autonomic reflexes. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
I had to confront my parents today; they wouldn’t use the term autonomic dysfunction or Shy-Dragers. From [Things happening for no reason at all; Do you want to dance with me?] Reference
It is for this reason called the autonomic nervous system. From [The Human Brain]
I think this reflex demonstrates evolutionary relics in the wiring of a part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system. From [] Reference
In this portion of the nervous system, then, there is a kind of self-government and it is therefore known as the autonomic nervous system. From [Physiology or Medicine 1936 - Presentation Speech] Reference
He gave a tired smile and then went on about how he cannot see any way it could be POTS the good kind of autonomic failure. From [Archive 2008-02-01] Reference
Thus, "autonomic" neuropathy is in fact peripheral neuropathy affecting one or more of these involuntary functions. From [Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes] Reference
As you know but others reading this may not, there are two kinds of nerve functions -- voluntary and involuntary (or "autonomic"). From [Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes] Reference
"autonomic" induction; they are produced in excess and have a certain independence (O. Mangold). From [Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture] Reference
This is a test of your emergency autonomic system. From [Current Comedy, 5/04/09: This is Only a Test] Reference
No need to waste energy trying to control an autonomic function. From [Hunter,Healer[SequeltoTheSociety]]
It indicates that the autonomic nervous system has been activated. From [Srinivasan Pillay: The Science of Distant Healing] Reference
The autonomic nervous system relays the information to the pineal. From [The Human Eye: Part 1 of a Series] Reference
Our words at critical moments can change an autonomic response in seconds. From [Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT: 'Kid Whispering': Keeping Children Safe With Verbal First Aid] Reference
If circulation collapses, the autonomic nervous system decides where blood should go. From [The Pope's Diagnosis] Reference
How pressing and hard this autonomic disorder, call it “Bob”, you at Bob's mercy. From [Call It "Bob"] Reference
It happened by itself, an autonomic response to the pervasive calm of the environment. From [Karen Maezen Miller: 7 Tips Inspired By Monasteries to De-Stress Your Home] Reference
KING: And now, is this pneumonia related to that autonomic neuropathy, which you have?. From [CNN Transcript Dec 1, 2002] Reference
It's a twisty and dark tale of chronic stress, the autonomic nervous system and breathing. From [Linda Stone: Why Email Can Be Habit-Forming] Reference
LAWRENCE: It works through the autonomic nervous system, which is the third nervous system. From [CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: How Can Arthritis Pain Be Alleviated? - April 3, 2000] Reference
It\'s a twisty and dark tale of chronic stress, the autonomic nervous system and breathing. From [Linda Stone: Why Email Can Be Habit-Forming] Reference
Those functions are automatic and involuntary as controlled by the autonomic nervous system. From [Neurotoxicity] Reference
Motor neurons make up the efferent neurons of both the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. From [Neurotoxicity] Reference
When people laugh, the autonomic nervous system mellows out and the heart is allowed to relax. From [Stress Busters] Reference
People can learn to control those physiological, or autonomic, responses associated with lying. From [Liar, Liar, Eyes on Fire?] Reference
It also functions as a center for integration of hormonal and autonomic nervous system activity. From [Noise And How It Affects The Human Body Part 3.] Reference
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) acts as a control, helping to maintain homeostasis in the body. From [Weight Loss and the Autonomic Nervous System] Reference
We have the motor, sensory and then the autonomic system, which is the sympathetic in there as well. From [CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: How Can Arthritis Pain Be Alleviated? - April 3, 2000] Reference
He had battled a disease of the nervous system, autonomic neuropathy, and pneumonia in recent years. From [inbred Diary Entry] Reference
She is -- there's certain parts of the autonomic nervous system that are functioning, but that happens. From [CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2005] Reference
Putting this autonomic system together from computers as building blocks would be the job of services firms. From [The Boringness Of Computers] Reference
There are two sub-divisions of the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. From [Neurotoxicity] Reference
You also see him at times when he ` s rubbing his nose, and that ` s the autonomic nervous system working overtime. From [CNN Transcript Feb 27, 2009] Reference
Singer Johnny Cash had battled a disease of the nervous system, autonomic neuropathy, and pneumonia in recent years. From [inbred Diary Entry] Reference
Memories of the university physiology class came to mind and the flight and fright system of the autonomic nervous system. From [Chapter 10 - First Escape Date] Reference
The planet Bairnvell was an independent, autonomic ally of the Gehan Federation, and, although not actually a member of the. From [The Unnecessary Man] Reference
It affects the autonomic nervous system, a system regulating blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, and tearing in the eyes. From [CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2006] Reference
I have - because of the damage to my spine, I have a nervous system disorder called an autonomic nervous system dysfunction. From [Melody Gardot's Road to Recovery] Reference
Journaling also elevates the immune system and calms the autonomic system, it smooths out the heartbeat, breathing and perspiration. From [Dr. Tian Dayton: Six Proven Ways to Feel Better] Reference
Many of the most vocal Obama supporters at TPM are like Pavlov's dogs: mention "race card" and the autonomic nervous system is activated. From [Clyburn: Bill Clinton's Behavior Has Been "Bizarre"] Reference
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