The ankh is the Egyptian symbol for eternal life and was the necklace Amy took off Paul. From [Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch] Reference
He is ram-headed, and holds in his hand the "ankh," or emblem of life. 1 Another new acquaintance is. From [A Thousand Miles Up the Nile] Reference
In these, the Ka appears as if in attendance upon the King, and always with the "ankh" in one or both hands. From [Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers] Reference
The Ka no longer carries the "ankh," as before, but is identified and made one with it, thus standing for the life of the King. From [Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers] Reference
It is required to get out of the water to the ankh. From [Reconstructing strategy in the game of Sinat] Reference
Go to the South-East of Egypt and find the royal ankh. From [The Usenet Lynx FAQ by Rob Jung] Reference
It was like and yet unlike the broadcast of the ankh. From [Here Abide Monsters]
First go to the place where you found the ankh in 17OO BC. From [The Usenet Lynx FAQ by Rob Jung] Reference
A giant ankh was the prop at the center of the group onstage. From [All Together Dead]
From a chain around his neck hung an ankh carved out of coral. From [The Stars Are Also Fire]
The giant ankh had been put away, and two lecterns had been added. From [All Together Dead]
That would tie in with the ankh that Paul was wearing when he died. From [The Egyptian connection : Bev Vincent] Reference
He turns the ankh over to show us two long gauge marks on the back. From [Slayed] Reference
The power radiating from the ankh in the city had nearly killed him. From [Here Abide Monsters]
The ankh symbol was embroidered in gold on the shoulders of the cloak. From [All Together Dead]
A girl with an ankh necklace was sitting across the table, wearing all black. From [The American Prophecy] Reference
Often the name Tutankhamun was written Amen-tut-ankh, meaning "living image of. From [ - Articles related to Tutankhamun – the secrets of the tomb go online] Reference
I wonder what would happen if the controversial article in question was an ankh?. From [Albemarle Teacher Sues Over Jesus Picture at] Reference
And he used to wear an Egyptian ankh, a star of David and a crucifix around his neck. From [CNN Transcript Aug 16, 2002] Reference
The ankh had carved a deep furrow across his forehead, which already welled with blood. From [The Brothers' War]
While looking for old banners, I found this ankh pendant that was almost a Dark Icon logo. From [In Darkness » Blog Archive » Almost a logo] Reference
The light of his stone died as the razor-sharp edge of the ankh streaked across his forehead. From [The Brothers' War]
I fall asleep often with my hand wrapped around the little statue he left, or around the ankh. From [jaxraven Diary Entry] Reference
The figure took its position between Mississippi and Indiana, its back to the ankh, and raised its arms. From [All Together Dead]
The gated tombs of Ny-ankh-Pepy and Horemkhawef open onto a terrace, in the center of which was a new and unexpected hole!. From [Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Hierakonpolis 2006 - Adventures Underground] Reference
Howard Carter published his account of the discovery of Tutankhamun in three volumes with the overall title The Tomb of Tut. ankh. From [TutWatch: Reading Tut] Reference
The ankh in Mishra's other hand came up suddenly, and Urza twisted and stumbled backward, trying to get out of the way of the blade. From [The Brothers' War]
Fixed Yukie boots, Sabbat ankh and Barabus feet, thanks to DDLullu. From [ - All about games!] Reference
The guitar case that Jacob gave Hurley contained a giant wooden ankh. From [memoirs on a rainy day] Reference
According to Badu's twitter, she's been "charged on good friday … return of the ankh ..". From [Bossip] Reference
Second mystery: an ankh with a list of special names was inside Hurley's guitar case from Jacob. From [The Green Bay Press-Gazette Latest Headlines] Reference
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