They did it by blundering into it. From []
That "blundering", for Auster at least, takes place one paragraph at a time. From [British Blogs] Reference
If the Turdblossom gets indicted and convicted, we can expect more of this kind of blundering for the rest of DUHbuhya’s term. From [Think Progress » Video: Pentagon Aide Admits Having “Drilled Through” Questions For Photo-Op] Reference
Then, when he was explained away, came blundering I!. From [Wired Love A Romance of Dots and Dashes] Reference
On it came, buzzing and blundering through the leaves. From [David and the Phoenix] Reference
Darkness and ignorance of the ground caused much blundering. From [Destruction and Reconstruction: Personal Experiences of the Late War] Reference
The good news is that America has stopped blundering in Iraq. From [THE GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS] Reference
Divine supervision as the blundering of the Jews in the crucifying of. From [The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882] Reference
With white men, how much blundering and missing there would have been!. From [Life at Puget Sound: With Sketches of Travel in Washington Territory, British Columbia, Oregon and California] Reference
"No," replied the colonel, forgetting his anger over the blundering arrest. From [The Boy Scouts Patrol] Reference
Frank Cottrell Boyce takes a rollercoaster ride with a blundering but lucky man. From [Inheritance by Nicholas Shakespeare] Reference
The finest sea trout of my life ought to have been lost to me by this sort of blundering. From [Lines in Pleasant Places Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler] Reference
"She would like to see more of you," Sir Philip went on in a somewhat blundering fashion. From [A True Friend A Novel] Reference
Nevertheless he could keep on trying -- blundering though his words and gestures might be. From [Next Door, Next World] Reference
You are apt to cause mischief through blundering and the making of incorrect statements. From [Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves] Reference
Turning his blundering political campaign into a "positive" story-now, that would be biased. From [Sex, Abortion And Hypocrisy ..Se.-Campaign '92] Reference
It is a blundering teacher who takes badness in a child for granted — does not wait for proof. From [How to Cook Husbands] Reference
It might almost be called a "tragedy of errors," for there was nothing but blundering all round. From [Six days of the Irish Republic A Narrative and Critical Account of the Latest Phase of Irish Politics] Reference
Sometimes, too, they go about it in such a blundering way that it's bound to fail from the start. From [Baseball Joe Around the World Pitching on a Grand Tour] Reference
It was no balm to his sore heart that he in his blundering wrath had wrought this fresh disaster. From [The Maid of the Whispering Hills] Reference
Poor Tony did not realise how sadly he was blundering, how sorely he was failing in an emergency. From [Bandit Love] Reference
It is the lack of this very knowledge that makes much of life a mere blundering about in the dark. From [The Gentle Art of Cooking Wives] Reference
This wholeness is just what distinguishes the shabby, blundering mechanic from the splendid workman. From [Hidden Treasures Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail] Reference
My practice is now extensive, owing to my blundering into fame in a somewhat singular manner, but a year ago. From [The Darrow Enigma] Reference
You know I told you all to be here, or not to expect to go blundering along the roads, disgracing the school. From [Dorothy Dale : a girl of today] Reference
IN A REGION WHERE SADDAM HUSSEIN still makes everyone jumpy, Turkey is blundering like a bull in a china shop. From [The Sick Man Coughs Again] Reference
Defying expectations, my body had embarked on a blundering, self-destructive path — a siege against the self. From [Tipping Point] Reference
How else to explain Mr. Boehner's weekend blundering into the tax trap the President set for him only last week?. From [Boehner's Tax Bungle] Reference
They spread out over the floor of the room easily and lightly, and the cops charged them in a great blundering mass. From [Out Like a Light] Reference
And what maid could be blind to De Courtenay's sparkling grace, -- compared to which he was himself a blundering yokel?. From [The Maid of the Whispering Hills] Reference
The new evidence casts serious doubt on Huang's defense that he was a blundering novice unfamiliar with U.S. election laws. From [The Man In The Middle] Reference
Before that the country was a striving Third World upstart, eagerly and sometimes successfully blundering toward modernity. From [Kabul Time Capsule] Reference
Their blundering wonderboy: Marvelous Marv Throneberry, who once hit a triple but was called out for not touching first base. From [Amazin' Disgrace] Reference
Twice he made the blundering maid repeat the telegram, and finally exhausted with the mental effort, dropped into unconsciousness. From [The Motor Maids at Sunrise Camp] Reference
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