The ascription to me of honors I had not earned. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Much in that ascription is obviously maodish and oversimplified. From [Steiner Slags Barth and ‘Big Time Publishing’] Reference
(Note: secular categories have been self-ascribed as well as this self-ascription is mandated by a US Census Bureau which has racialized a census from a inception. From [Archive 2009-11-01] Reference
There is some kind of ascription unto ourselves in this matter; which is boasting. From [The Doctrine of Justification by Faith] Reference
It is an acceptance and an ascription of special status. From [Chapter 7] Reference
When His Godhead is thus mentioned, an ascription of praise is often added. From [The Prayer Book Explained] Reference
Both these considerations render its ascription to David utterly untenable. From [Introduction to the Old Testament] Reference
This common ascription is midway between merely equivocal and purely univocal ascription. From [Nature and Grace: Selections from the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas] Reference
This approach omits intention altogether, not to mention the ascription of desire and belief. From [Moral Deliberations in Modern Cinema] Reference
This ascription satisfied the author's desire for concealment, but it puzzled the advertisers. From [Jane Austen, Her Life and Letters A Family Record] Reference
The ascription of Ibn Omar's (died 73 A.H.) story, not strictly to the point, is untrustworthy. From [A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád' Showing that all the Wars of Mohammad Were Defensive; and that Aggressive War, or Compulsory Conversion, is not Allowed in The Koran - 1885] Reference
For that worship is nothing but the ascription of divine excellencies unto what is so worshipped. From [Christologia] Reference
In this way, the goddess Uma was worshipped by Ganga and honoured with the ascription of many high merits. From [The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18] Reference
Heaven enough for their tea and toast by partaking of them cheerfully without audible petition or ascription. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 37, November, 1860] Reference
For it consists in an ascription of infinitely divine excellencies and properties unto him whom we so worship. From [Christologia] Reference
Engels than this ascription of a philosophically activist role to Engels in his post-Marx years; in fact it was. From [Dictionary of the History of Ideas] Reference
Internal evidence makes this ascription impossible, nor does the epistle itself lay any claim to such authorship. From [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"] Reference
And this consists in an ascription of something unto ourselves that is not in others, in order unto justification. From [The Doctrine of Justification by Faith] Reference
To that it may be answered that the ascription of such a motive to Congress is altogether gratuitous and inadmissible. From [State of the Union Address (1790-2001)] Reference
The prayers of the Jews were generally closed with a doxology, or ascription of praise, not unlike this in the Lord's prayer. From [Barnes New Testament Notes] Reference
He and Gilbert were contemporaries and friends, so the ascription of the Rochester example to the latter is very probably correct. From [Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Rochester A Description of its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See] Reference
It is mentioned only neutrally, without the ascription of any effects unto it, so that therein we cannot learn its especial nature. From [Pneumatologia] Reference
We add the all-important ROI and purchaser targeting dimensions without having to resort to ratio estimation, fusion, or ascription. From [In Terms of ROI: What Do We Know About Today's TV Ratings Currency? - Bill Harvey - MediaBizBloggers] Reference
The princess Draupadi, however, looked angrily and askance at Krishna, (for she could not bear the ascription of any fault to Arjuna). From [The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18] Reference
Jeames's nether garments on a hot day, but still with no internal evidence of style to warrant its ascription to the "Fat Contributor.". From [The History of "Punch"] Reference
"A Lover's Complaint" have been sometimes rejected as unworthy, but there is no other evidence against the ascription to him by the original publishers. From [The Facts About Shakespeare] Reference
The ascription of the whole book to Solomon, which seems to be implied by its opening verse, and which, if genuine, would render the fresh ascription in. From [Introduction to the Old Testament] Reference
There is no evidence for the ascription of various portions of these plays to Shakespeare, except that certain passages seem to some critics characteristic of him. From [The Facts About Shakespeare] Reference
In conjunction with the policy of private land ownership, the support of squatters 'rights tended to emphasize the equality of achievement rather than that of ascription. From [The Fair Play Settlers of the West Branch Valley, 1769-1784 A Study of Frontier Ethnography] Reference
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