Oh, and do another interview in ... uh ... the phone is ringing. From Wordnik.com. [The Taxman Cometh] Reference
Bakura buh-COOR-uh from a Korean term for "outside" that I picked up in Tae Kwon Do. From Wordnik.com. [Archive 2006-08-01] Reference
And Oprah's like: '' Nuh-uh, that is my territory! ''. From Wordnik.com. [Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch] Reference
"I-uh, that is-I mean, somebody has to do it, right?". From Wordnik.com. [Wraithbait] Reference
Let's listen in on Howard Cosell, uh, that is to say, James Wolcott. From Wordnik.com. [Tom Watson: Late Rounds on Healthcare: Can Obama Throw a Counter-Punch?] Reference
Um, and uh, that is, obviously arouses the anger of some in Pakistan. From Wordnik.com. [John Tomasic: The Tora Bora Of The Mind] Reference
Now to get my strength back up for Austin - uh, that is 13.2 miles next Saturday morning. From Wordnik.com. [Mumblings After Working Until 3:30 AM] Reference
"I am very unpredictable," Beyonce said on last night's concert special about her, and, uh, that is just not true. From Wordnik.com. [PopWatch] Reference
Or uh is it all of the above?. From Wordnik.com. [Sound Off: The Dark Knight - What Did You Think?! « FirstShowing.net] Reference
MOOS: President-elect Obama is known for his "uh" s. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2008] Reference
All I got was a lousy "uh" and some more head movement. From Wordnik.com. [Midnight Thought] Reference
I get the feeling he's really struggling NOT to "uh" too much. From Wordnik.com. [Live-blogging Obama's first press conference.] Reference
How about every time Obama utters an "uh", we down some Jose Cuervo. From Wordnik.com. [A late afternoon coffee break.] Reference
No, Obambi says "uh" too much people will die from alcohol poisoning. From Wordnik.com. [Live-blogging the big debate.] Reference
Before he could get out another "uh" she kissed him, firmly and lingeringly. From Wordnik.com. [Up In A Heaval]
Palin seemed to speed up whenever she was about to insert an "uh", etc. filler. From Wordnik.com. [Sean Hannity interviews Sarah Palin.] Reference
Among his problems, he has got to stop saying "uh" especially at the wrong times. From Wordnik.com. [Senior Obama Adviser: Obama Will "Take Fox On" In Appearance This Sunday] Reference
Till your trial or " transportation to Terra, maybe " uh " till further orders. ". From Wordnik.com. [The Rebel Worlds]
Every second word was 'uh', and his walk was thirty-two frames a second; slow motion. From Wordnik.com. [Blood Sports]
We also have to do shots when we hear McCain's version of the Obama "uh": My friends. From Wordnik.com. [A late afternoon coffee break.] Reference
In live interviews, using 'uh' and 'um' all the time is unprofessional, and sounds bad. From Wordnik.com. [Archive 2006-05-27] Reference
He spoke slowly, every second word an 'uh', but he was sharply thorough with the horses. From Wordnik.com. [Flying Finish]
The GREAT orator couldn't even make a simple sentence come out without six "uh"'s per breath. From Wordnik.com. [How did Barack Obama do?] Reference
So why not change the name uh?. From Wordnik.com. [United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal] Reference
Also, "uh" is one of the main words in her vocabulary. From Wordnik.com. [Gawker] Reference
The e is plain, a sort of "uh" sound, as it is in the word je. From Wordnik.com. [The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed] Reference
His words, transcribed with all the "uh" s he is so famous for. From Wordnik.com. [The Common Ills] Reference
Many speakers toss an "uh" in after every cluster of three or four words. From Wordnik.com. [The Daily News - News] Reference
"At the time I was there, I was all took up with the idea uh getting home. From Wordnik.com. [The Happy Family] Reference
"The only word they know is 'uh' and they don't even know how to spell it.". From Wordnik.com. [Latest Articles] Reference
"I mean, uh, that is … uh, Ms. Moore, could you please look somewhere else. From Wordnik.com. [Blood Lines]
You know, my son says "uh" about as often as Ob. Oh ... wait ... my son is 1. From Wordnik.com. [Latest Articles] Reference
In other words, don'run your words together. t • Eliminate fillers Avoid "uh,". From Wordnik.com. [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
It's a great bar joke - you have to have a drink every time you hear Obama say "uh". From Wordnik.com. [Latest Articles] Reference
I mean he used the term 'uh' or 'umm' a total of twelve times in just forty-one seconds. From Wordnik.com. [AroundTheCapitol.com] Reference
New trailer for an all new episode of "The Summer Glau Chronicles", uh "Terminator SCC". From Wordnik.com. [Whedonesque | a weblog about Joss Whedon] Reference
Have a conversation and notice the number of times you use words such as "uh," "um" or "like.". From Wordnik.com. [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
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