The sailors were cursing blasphemously. From []
He may remember Him so far as to use His name blasphemously to punctuate and emphasize what he is saying. From [Quiet Talks on John's Gospel] Reference
The excepted word, not named by Spedding, is 'blasphemously' (Luke xxii. From [More Pages from a Journal] Reference
So he cut Westfield short by saying blasphemously. From [Burmese Days] Reference
These heretics began blasphemously denying miracles. From [The Brothers Karamazov] Reference
They get answered blasphemously instead of reverently. From [Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise] Reference
You know how blasphemously unbelieving I was ten years ago. From [The Evolution of Dodd] Reference
And many other things blasphemously spake they against him. From [Luke 22.] Reference
Luke adds, "And many other things blasphemously spake they against him.". From [Barnes New Testament Notes] Reference
Katy blasphemously imitates Lord Nelson she's missing an arm at the H.M.S. From [The Year in Pictures] Reference
The situations between then (1941) and now are almost blasphemously different. From [A BUSH WORLD WAR LOOMING!] Reference
Captain Oleson swore blasphemously, and sent a house-boy to bring whisky and soda. From [Chapter 3] Reference
He shouted after me blasphemously and I could still hear him when the door was shut. From [Twice shy]
Christendom and Jewry, not blasphemously, but in sheer desperate search for a little courage. From [Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso] Reference
Better and blasphemously yet, how does one go back to Eggs Benedict after having an Egg McMuffin?. From [Toast Bakery Cafe - Eggs Florentine is My Favorite Breakfast (For Now)] Reference
He was enraged at having yielded to the temptation, and cursed himself blasphemously and pridelessly. From [All Gold Cañon] Reference
It's a matter of harmonizing our ways of talking, not of presuming, blasphemously, to do what is undoable. From [Archive 2006-12-01] Reference
In my second bit of audience participation, I helped blasphemously recreate the last supper of Our Lord and Saviour. From [Anus domini] Reference
May 9, 2006, 8: 50 pm experian login says: experian login streamliner taken! blasphemously samples interplay accomplishes?. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Classic ScrappleFace:] Reference
"We ourselves have often enough been witnesses to his speech and his actions, by which he blasphemously outraged the law.". From [King of the Jews A story of Christ's last days on Earth] Reference
Yet it raises the issue of how frighteningly inured we have become, as every day we blasphemously go on with ordinary life. From [Archive 2005-07-01] Reference
To the fact that this was not precisely the case, any member of his drilling crews would have eagerly and blasphemously testified. From [Seawitch]
To wincing observers his modus operandi seemed nothing short of Draconian, but Cronkite would blasphemously brook no interference. From [Seawitch]
Our generation, in a dirty, pessimistic period, has blasphemously underrated the beauty of life and cravenly overrated its dangers. From [G.K. Chesterton: Common Sense Apostle and Cigar Smoking Mystic] Reference
Doesn't that unpatriotic blasphemously named wind-and-rain pattern know that McCain was locked in a cell for FIVE AND A HALF YEARS?. From [Rove On Hurricanes In August: "The Republicans Can't Seem To Get A Break"] Reference
He might have been there for a brief moment, when a SpongeBob SquarePants balloon hovered blasphemously close to the Running Madonna. From [Knowing Jesse] Reference
Woe untae ye who blasphemously deny the existence of Santy Claus. From [Everything2 New Writeups] Reference
As one of my friends once almost blasphemously suggested "We are safe beneath Paisley's wings.". From [Slugger O'Toole] Reference
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