Hungry children with bloated stomachs. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Verb (used with object) : Overeating bloated their bellies. ,The promotion has bloated his ego to an alarming degree. From
The latest ... saw (her) in bloated and bedraggled form. From [Whitney stages a comeback: The verdicts] Reference
They gave it a decent review, but not great, saying some might call it bloated and in need of editing. From [Pandora's Star Reviw] Reference
How can a Public University justify giving a long term bloated contract to an under performing head coach?. From [Blog updates] Reference
Critics 'P3-B cost of Arroyo trips' bloated '- Malacañang. From [ - Articles related to Japan's victor to boost trade] Reference
But bloated is a problem. From [It's Not How Long You Make It, Is It?] Reference
JamesGecko: Yeah, "bloated" wasn't the correct term. From [Turn Thumb Drives Into Feature-Packed Giveaway Drives | Lifehacker Australia] Reference
He seemed kind of bloated and his wings were on the fritz. From [There's Something Wrong with Sven] Reference
That kind of bloated executive compensation is not good for the economy, either. From [If we're all supposed to see that Obama is a socialist, and then he wins by a landslide...] Reference
In the meantime, Team Cameron may be doing all the running on the "bloated" Beeb. From [Beware a confused message] Reference
"As for the "bloated" military budget, I challenge you to cite facts and figures..". From [Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Wednesday] Reference
I didn't read any of these but my eyes happen to fall upon the words "bloated" and "action.". From [Early Buzz: The First Real Reviews for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen | /Film] Reference
A number of these steers "bloated," and I had to stick them with a knife promptly to save their lives. From [Ranching, Sport and Travel] Reference
The idea that states 'budgets are "bloated" would certainty be news to them. From [Think Progress] Reference
The state budget is "bloated" and trying to fund more than it can afford, he said. From [The Sheboygan Press Latest Headlines] Reference
Tropic Thunder may turn into precisely the kind of bloated action monstrosity that it's making fun of. From [Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch] Reference
If the Irish public sector is 'bloated', public sectors throughout Europe must be absolutely gluttonous. From [Notes On The Front] Reference
The government, as Alterman convincingly describes it, is not only expensive, "bloated" and all the rest. From [ Main RSS Feed] Reference
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