An arrhythmic heartbeat. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Reperfusion markers at primary PCI seen to predict short-term arrhythmic risk. From [] Reference
The LifeVest allows a patient's physician time to assess their long-term arrhythmic risk and make appropriate plans. From [The Earth Times Online Newspaper] Reference
The LifeVest allows a patient's physician time to assess his or her long-term arrhythmic risk and make appropriate plans. From [ News Articles] Reference
She was dying like a dog, a poor, broken animal in the street, kicked and pummeled, the life escaping from her in short arrhythmic gasps. From [The Miko]
An arrhythmic wave suckerpunched him, broke over his chin. From [The Shell Collector : Stories] Reference
His speaking style is arrhythmic and somewhat halting, rather than flowing. From [Allan Abramson: The Change We Did Not Vote For] Reference
The car lurched a little, an arrhythmic side-to-side as we turned a corner. From [The Legacy] Reference
The ivory stick-ends moved to an enchanting, arrhythmic tempo as she marked on swiftly. From [Si'Wren of the Patriarchs] Reference
Upcoming mid-term elections and an arrhythmic economy make the story topical and relevant. From [James Scarborough: "Annie," Musical Theatre West] Reference
And the music sounded unbearably horrible, all squawks and squeals and arrhythmic pounding. From [Younger] Reference
It's a small stroke and an arrhythmic heartbeat at the same time, and if not treated, she could die. From [The 5th Horseman]
In the arrhythmic heartbeat-instant that follows, we all sigh and hope that this time he stays here for good. From [Asimov's Science Fiction]
Dancoyote Antonelli: At different times…atonal, arrhythmic audio, hyperformalism, related to Edgard Varese. From [DanCoyote Antonelli overcomes Real Life constraints in Second Life; finds a home and venue for his art] Reference
When you break that rhythm and come between it, you have arrhythmic events and it will destroy, it will not build. From [Mike Ragogna: From The Grateful Dead to Rhythm Devils: A Conversation with Mickey Hart] Reference
Just now the world is peaceful other than the incessant and arrhythmic liquid percussion, welcome calm, prepare for storm. From [Bugger (In Which I Feel Sorry For Myself)] Reference
'Now you mention it, sometimes I thought I could hear a discordant and arrhythmic murmur, as if a macaque was trying to play the piano.'. From [The Shadow of the Wind]
Doctors say he died of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS), a heart disorder which kills 12 young people a week. (via Doug Lussenhop). From [Boing Boing] Reference
Well my arrhythmic whiteboy friend, now you can have them, thanks to this brilliant, slickly glam, high-tech How to Dance Like an Axe. From [2007 May 07 « raincoaster] Reference
He probably did more than I did in terms of notworrying too much about tempo, to the point where eventually we didproduce arrhythmic pieces. From [Pink Floyd's Nick Mason on former bandmate Richard Wright (R.I.P.) |] Reference
Some other Per/Cry knock-out combinations also make everything arrhythmic. From [ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science] Reference
Also used in medicines like influenza vaccines and anti-arrhythmic amiodarone. From [ - latest science and technology news stories] Reference
When one places a quail in constant light of just over 5 lux, it becomes arrhythmic. From [ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science] Reference
"But what if history is not cyclical and slow-moving but arrhythmic?" asks Ferguson. From [WHAT REALLY HAPPENED] Reference
(B) A summary of the percentages of flies exhibiting arrhythmic (red), complex rhythmic. From [PLoS Biology: New Articles] Reference
This mutation renders the clock arrhythmic and the SDS-PAGE analysis indicates that KaiC. From [PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles] Reference
Mulberry, which was not amused, not amusing, and what the review of the show as "arrhythmic.". From [All Stories | The New York Observer] Reference
Patients were randomized to receive ablation therapy or commonly used anti-arrhythmic drug treatments. From [Media Newswire] Reference
If you then again put it in constant darkness it will again take a few days before it becomes arrhythmic. From [ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science] Reference
At 86 degrees, your heart, its electrical impulses hampered by chilled nerve tissues, becomes arrhythmic. From [Born Again Redneck] Reference
Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmic condition and carries the risk of sudden cardiac death. From [KCEN-DT] Reference
But when raised in isolation, the young sing a raspy, arrhythmic song that's different from the song heard in the wild. From [EurekAlert! - Breaking News] Reference
The sensitivity and relative risk for predicting arrhythmic death was highest at all time-points for the PD2i ™ algorithm. From [Blogpulse Top Links]
However, there were more arrhythmic events among the patients treated with dopamine than among those treated with norepinephrine. From [Medlogs - Recent stories] Reference
The most popular product offered by TSM is a set of ankle bands that allows the most arrhythmic person to dance any popular style. From [Coffee coffee and more coffee] Reference
(After a few distractingly arrhythmic tambourine taps during the first tune, Oh Blessed Thought's percussion proves categorically solid.). From [The Pitch | Complete Issue] Reference
At an average of 6 months follow-up, 35 of the 39 (90\%) patients were free of AF symptoms and no longer taking anti-arrhythmic medication. From [Health News from Medical News Today] Reference
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