At her feet a small white pug-faced dog, tail erect, had its nose to the ground, snuffling busily. From [The Moor]
Aliya got hit on by the most tenacious pikey I have ever had to shield a woman from, and then his chirpy yet pug-faced female companion tried it on with me!. From […owning ‘fabulous’ « Sven’s guide to…] Reference
Entering the room to which he had been ushered, he saw an old and pug-faced fellow with a round grizzled beard, a black alpaca coat, and a roomy holland waistcoat round his roomy middle, who rose from a swivel chair. From [The White Monkey] Reference
By heaven, though, she was overwhelming, sixteen magnificent stone if she was an ounce, but light on her feet as a dancer, pug-faced pretty in an overblown way, and with a jolly sensuality in the thick purple lips and flaring nostrils spread across the fat shiny cheeks. From [Flashman and the angel of the lord]
Rich in Depression-era details — horse-drawn ice wagons, pug-faced truant officers, electric fans with open blades, flypaper — the films introduced us to a world where responsible adults were in short supply and authority figures existed for the sole purpose of being defied and undermined. From [The Boomer Files: The Way We Laughed] Reference
Should he go back and take that pug-faced vulgarian by the throat?. From [Beyond] Reference
What this mite of a child wants of all things, she confesses, is a pug-faced dog. From [The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner] Reference
Tomei and pug-faced hulk John C. Reilly could tumble into near love at first sight. From [Fore, right!] Reference
From its design, it was probably meant to be one of those pug-faced kittens that were ugly in a cute way. From [Recent Galleries - Worth1000 RSS Feed] Reference
The pug-faced green ogre returns, Claire Denis turns her camera to war and Romain Duris confirms his star power. From [Warp from] Reference
Suddenly from under the bed a pug-faced twin popped up between John's chair and the wall, and began peering into Linda's sleeping face. From [Brave New World]
Personally, if I wanted my hit of witless, spiteful putdowns of bedraggled celebs from a pug-faced, braindead moron I'd log on to Perez Hilton. From Reference
After the verdict clearing Villepin, pug-faced UMP spokesperson Frédéric Lefebvre said that it had "put Villepin back in the saddle, but he hasn't got a horse". From [European Tribune] Reference
For the poetic element has its share in the most common pug-faced man in creation; and when he is in love, what of that sort there is in him, as well as what there is of any sort of good thing, will come to the surface, as the trout do in the balmy summer evenings. From [Alec Forbes of Howglen] Reference
And all that bloody Kinnock woman can do is gloat over her elevation to the English crachach, and integration into the Sais establishment. pug-faced neo-Nazi is given the chance to fiddle his expenses in Brussels, while his Welsh resident party leader - who was also elected - complains about prejudice against people who look like him. From [Francis Sedgemore] Reference
• Provide a wide-mouthed bowl for a pug-faced dog like a boxer, and a narrow-mouthed, wide-bottomed bowl for a long-nosed, long-eared dog like a beagle, so the food doesn’t get all over the dog and the floor. From [How To Avoid Housework] Reference
Those pug-faced fellows had their mouths open!. From [The White Monkey] Reference
Yes, and that other pug-faced chap had seen it!. From [The White Monkey] Reference
A whip; I’d give it those two heavy pug-faced chaps — they mean business!. From [The White Monkey] Reference
The pug-faced. From [The Plumed Serpent] Reference
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