The leaders of both countries agreed to the armistice. From
An armistice is a cessation; it leaves to a peace agreement the actual setting of borders and boundaries. From [Matthew Yglesias » Ehud Barak: Peace or Apartheid] Reference
These efforts resulted in armistice agreements between the new state of Israel and four of its Arab neighbours. From [Ralph Bunche: UN Mediator in the Middle East, 1948-1949] Reference
Senator William Jenner of Indiana called the armistice the "last tribute to appeasement.". From [NYT > Opinion] Reference
Looking for possible violations of the armistice is a favorite pastime of both sides here. From [CNN Transcript Oct 10, 2006] Reference
Looking for possible violation of the armistice is a favorite pasttime of both sides here. From [CNN Transcript Sep 21, 2003] Reference
They would have no incentive to reach even this armistice, which is second best, without the continued pressure. From [CNN Transcript Jun 25, 2003] Reference
Sir James did no more, in fact, than propose an armistice, which is undoubtedly the province of every commander-in-chief. From [Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II] Reference
The signing of the armistice was the signal for the release of new forces; it was a great turning point in the world's history. From [Laurier: A Study in Canadian Politics] Reference
The German hilarity over the armistice was a trifle hard for Americans to understand, for the armistice meant a shameful finish for Germany. From [History of the 113th Field Artillery 30th Division] Reference
If that's the logic, this "armistice" – the phrase being widely used in banking circles – will take some selling. From [Big deal for banks in the Big Society] Reference
What would skeptics have to gain from an "armistice", anyways?. From [Watts Up With That?] Reference
Through Susie, a kind of armistice was arranged between Smith and the. From ['Me--Smith'] Reference
She has also declared the kind of armistice concluded by her generals at an end; and Baron. From [Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II] Reference
Swedish lords a few concessions, and concluding an armistice, which is to be binding for two years. ". From [The Youth of the Great Elector] Reference
The Americans and the Allies defeated the Germans in late 1918 -- the so-called "armistice" was in effect a German surrender. From [Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]] Reference
Germans hadn't signed the armistice just when they did. From [Army Boys on German Soil Our Doughboys Quelling the Mobs] Reference
They said they wouldn't sign the armistice, but they signed it. From [Army Boys on German Soil Our Doughboys Quelling the Mobs] Reference
SIR: -- Yours of this date, proposing armistice and appointment of. From [Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals] Reference
The armistice was signed and the Army Boys assigned to the Army of. From [Army Boys on German Soil Our Doughboys Quelling the Mobs] Reference
Tuesday marks the 57th anniversary of the signing of the armistice. From [U.S. Sends Message To North Korea With High-Profile Military Maneuvers] Reference
"True enough, we did make it, but suppose it were only an armistice?". From [The French Immortals Series — Complete] Reference
One is an armistice agreement that will provide a situation of nonbelligerency. From ['A Deep Friendship'] Reference
This is William L. Shirer in Compiegne, scene of the Franco-German armistice talks. From [Eyewitness To The 20Th Century] Reference
Since the 1950-53 Korean War ended with a cease-fire and not an armistice, the U.S. From [U.S. Boy Returns From Visit To N. Korea] Reference
The U.N. Command, led by the United States, monitors the Korean War armistice of 1953. From [Tensions on Korean Peninsula Seen as Softening] Reference
On Tuesday, the Koreas and the U.S. marked the anniversary of the signing of the armistice. From [US, South Korean Ships Drop Anti-Sub Bombs In Drills] Reference
Then, on Sept. 8, 1943, Mussolini fell and the Italians signed an armistice with the Allies. From [HISTORY: THE QUALITY OF COURAGE] Reference
The conflict ended with an armistice, thus leaving the peninsula technically at state of war. From [North Korea Fires Artillery Off West Coast] Reference
After three years of fighting and an estimated 2.5 million deaths, an armistice was signed in July of 1953. From [A Private Peace] Reference
And the sound it makes is just wonderful beyond belief, like cathedral bells on armistice day or something. From [Another Etiquette Lesson from the Jungle] Reference
But there is no armistice in sight -- and meanwhile the arguments grow more personal, more petty and more obscure. From [The Starr Chamber] Reference
Seoul changed hands four times, and the Chinese deftly used false promises of an armistice to resupply their troops. From [Divided They Stand] Reference
We will work on a peace treaty to replace the current Korean War armistice if North Korea returns to denuclearization. From [John Feffer: Obama: Engage North Korea Now (But Don't Tell Anyone)] Reference
The two Koreas are still technically at war because their 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. From [SKorea Demands Pyongyang Release Crew] Reference
The aim is to entice Pyongyang into negotiations to replace the 1953 armistice agreement with a full-fledged peace treaty. From [Defection In Beijing] Reference
After the armistice, the 1919 Treaty of Versailles saw Germany's concession ports in China handed to Japan, despite China's objections. From [China's WWI Effort Draws New Attention] Reference
The British considered the Rock theirs and legalized it in 1713 by the Utrecht treaty, signed as an armistice between Spain and England. From [Letters] Reference
Niall Ferguson, for one, has proposed looking at the two world wars as a single conflict, punctuated only by a long and ominous armistice. From [A War Worth Fighting] Reference
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