The early Norse poets wrote alliteratively. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Within the unfolding of Aoxomoxoa, (a title alliteratively and reflexively evoking the very word "axis" itself!), the flora-like tendrils of childhood experience are anchored, and then extended spoke-like through the flights and journeys of life's passage. From [Larbear's Aoxomoxoa Thesis] Reference
"I'm a man of many monikers," I said alliteratively. From [Perseus Spur]
That's all they're - well, fit for, 'he added, alliteratively. From [Dead Cert]
I am, of course, talking about the new More 4 show, the alliteratively catchy, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. From [Razzle dazzle 'em] Reference
Like Hermia and Helena in A Midsummer Night's Dream, these two are alliteratively named, and are indeed a pair. From [Shakespeare]
And they do all this, Carson alliteratively explains, with eyes that operate on "a high flicker-fusion frequency.". From [1000 WORDS*: HIS LAST BOWS] Reference
Cheerful Chelton -- I believe I never thus alliteratively referred to it before, but the sound falls well upon my ear. From [The Motor Girls on Waters Blue Or the Strange Cruise of the Tartar] Reference
Back from the optometrist, eyes dilated, and things closer or farther away than the fixed focus are fuzzy, he said alliteratively. From [Archive 2009-11-01] Reference
I've just finished reading the third of Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events, The Wide Window These are the alliteratively-titled books you see eleven-year-olds reading. From [Children's lit, part I] Reference
Tween is very obviously an artificial, consumer-culture-created construct (he said alliteratively), but since we're living the years here, I always thought it was more like 10-12. From [MIND MELD: Is Young Adult SF/F Too Explicit?] Reference
"Dear Deepdale," as the girls alliteratively referred to it, was a charming country town, nestling in a bend of the Argono River, which, some miles below the village, widened out into Rainbow Lake. From [The Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car The Haunted Mansion of Shadow Valley] Reference
"Once I chased the rainbow's end on horseback" he writes in another alliteratively-titled poem, "Exercise in Excess" and there is something of that quest in many pieces of work, the rainbow being poetry itself. From [Archive 2010-02-01] Reference
Yet the ones which were missed (literally and alliteratively) lit the lamp. From [The Hockey Rodent] Reference
This may be the most alliteratively depressing invite in the advent calender. From [New Statesman] Reference
The whole point of having an institution is (alliteratively) to preserve and privilege present practice. From [Ex Cathedra] Reference
William Beresford ( "Bill," as he liked to be called, alliteratively) he saved a wounded man from the spears of the enemy. From [Reminiscences of a South African Pioneer] Reference
In the capsule version of Obama's life story, she is the white mother from Kansas coupled alliteratively to the black father from Kenya. From [NYT > Global Home] Reference
The next token of his labors that has come under my notice is a small volume of verse, published at Philadelphia in 1809, and alliteratively entitled. From [Biographical Sketches (From: "Fanshawe and Other Pieces")] Reference
After they do, Americans have government approved, fuel-efficient cars in the future -- as well as prospective proposals such as elder elimination tax rebates alliteratively referred to as. From [American Thinker] Reference
"The Pirate of the Plains," as he had been alliteratively described, had got the "straight tip" which enabled him to instantly enlist the services of so many outlawed men in a desperate game. From [A Wounded Name] Reference
The intervening spaces were taken up with little jars and cups and saucers -- gold inside, with a view of a town outside, and surrounding them, 'A Present from Clacton-on-Sea, 'or, alliteratively, 'A Memento of Margate.'. From [Liza of Lambeth] Reference
April Fool's jest that it was going to go over to an exclusively Twitter format, and possibly inspiring the papers to even more heights of jealousy of the all-powerful Hordes, while the Hordes wax ever more alliteratively Hysterical. From [British Blogs] Reference
But, though I believe my phrases of endearment were alliteratively emphatic, and even, as I afterwards learned, somewhat alarming to their recipient, yet the real mainspring of my eloquence was the difference between our respective views of life, Sylvia's and mine. From [The Message] Reference
Josh Bernoff and his colleagues at Forrester Research, offered a new visualization metaphor (a sociotechnographics ladder), an alliteratively appealing list of social media participation categories (creators, conversationalists, critics, collectors, joiners, spectators and inactives) and some specific estimates on the proportion of U.S. online adults who engage in these classes of activities. From [Gumption] Reference
I'd told her of a funeral instead of a fortune! "concluded Mrs. Leadbatter alliteratively. From [Merely Mary Ann] Reference
Why, busts out a-cryin 'and sits on the damp stones, and sobs, and sulks, and stares at the suvrin in her hand as if I'd told her of a funeral instead of a fortune! "concluded Mrs. Leadbatter, alliteratively. From [The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes] Reference
Don't do it Dan, he said alliteratively. From [Charlton Heston dead at 84] Reference
Mine are, to name a few, the Potato Caucus; the Americans Abroad Caucus (A. A.s definitely need protection); the Cement Caucus; the Bike, Black, and Boating Caucuses, respectively (just because they're next to one another on the list and roll off the tongue so alliteratively. From [Gates of Vienna] Reference
He said alliteratively. From [RIP George Carlin] Reference
And we could go alliteratively on. From [ - Frontpage RSS Feed] Reference
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