He decided to study marine biology so he could work with dolphins. From LearnThat.org.
The biology of viruses. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Knowledge gained in biology is being transferred to engineering. From Wordnik.com. [De Facto Intelligent Design in Biology] Reference
For that matter, the rule in biology is biological deadends.: grin. From Wordnik.com. [A Minimal Genome] Reference
The most significant unanswered question in biology is the origin of life. From Wordnik.com. [2008 January - Telic Thoughts] Reference
Darwin was born in 1809, the year in which Lamarck, who invented the term biology, published his. From Wordnik.com. [Progress and History] Reference
You have failed to show that nested hierarchy in biology is any different from any other nested hierarchy. From Wordnik.com. [About 'What Darwin Got Wrong'] Reference
This was especially true of the sciences which we know as biology and eugenics. From Wordnik.com. [At the Earth's Core] Reference
And there is no such evidence in biology, which is why science currently rules it out. From Wordnik.com. [Darwin and Social Darwinism] Reference
(Yet, it does seem that "biology" is having a hard time of it among those who are on the bandwagon). From Wordnik.com. [Confirmation Bias and ID] Reference
That is why creationism is not taught in biology class. From Wordnik.com. [Grant Lyon: Separation of Church and State Invoked Over Christian Flags in Tennessee and Classrooms in America] Reference
Even though the biology is complex, the message is simple. From Wordnik.com. [T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.: President Clinton's Intervention in the Health Debate Is Momentous] Reference
I did look for such things having a minor in biology in college. From Wordnik.com. [Thoughts on Lead Bans] Reference
In sociology, as in biology, there is no cell without a parent cell. From Wordnik.com. [A Review] Reference
The youngest daughter (1976) shows some interest in biology, a last hope. From Wordnik.com. [Robert Huber - Autobiography] Reference
In Montgomery, 9 percent of degrees are in biology and environmental science. From Wordnik.com. [Well-educated D.C. area is home to variety of academic interests] Reference
Our biology is really designed to promote food intake and prevent weight loss. From Wordnik.com. [Weight-loss drug withdrawal latest blow to obesity fight] Reference
Bella and Edward meet on that unpleasant first day of school, in biology class. From Wordnik.com. [What Girls Want] Reference
Evolutionary biology is often associated with the concept of status anxiety today. From Wordnik.com. [The Status-tician] Reference
This method has already become an important research tool in biology and biomedicine. From Wordnik.com. [Press Release: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine] Reference
However, the dividing line between physics and biology is at present a rather sharp one. From Wordnik.com. [Igor Y. Tamm - Banquet Speech] Reference
In 1978, I learned about molecular biology from a newspaper article in the Washington Post. From Wordnik.com. [Craig C. Mello - Autobiography] Reference
The vitality of molecular biology is attested by the fact that today's prize is the fifth Nobel. From Wordnik.com. [Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968 - Presentation Speech] Reference
Today this discovery is of fundamental importance for research in biology as well as in medicine. From Wordnik.com. [The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1993 - Presentation Speech] Reference
Goddard, Jim Goodwin, in biology; Vladimir Seidel in mathematics; and Ralph Helmkamp in chemistry. From Wordnik.com. [D. Carleton Gajdusek - Autobiography] Reference
He was working toward a degree in biology in 1979 when the British produced the first test tube baby. From Wordnik.com. [Embryography of a jeweler Raúl Ybarra] Reference
It's now clear that RNA catalysis has a much more central role in biology than many would have guessed. From Wordnik.com. [Exploring the New RNA World] Reference
The closest that I came to expressing an interest in biology was the maintaining of a balanced aquarium. From Wordnik.com. [Edwin G. Krebs - Autobiography] Reference
Rob holds undergraduate degrees in biology, marine biology, and science eduation, and a Ph D in education. From Wordnik.com. [Heroes or Villains?] Reference
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