The bipolar distribution of certain species. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
(I am not joking) is what I call a bipolar structure of government. From [SA Latest News] Reference
Being bipolar is a lot more then having emotional highs and lows. From [Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » “How can I make a character with mental disorders work?”] Reference
Four main subtypes of bipolar disorder have been identified and are referred to as bipolar spectrum disorders. From [WalesOnline - Home] Reference
I do not know if these capacitors are 'bipolar' - they have one side with a Negative strip .... so i ensured this is connected to ground. From [Make - All Discussions] Reference
The mental disorder known as bipolar affects people of any ages. From [Article Source] Reference
The film chronicles Sam's battle with manic-depressive illness, also known as bipolar disorder. From [Ben Selkow: Our Brush with Homeland Security: Can Better Understanding of Mental Illness be Legislated?] Reference
Children who grow up with the psychiatric ailment known as bipolar disorder rarely grow out of it. From [Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews] Reference
I have had manic-depressive illness, also known as bipolar disorder, since I was eighteen years old. From [The Importance of Restlessness and Jagged Edges] Reference
I'm surprised that you ignored the mood disorder known as bipolar illness, or manic-depressive disease. From [Mail Call] Reference
I suffer from a form of bipolar disorder known as bipolar II, which is also known as rapid mood cycling. From [Top stories from Times Online]
There will be some big changes, specifically when it comes to kids with what's known as bipolar disorder. From [Children Labeled 'Bipolar' May Get A New Diagnosis] Reference
Anyway, how would I know which was post-traumatic stress, which is addiction, which is bipolar, which is Libra?. From [Wishful Drinking] Reference
Mine can be characterized as a bipolar, love-hate hybrid that was destructive for some time before it became productive. From [Natalia Brzezinski: A Food Hater's Manifesto] Reference
Robert Schumann was a brilliant, if unpredictable, composer who suffered bouts of what would today be called bipolar disorder. From [NPR Topics: News]
So, we have now been told that the man killed today in Miami's airport was manic depressive, technically called bipolar disorder. From [CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2005] Reference
Munsch, 64, admitted he's been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and manic-depression (also knows as bipolar disorder). From [CTV News RSS Feed] Reference
I recognize that manic-depression, also known as bipolar disorder, can include psychotic elements, and that mania can be devastating. From [Robert David Jaffee: Words Matter in Mental Health Debate] Reference
We all talk about how the so-called bipolar world is over -- freedom versus communism -- but the bipolar mind is still holding us back. From [President Remarks At Dnc Meeting] Reference
Her report concluded that the mood swings revealed in his verses were typical of someone suffering from what is now known as bipolar disorder. From [Daily Express] Reference
People email and call the office identifying themselves as "bipolar" or "clinically depressed.". From [Dr. Peter Breggin: Our Psychiatric Civilization] Reference
Have you found a kind of bipolar perfectionism to have been a major hindrance in your own case?. From [Confidence and the writer, continued] Reference
I was thinking of making her a "bipolar" mix, with side A being manic and side B being depressed. From [luvabeans Diary Entry] Reference
Third, there's no evidence whatsoever that individuals diagnosed "bipolar" have a "miswired brain.". From [Dr. Peter Breggin: Psychiatry Makes War on "Bipolar Children"] Reference
Giving a new twist to the term "bipolar," Dems are now dividing themselves up into liberals and blue dogs kamakaze style. From [Jayne Lyn Stahl: Toxic Shock Doctrine?] Reference
The end of the Cold War -- with its "bipolar" world order -- was interpreted to mean that a "unipolar" world order would follow. From [David Calleo: Death of a Superpower: Twenty Years After] Reference
This accounts for the fact that the unipolar concept of gravity had eventually to be supplemented by some kind of bipolar concept. From [Man or Matter] Reference
Is Rush "bipolar" and needing his lithium sulfate or is he just a "bratty 13 year old" (1), spoiled rotten by his mommy or his nanny?. From [GOOD MORNING, DEPRESSION - Thank You, Rush Limbaugh] Reference
NASA takes medical histories to screen for psychiatric problems that tend to run in families, such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. From [Astronauts are People Too »] Reference
Willy simply knows far too much about "how to cure himself", and how to remain very healthy, to ever suffer from "bipolar" mood swings again. From [Willy's Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story] Reference
The PHQ-9 screens only for depression; it does not discriminate between that illness and others that may share symptoms, such as bipolar disorder. From [The Pen Is Mighter Than the MRI] Reference
Those that fit, such as bipolar disorder and cutting, she adopted. From [Everything2 New Writeups] Reference
Mr Cross painted a 'sad and perhaps bleak picture' of the 'bipolar' victim who had an. From ['Enraged' Blackburn man murdered his friend (From Blackburn Citizen)] Reference
And malfunctions in this brain area could be involved in psychiatric disorders, such as bipolar disorder. From [] Reference
Accessories such as bipolar pulsed field gradients are available for diffusion and profiling experiments. From [PRWeb - Daily News Feed] Reference
Even more controversially, it has assisted people with mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder to kill themselves. From [Latest news from the public and voluntary sectors, including health, children, local government and social care, plus SocietyGuardian jobs |] Reference
On top of that recruiting analysts have already called this class "bipolar" for being short on linemen and linebackers. From [Bruins Nation] Reference
I took both sides of the issue and thought it was the best way to really show what Alderman Joe Connelly thought was a "bipolar" issue. From [Progressive Bloggers] Reference
We guess that they either took things too seriously or that, in many cases, they suffered from depressive conditions such as bipolar disorder. From [ - Comments] Reference
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