Obituaries claimed that the term anchorman was first coined to refer to Cronkite, but as I wrote in. From [Visual Thesaurus : Online Edition] Reference
But the role of star anchorman is a relatively new one for our guest. From [Television News: History on the Run] Reference
Did the term anchorman really originate. From [Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now] Reference
The anchorman is the face of the network, of the entire network, not only of its news division. From [Out of Thin Air: The Brief Wonderful Life of Network News] Reference
Ah well, haven't seen it but have you seen the Will Ferrell movie anchorman which is brilliant. From [Dodgeball...Go Balls Deep!] Reference
One note, "anchorman" is not very bright and all emotions. From [Taylor Marsh] Reference
An interesting anecdote to this story comes through an anonymous "anchorman" who invokes. From [Taylor Marsh] Reference
If it weren't for the fact that he has a large audience and a convincing "anchorman" voice. From [RealClimate] Reference
The "anchorman" screed was posted yesterday, before Olbermann's interview with Peck last night. From [Taylor Marsh] Reference
But make no mistake about it, "anchorman" is just one example of the squeeze play against honest reporting on the Middle East. From [Taylor Marsh] Reference
"anchorman" says, as the non-voter's name appears in font on the "TV screen.". From [ Headlines] Reference
CBS news anchorman Dan Rather with us in New York. From [CNN Transcript May 14, 2001] Reference
The national anchorman they're likely to meet never. From [CNN Transcript Dec 28, 2002] Reference
We just saw Tom Brokaw, the NBC anchorman walk in, as well. From [CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2009] Reference
Let's take a look at one anchorman who arrived there on Friday. From [CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2001] Reference
"They were going to hang us," says ORT anchorman Sergei Dorenko. From [Outside, Looking In] Reference
And people can't argue with his rebranding as America's anchorman. From [CNN Transcript May 28, 2006] Reference
A minivan hit a local TV studio while the anchorman was on the air. From [CNN Transcript Dec 24, 2007] Reference
This is my last broadcast as the anchorman of the CBS Evening News. From [CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2009] Reference
I got my job as an anchorman when I was very young, and I was completely divided. From [‘To My Children …’] Reference
A condition report on ABC anchorman Bob Woodruff who was injured on assignment in Iraq. From [CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2006] Reference
But the fact is as Dan Rather just said Cronkite literally defined the role of anchorman. From [CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2009] Reference
Can you imagine if you were watching the news and a fey, crazy vampire destroyed the anchorman?. From [Mark Blankenship: True Blood Sucker Punch: Season 3, Ep. 9] Reference
It was also the lead story on ABC and NBC, the latter reported by future anchorman John Chancellor. From [Eric Burns: The Golden Year of Television News] Reference
But KGO-TV news anchorman Dan Ashley raised a good question: How much extra time did that take me?. From [Rising to the supermarket savings challenge] Reference
Another case of anthrax skin infection revealed Thursday a female assistant to CBS anchorman Dan Rather. From [CNN Transcript Oct 19, 2001] Reference
It's interesting video, but I feel like -- remember the anchorman with the squirrel jet skiing on his. From [CNN Transcript Apr 8, 2008] Reference
For decades, the late CBS network anchorman was perceived as the go-to guy for straight talk about the news. From [Where do you turn for buying advice?] Reference
In 2003, 40 years later, Cronkite described that unforgettable day to the former CNN anchorman, Aaron Brown. From [CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2009] Reference
We didn't have an anchor, a true anchorman, a lead correspondent leading the game like we did until Cronkite. From [CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2009] Reference
Republicans are even calling John Edwards the "Breck Girl" on account of that lustrous head of anchorman hair. From [CNN Transcript Jul 18, 2004] Reference
First of all, I want you to note that I do not have anchorman hair and I may actually get away with it, I guess. From [CNN Transcript Jul 18, 2004] Reference
I have a leave of absence from CBS, where I am regarded as a bright and ambitious reporter and weekend anchorman. From [Moratorium] Reference
Former NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw will moderate one of the debates between the two major-party gubernatorial candidates. From [Tom Brokaw To Referee Whitman-Brown Debate] Reference
Although anchorman Tom Brokaw supported Zucker's appointment, the move didn't go down well with some NBC News colleagues. From [Zucker Unbound] Reference
The candidate was hunkered down at the ranch, going mano a mano for a couple of endless, empty minutes with the anchorman. From [It's The Cult Of Personality] Reference
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