Bear Center researchers see bluster when bears are nervous and crowded but reluctant to leave because of cubs, food, or being cornered. From []
He was awakened by the bluster of their preparations. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
This bluster is not going to fool anyone ... with any sense. From [Republicans slam Dems over latest jobs report] Reference
And the great thing about conservative bluster is that it ages so well. checkinout Says. From [Matthew Yglesias » What Might Have Been] Reference
There was a lot of bluster from the Chinese police but I didn't feel much actual serious threat. From ['Excessive Response'] Reference
Beneath your bluster is a lack of respect for the truth. From [come on into the kitchen] Reference
So far, however, the result of all the bluster was a military standoff. From [On A Gunboat To China] Reference
But behind all the bluster was a well thought-out, coordinated campaign. From Reference
All the Republicans’ talk and bluster is meaningless so long as the bill passes. From [Matthew Yglesias » Deep Breaths] Reference
As for the Senate race … I’m not certain what all the Coleman bluster is about. From [Coleman, Franken Camps Gear Up for Recount in Minnesota - The Caucus Blog -] Reference
Your bluster is making me smile. From [Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID] Reference
This is precisely the kind of bluster that must be avoided. From [Asia Times Online] Reference
This kind of bluster is what flacks are for, on both sides. From [James Fallows] Reference
Orson at 22 with that arrogance and bluster which is very well documented, how do I do that?. From [ - 30 most recent stories] Reference
It is at any rate that sort of "bluster" at which the justice and humanity of a loyal Englishman must take alarm. From [A Leap in the Dark A Criticism of the Principles of Home Rule as Illustrated by the Bill of 1893] Reference
Hearing his own mild bluster, he smiles sheepishly. From [A What-If Problem] Reference
Nonaka's comment was much more bluster than threat. From [Koizumi's Big Step] Reference
Their first reaction to the threat from the East was bluster. From [REPORT CARD ON UNITY] Reference
It makes America look vaguely foolish, all bluster and no punch. From [Deja Vu All Over Again] Reference
Predictably, beneath the bluster, Winehouse is all feathers and down. From [Music: Soul on Ice, And a Twist] Reference
Both sides in this debate are engaging in a little bluster, of course. From [Drugs: Is The Price Right?] Reference
In a boxing world of brutality and bluster, it is a graceful and modest prayer. From [Nice Man, Nasty Business] Reference
For all their bluster and spin, Bush's advisers were very worried for their man. From [TALKING THE TALK] Reference
Despite all the bluster, evidence of a widespread credit crunch is so far scant. From [A Sequel to the Subprime Mess?] Reference
Bernanke's low-key but incisive manner worked better with lawmakers than Paulson's bluster. From [Paulson’s Complaint] Reference
But beneath the patented intellectual bluster lies a new satisfaction with his Senate life. From [The Brain And The Pig Trough] Reference
And Wall Street likes his bluster-free admission that the company must change old ways to grow. From [Mickey D's Passes The Toque] Reference
Those conversations -- part bluster, part revelation -- have now turned into The Fuhrman Tapes. From [Who's On Trial Now?] Reference
Smeal's threat may have been bluster, but at this stage the administration is listening to all comers. From [What About Women?] Reference
Later-borns, since they can't get their way by force or bluster, should be more sociable and agreeable. From [First Born, Later Born] Reference
There is evidence that the West is starting to understand just how empty some of Medvedev's bluster is. From [The Medvedev Doctrine] Reference
"" I get knocked down/But I get up again/You're never going to keep me down, '' the band members bluster. From [Anarchy From The U.K.] Reference
Livingstone, a onetime bouncer in a bar, has a reputation for bluster and for taking the political low road. From [Hillary's Other Side] Reference
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