reciprocal, recompense, recumbent, redress, referable, refinery, regalia, remiss, relapse, relent, reliance, remonstrant, remonstrate, renaissance, reverent, ricochet, riddance, repartee, replete, reprehend, reprehensible, reproof
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(part 28) (31 words)
repudiate, repulse, rescind, resonant, restitution, resumption, resurrect, resurrection, retention, reticent, retract, retrospective, revoke, revulsion, ribald, ridicule, ruminant, rime, russet, rustic, sarcophagus, salient, saline, salutatory, savor, sanction, sanctity, satiety, servitude, savant, scribe
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(part 29) (31 words)
seclude, scholar, scholarly, secrete, secretive, sepulcher, sepulchral, sequel, scribble, sculptured, secondly, sedate, seduce, semiconscious, senile, sensationalism, sensitive, sensuous, sentinel, separable, sere, sergeant-at-arms, serviceable, skeptic, sojourn, shrewd, shrinkage, siege, sinister, siren, skeleton
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(part 30) (31 words)
skimp, sleazy, smelt, snub, soliloquy, soluble, sonata, sophisticate, spartan, spasm, spawn, specialize, specter, speculate, stint, spurious, squatter, stagy, stalemate, stallion, stamina, statistic, status, straggle, subversion, sustenance, stenographer, steppe, stereophonic, stereotype, stolid
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(part 31) (31 words)
strait, stratum, stringent, subsist, stultify, suave, subjugate, subliminal, submarine, subservient, subside, subvert, suffrage, surplus, tariff, surveyor, susceptible, symposium, synopsis, taboo, tangible, tenacious, tapestry, tempo, tantalize, tawny, tercentenary, terse, tonic, tissue, titillate
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(part 32) (31 words)
thwart, tinge, toady, toga, tortuous, totalitarian, trepidation, triad, toupee, uncouth, trajectory, trance, transcend, transfigure, transient, transitory, transmissible, transmute, tribunal, trimness, trinity, trite, troublesome, tumbrel, undoing, typography, umbrage, underhanded, underling, unaffected, unassuming
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(part 33) (31 words)
unbecoming, uncommon, undeceive, undercharge, underrate, understate, undervalue, underwrite, unduly, wearisome, vainglory, unicellular, vaunt, unnatural, unparalleled, unsettle, warlike, Anglo-Saxon, unwitting, unyoke, upbraid, uppermost, uproarious, uproot, upsurge, urbanity, usury, variegate, vertigo, vehement, venous
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(part 34) (31 words)
verbose, verdant, verity, vernal, viceroy, vincible, viola, violate, violoncello, volatile, vista, visualize, vixen, vocable, vogue, volition, vouch, vulgarity, waver, weak-kneed, wend, wraith, wrangle, winsome, wintry, witless, wizened, writ, wry, outcome, implication
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(part 35) (31 words)
suspend, darkling, day-man, acquittance, hard-hearted, Iliad, inchmeal, indicant, inextensible, infrequence, intermit, apprehensible, assignee, barograph, by-law, decagram, decameter, diffusible, disburden, distensible, distrainor, divertible, divulgence, donator, elusion, evidential, excruciate, fanciless, folk-lore, foot-note, forecourt
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(part 36) (31 words)
forejudge, forepeak, forerun, freemason, lodgment, man-trap, Martian, neo-Latin, partible, passible, peccable, pentahedron, phonogram, photometry, precession, preengage, preestablish, prehensible, proximately, pupilage, vinery, nouveau, Cambridge, Dardanelles, denigrating, Gauguin, Montserrat, Yemeni, trimolecular, defect, segment
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(part 37) (31 words)
affiliate, isolate, yemenite, advocate, conduct, conserve, converse, diffuse, exploit, precipitate, repair, transport, adobe, badger, badminton, balustrade, bronchus, bowler, brae, bullock, bulrush, cabana, calender, chihuahua, chrysanthemum, condiment, conifer, hieroglyph, galvanometer, gauntlet, mackerel
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(part 38) (22 words)
insignia, kookaburra, scabbard, leprosy, lesion, mausoleum, mistletoe, morass, nectarine, obsidian, osier, papyrus, parapet, pentagram, silo, precipice, sage, tourniquet, viand, viper, zucchini, improvize