Both of these are very mellow singers and we are particularly glad to have a good singing blackbird again. From []
The Totalitarian Temptation from Locke to Lucianne. the blackbird is involved Says. From [Matthew Yglesias » Subtitle Mania] Reference
It was the edge of a piece of woods, and a blackbird was again heard saluting them. From [The Old Helmet] Reference
Cranky the blackbird is involved Says. From [Matthew Yglesias » Defense Contractors Versus Hobbyists] Reference
There is another kind of blackbird, smaller than the former, and speckled very much like a starling. From [Twenty-Seven Years in Canada West The Experience of an Early Settler (Volume I)] Reference
"There," he concluded, "ain't there something of the 'blackbird's tune and the beanflower's boon' in that?". From [A Christmas Accident and Other Stories] Reference
"blackbird" which was the emblem of the German nation in whose army the officer was then serving. From [A Psychiatric Milestone Bloomingdale Hospital Centenary, 1821-1921] Reference
The blackbird is your friend. From [Hildegarde's Holiday a story for girls] Reference
Don't want that old blackbird to get a view of me. From [Men of Affairs] Reference
The red-winged blackbird is an own cousin of mine. From [Stories of Birds] Reference
Sweetly sang the blackbird, low in the woody glen. From [The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century] Reference
The blackbird and the thrush have sought the vale. From [The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 264, July 14, 1827] Reference
Her voice is as sweet as the blackbird at gloamin '. From [The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century] Reference
She just looked back at him as normal as a blackbird. From [One Night Below Climax] Reference
There came a little blackbird and peck'd off her nose. From [Harry's Ladder to Learning] Reference
And nae blackbird sings loud frae the tap o 'his tree. From [The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume III The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century] Reference
This applies particularly to the blackbird and throstle. From [Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales] Reference
The robin pipes the piccolo; the blackbird plays the flute. From [Chatterbox, 1905.] Reference
From the hedge starts the blackbird, at brook side to drink. From [Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"] Reference
Thrush and blackbird, lark and linnet, doves that coo and hum. From [Twilight and Dawn Simple Talks on the Six Days of Creation] Reference
In the silence Simon heard a blackbird calling in nearby olive trees. From [The Saracen: Land of the Infidel] Reference
The cow blackbird lays its eggs in other birds 'nests, one in a nest. From [Bird Day; How to prepare for it] Reference
Meadow lark is not really a lark, but belongs to the blackbird family. From [Stories of Birds] Reference
Through the glass door, she can see a blackbird perched on a power line. From [Animals, Animals, Animals] Reference
Thus, "a blackbird flew up and her killed 'n"; that is to say, he killed it. From [Highways & Byways in Sussex] Reference
We are told that it is as easy for you to do it as for a blackbird to whistle. From [Bird Day; How to prepare for it] Reference
First he eat two pheasant eggs, then a belated frog, and then a nestling blackbird. From ["Wee Tim'rous Beasties" Studies of Animal life and Character] Reference
"Next, bring me the magic blackbird who sings so sweetly for the King of the Forest.". From [The Cat in Grandfather's House] Reference
Immediately afterwards a blackbird flew down, and hopped in among the snares unconsciously. From [The Beth Book Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, a Woman of Genius] Reference
Once we dined nobly together upon two fat sparrows, and again we had a blackbird for dinner. From [A Village of Vagabonds] Reference
Amongst birds the eagle is chosen as an emblem for the flag, and never the duck or blackbird. From [Dollars and Sense] Reference
There was a faint primrose glow in the sky and a blackbird was whistling at the end of the garden. From [Christopher Hibbault, Roadmaker] Reference
Louder and louder he played, and sure enough, the blackbird soon came and perched on a tree near by. From [The Cat in Grandfather's House] Reference
"Oh, you darling," sang the blackbird; and Golden Hair laughed with glee, for she liked to be loved. From [The National Nursery Book With 120 illustrations] Reference
Janice came away, leaving the eagerly curious pecking at him -- the one white blackbird in the flock. From [How Janice Day Won] Reference
A young blackbird, who did not know the place, came and perched for an instant only upon one of its branches. From [The French Immortals Series — Complete] Reference
The blackbird flew away, and the university tree, once more solitary and alone, drooped its dispirited leaves. From [The French Immortals Series — Complete] Reference
The air was so warm and still, -- you could hear the blackbird singing at the edge of the wood, and the sound of the. From [How to Tell Stories to Children, And Some Stories to Tell] Reference
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