The meaning seems to have originated in Romanic, cf. From [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"] Reference
Germanic nor the Romanic group of languages possess. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861] Reference
“Does this man Romanic move very slowly?” he asked. From [The Complete Father Brown] Reference
Furthermore, why is it that Pinyin hasn't evolve to actually reflect Romanic sounds. From [tongyong pinyin haters: you are all colonialist shits] Reference
In 486 Clovis defeated a Romanic leader north of Soissons and extended the area under his control. From [The Early Middle Ages 500-1000] Reference
The higher laws of affinity, as applied to the Romanic languages, are also daily more a matter of investigation. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861] Reference
Smith's perfection of the sonnet as a vehicle for Romanic poetry certainly informs Robinson's experimentation with the form. From [Mary Darby Robinson (1758-1800)] Reference
Spanish nations; and the Slavonic comprises the Slavs and Romanic races with their innumerable subdivisions such as Moscovite, Chech. From [The Secrets of the German War Office] Reference
Besides the Germanic and Romanic, which constitute the greater part of the English language, many other tongues have furnished their quota. From [How to Speak and Write Correctly] Reference
Associate Professor of Romanic Philology 170 (825). From [[Manuscript notes for] The University of Virginia Library, 1825-1950] Reference
School of Romanic Languages, without change in salary. From [Board of Visitors minutes] Reference
French B1, and one other B course in the School of Romanic. From [The University of Virginia Record] Reference
Spanish B1, and one other B course in the School of Romanic. From [The University of Virginia Record] Reference
Greek philology on the one hand and with Romanic on the other. From [University of Virginia Record] Reference
Academy Dictionary and fifty other volumes of Romanic literature. From [The University of Virginia Record] Reference
French; 301,325 Italian; 39,834 Romanic; 28,445 spoke other languages. From [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon] Reference
Magyar race in the Slavic and Romanic elements of the Hungarian Kingdom. From [A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878] Reference
Professor of Romanic Languages; French books acquired for Library 170 (827). From [[Manuscript notes for] The University of Virginia Library, 1825-1950] Reference
Utrecht, this religious metropolis was not subjected to any Romanic influence. From [Belgium From the Roman Invasion to the Present Day] Reference
It also proves that the Romanic Turkish government will continue till the Second Advent. From [A Brief Commentary on the Apocalypse] Reference
But the others, the thousands and hundreds of thousands of Romanic and Slavonic descent, the. From [Banzai! by Parabellum] Reference
In other works Höfler treated the ecclesiastical reform movements among the Romanic peoples. From [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability] Reference
Romanic word, because the former happens to be etymologically identical with the word in the original. From [The Unseen World and Other Essays] Reference
The concrete significance of the Romanic words becomes apparent to him, and they acquire energy and vitality. From [The Unseen World and Other Essays] Reference
If Greek and Latin were too full or too difficult, courses in Romanic and Germanic philology would do as well. From [Woman in Modern Society] Reference
Romanic Languages were able to retain their numerical strength, but those in geology fell off nearly one-third. From [History of the University of Virginia, 1819-1919] Reference
Burgundian population intermarried with romanized Helvetii, Italian in Ticino, and Rhaeto-Romanic in the Grisons. From [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon] Reference
Resolved: That the President, upon the recommendation of the Professor of Romanic Languages, be authorized to appoint. From [Board of Visitors minutes] Reference
This marks the displacement of the Sephardic (Spanish, in a broader sense, Romanic) element, and the supremacy of the Ashkenazic. From [Jewish History : an essay in the philosophy of history] Reference
It has been observed that the Romanic races show an alacrity for intermarriage with barbarous tribes that is not to be found in the. From [A History of American Christianity] Reference
Greek, Romanic or Germanic Languages, who have already completed not less than one year of graduate work as candidates for that degree. From [University of Virginia Record] Reference
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