The policy known as anticlerical, inaugurated by Gambetta in his speech at Romans, 18 September, 1878, containing the famous catchword. From [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI] Reference
Growth of national and anticlerical (antipapal) feeling. From [1347-55] Reference
Then the early 20th century saw radically anticlerical policies. From [The Pope in Paris: France and religion] Reference
Did Ocampo have a personal agenda in becoming such an anticlerical enragé?. From [Melchor Ocampo (1814–1861)] Reference
Though liberal and anticlerical, Juárez had never sympathized with socialism. From [Mexico's Lincoln: The ecstasy and agony of Benito Juarez] Reference
But for most of the twentieth century, the government was heavily anticlerical. From [Mexico's Separation of Church and State] Reference
"Ex-Catholics are much angrier and more anticlerical than most Protestants I know.". From [Philocrites: On early Unitarian fears of 'popery.'] Reference
Barreda was a liberal anticlerical, and his positivism was marked by hostility to the Roman. From [POSITIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA] Reference
John of Gaunt supported this anticlerical feeling and the social unrest that accompanied it. From [1347-55] Reference
Colonization projects, the new judicial system, and anticlerical measures outraged rural masses. From [c. Central America] Reference
(As the rebellion progressed, rich Catholics became almost as hated as the anticlerical government.). From [Cristero Rebellion: part 1 - toward the abyss] Reference
In particular, the sacrilegious, atheistic, anticlerical stance of the men directing the Taglian effort. From [She Is The Darkness]
He had been educated for the priesthood before joining the cause of the anticlerical Risorgimento liberals. From [Knock on Wood] Reference
It was this charter, (link 1917 Constitution) that so infuriated Catholics with its anticlerical provisions. From [The Mexican Revolution: a nation in flux - part 2] Reference
It should prove possible to modify the Spanish Constitution to remove the more objectionable anticlerical articles. From [Archive 2009-12-01] Reference
First ministry of Francesco Crispi, who adopted an anticlerical policy after abortive negotiations with the papacy. From [2. The Kingdom of Italy] Reference
The lay states became dynastic principalities primarily concerned with their own fortunes and anticlerical in policy. From [1244] Reference
His years in France had made him anticlerical, just as his youth in Russia had made him contemptuous of Czarist tyranny. From [Winning the Nobel Prize] Reference
I personally am completely anticlerical and manifest myself ferociously against the church's position toward homosexuality. From [Pedro Almodovar Corrupted By The Church] Reference
The social reform program (distribution of land, development of schools, etc.) was resumed, as was the anticlerical policy. From [1935, Sept] Reference
Fervently Catholic, Los Altos was a focal point of the 1926-29 Cristero Rebellion against an anticlerical federal government. From [Agustin Yañez: the engaged man (1904–1980)] Reference
In 1840 he traveled to Europe and there became steeped in the liberal and anticlerical doctrines of the French Enlightenment. From [Melchor Ocampo (1814–1861)] Reference
There's a good story about it in The American Prospect:The Family Research Council says anticlerical judges pose a greater danger than al-Qaeda. From [Archive 2005-04-01] Reference
Jeric ó , the more feverish of the pair, is also the wiser and tougher man, an anticlerical intellectual whose conversation is filled with philosophical word games. From [Intellectual Intrigue in Mexico City] Reference
Once during a time of intense anticlerical persecution in Madrid a would-be aggressor stood menacingly in Josemaria's path with the obvious intention of doing him harm. From [Just One More Angel Story] Reference
A strident unbelief became a real political factor in public life, as the anticlerical. From [Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]]
Michelet and Quinet had added to their democratic zeal the passions connected with an anticlerical campaign. From [A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.] Reference
Cervantes listened avidly and as soon as Venancio topped off his talk with a storm of anticlerical denunciations he said emphatically. From [The Underdogs, a Story of the Mexican Revolution] Reference
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