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{%type%} Definitions

WordNet 3.0Copyright Princeton University


Short "hint"

Noun- A deep and often broad crevasse or series of such crevasses frequently occurring near the head of a mountain glacier.

Usage examples (18)
  • After crossing the bergschrund, we are on the main face and the Ferrari route; this is what you've come for!
  • A large crevasse called a bergschrund usually occurs at the top of the glacier near the head wall.
  • It breaks itself loose from the thinner snows about it, too shallow to share its motion, and from the rock rim which surrounds it, forming a deep fissure called the...
  • Skirting the base of the mountain above us, we came to a gigantic bergschrund, a mile and a half long and 1000 ft. deep. for more
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