Animals often lick their wounds to stop the bleeding. From [William Shakespeare. Source: Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 1]
Adjective : a bleeding sore. ,bleeding fool. From
Adverb : a bleeding silly idea. From
Verb (used without object) : to bleed from the mouth. ,a wart that is bleeding. ,All the colors bled when the dress was washed. ,My heart bleeds for you. A nation bleeds for its dead heroes. ,The soldiers bled for the cause. ,CB transmissions bleeding over into walkie-talkies. From
Verb (used with object) : Doctors no longer bleed their patients to reduce fever. ,to bleed a pipeline of excess air. From
Noun : an intracranial bleed. From
Adjective : a bleed page. From
Even when I am yet again bleeding from the eyeballs as I write another first draft. From [Over the hump! Wheeeeee!] Reference
One does not have to be what you call a bleeding heart liberal to understand the dangers of street corner 'justice'. From [Slugger O'Toole] Reference
He emerged upon the sand, bleeding from a score of wounds. From [The House of Mapuhi] Reference
"The bleeding is worst of all – it's so ugly," cried Walter. From [Rainbow Valley] Reference
The doc said some bleeding is normal, but to keep watch on it. From [Tipping point (Jack Bog's Blog)] Reference
Nikki Blue was bleeding from the lip and hand in the semifinals. From [ - After rough start, Pepperdine feels like dancing] Reference
This body piercing without bleeding is the forte of the Rafaees. From [The Child Rafaee/Snake Cult Rafaees « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1] Reference
In the car she realizes the bleeding is getting worse and so is the pain. From [ProWomanProLife » When we say legal=safe isn’t true…] Reference
He did not run off and hide even though he was bleeding from a head wound. From [When Good Dogs Die] Reference
We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. From [Think Progress » Right Wing Swiftboating Retired Generals: ‘Dangerous,’ ‘Encouraging the Enemy to Fight On’] Reference
So we are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Al Jezeera releases a full transcript of the Bin Laden tape.–] Reference
McKee initiated the hit but was knocked back onto the ice, bleeding from the mouth. From [ - Penguins take 2-0 series lead on Sabres] Reference
Or worse, they end up in bleeding government! on June 2, 2008 at 8: 12 am | Reply ExPom. From [Get In Line « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG] Reference
I would go back and watch it again but I am afraid I would start bleeding from the eyes. From [EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - What do you get when you mix crack with an EL fan?] Reference
Pearl was flat out on the side of the street, skinned up all over, and bleeding from the nose. From [How Far Would You Go To Defend Your Dog?] Reference
She spends most of the movie stranded in a Moroccan desert hovel bleeding from a gunshot wound. From [A Day of K(C)ates] Reference
"The only way to stop the bleeding is come back and fight," Bucs linebacker Derrick Brooks said. From [] Reference
I remember vividly the woman who presented to the ER bleeding from a large cancer on her cervix. From [Cervical Cancer and Birth Control PIlls] Reference
When Aburto was plucked bleeding from the mob, having just blown Colosio's brains out, he confessed. From [Quien sabe?] Reference
'She was bleeding from the nose and under her fingernails and even a blood transfusion could not help.'. From [Archive 2007-01-01] Reference
Then she stopped recognizing anyone, then she began bleeding from the nose and mouth and then she died. From [A funeral for a baby] Reference
They stood over Chasse, who was bleeding from the mouth, as if they had just hit a deer with their car. From [Chasse's fatal wounds were from kicks or knee-drops (Jack Bog's Blog)] Reference
He says the best way to prevent bleeding is by not giving the drug to patients in the highest-risk group. From [Experimental heart drug beats Plavix in trials] Reference
In its passage it cleared the body of a man, who lay motionless, bleeding from a bullet-wound in the neck. From [Jan, the Unrepentant] Reference
Hollweg stayed down on the ice for several minutes after the hit and was bleeding from the chin when he got up. From [ - Hockey - N.Y. Rangers vs. N.Y. Islanders] Reference
But every stroke of the merciless lash was engraved on his heart in bleeding stripes that called for vengeance. From [Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest] Reference
I ended up bleeding from the throat (I'm talking pulsating bleeding into a pail) and back in emergency 4 times. From [H1N1] Reference
When I think 'Robin Hood', I don't think 'guy on a horse, bleeding from the face, leading an army into battle.'. From [New Posters: Robin Hood, Shrek Forever After, The Losers, True Blood Season 3 | /Film] Reference
Monday and asked for help because he could not stop the bleeding from a self-castration operation, police said. From [January 2005] Reference
He made no sound, and, having fallen over on his side, he lay there quietly, bleeding from the blow on the mouth. From [A Curious Fragment] Reference
Melmi, that's a good point - sometimes, the bleeding is so intense that you're left with very little original color. From [Celebration Soap Recap] Reference
Tomlinson may have died of Internal bleeding but as far as I know the cause of that bleeding is yet to be determined. From [Policeman killed - NO STORY. Woman slapped - BIG STORY. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG] Reference
I think it's a toss up between bleeding from a thousand tiny cuts or bleeding from a thousand stressful interactions. From [ccfinlay: Like Light Bulb Glass: Think It Was A Bad Idea?] Reference
They've got a disease called bleeding canker which is fast. From [ - Articles related to Threats close Pakistan schools] Reference
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