I was reading an essay on Mark Aldanov in Georgii Adamovich's collection of criticism Odinochestvo i svoboda (Solitude and freedom, 1955), and in a discussion of Aldanov's novel Начало конца (1939, translated in 1943 as The Fifth Seal) he mentions a character, a "professional revolutionary," called Вислиценус Vislitsenus. From Wordnik.com. [languagehat.com: WISLICENUS.] Reference
Limerick svoboda - Alan Quinlan should be on the bench. From Wordnik.com. [ireland.com Breaking News] Reference
There have been no comments. small press spotlight, sarah schulman, maythee rojas, therese svoboda, mary ann samyn, matthew shenoda, sesshu foster, anis shivani, kelly cherry, james magruder. From Wordnik.com. [Critical Mass] Reference
Under Peter the Great there was declared the so-called freedom of mines (gornaia svoboda), according to which the ownership of a mine was independent of that of the land under which it was found. From Wordnik.com. [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock] Reference
You can download archive with various resolutions up to 2560 x 1600px here: http://files. me.com/dan. svoboda/vqovra. From Wordnik.com. [News: Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com)]
If bellow size doesn't fit you can download compressed archive with various popular resolutions to suit your screen. http://files. me.com/dan. svoboda/tebz8p. From Wordnik.com. [News: Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com)] Reference
svoboda. From Wordnik.com. [The Guardian World News] Reference
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