Adjective, : an uncommon word. ,an uncommon amount of mail. From
Talk about her growing appreciation of the uncommonness of common things. From [Broken For You by Stephanie Kallos: Questions] Reference
But I am not common, and by cleaving to me and my leadership you bask in the glory of my uncommonness. From [The Lives of Felix Gunderson] Reference
To the contrary, it is the uncommonness of such mobilization that draws attention and makes the mobilization effective. From [American Grace] Reference
It's in acquiring this "uncommon visage" that the meaning of human existence seems to lie, since for this uncommonness we are, as it were, prepared genetically. From [Joseph Brodsky - Nobel Lecture] Reference
I can really make sense of your ungrammaticality judgment only as an aversion against the constructions excessive uncommonness (use of “whom” + overt relative pronoun in an object relative clause, which also seems to have become sort of uncommon) … Are “the boy to whom I gave the gift” and “the man whom I saw” really that much better for you?. From [Whoever v. Whomever! Cases collide! Match of the Century! « Motivated Grammar] Reference
Addie Tristram died with all her old uncommonness. From [Tristram of Blent An Episode in the Story of an Ancient House] Reference
"What's the uncommonness?" said Mrs. Thorn, addressing herself rather to. From [Queechy] Reference
The value, and, indeed, the fact of distinction, consists in its uncommonness. From [The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,] Reference
It was somewhat old-fashioned, enough to enhance its beauty and uncommonness, and. From [Robin Redbreast A Story for Girls] Reference
It is the uncommonness of the thoughts or the image which prevents your anticipating the end. From [Famous Reviews] Reference
Hotspur is an uncommon man, whose uncommonness is unsupported by his father at a critical moment. From [William Shakespeare] Reference
He joked -- a recreation rare with him -- and he told a story -- a mental excursion of marked uncommonness. From [The Colossus A Novel] Reference
Unfortunately, its very rarity and uncommonness cause it to be counterfeited and imitated by unprincipled persons. From [Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers] Reference
If one wants to judge the value of a gemstone, he can easily do that as the value is interrelated to its uncommonness. From [EzineArticles] Reference
"What's the uncommonness?" said Mr.. Thorn, addressing herself rather to Mr. Rossitur as she saw Mr. Carleton's averted eye. From [Queechy, Volume I] Reference
He said he had been roused by a sound, whose power of disturbing him arose, not from its loudness, but from its uncommonness. From [Edgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker] Reference
Its uncommonness, as was partly said above, does not consist merely in the excellence of its description; nor in the acuteness of the occasional. From [A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century] Reference
But the uncommonness of it is a main part of its merit; and I think I know the ground I have to travel so well that I do not much fear I should lose my road. From [Anna St. Ives] Reference
"What's the uncommonness?" said Mrs. Thorn, addressing herself rather to Mr. Rossitur as she saw Mr. Carleton's averted eye; – "Is she handsome, Mr. Rossitur?". From [Queechy] Reference
I might give you a dozen pictures of our life, and yet mislead you as to its uncommonness; it was really commonplace life in strange and unfamiliar circumstances. From [The Relief of Mafeking How it Was Accomplished by Mahon's Flying Column; with an Account of Some Earlier Episodes in the Boer War of 1899-1900] Reference
The uncommonness of the proposal raised at once his surprise and curiosity, and when after a short deliberation he consented to admit her, he could not stay without impatience till the next day. From [Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia] Reference
The uncommonness of the proposal raised at once his surprize and curiosity, and when, after a short deliberation, he consented to admit her, he could not stay without impatience till the next day. From [Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia] Reference
This variety gives great room for choice, in the formation of words, of such terminations as by their uncommonness are most likely to be remembered, or by any accidental relation or allusion they may have to thing sought. From [Grey's Memoria Technica, Excerpt from Lucius J. Polk's Notebook, August 12, 1821] Reference
The young man could not seize his impressions immediately, for it seemed to him that the form which he saw there before him was both simple and uncommon, and, what was more, the uncommonness flowed just from the simplicity. From [Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero] Reference
Both arise from the perception of something out of the common order of things -- something, in fact, out of its place; and if from this we can abstract danger, the uncommonness will alone remain, and the sense of the ridiculous be excited. From [Literary Remains, Volume 2] Reference
Both arise from the perception of something out of the common order of things — something, in fact, out of its place; and if from this we can abstract danger, the uncommonness will alone remain, and the sense of the ridiculous be excited. From [Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher] Reference
It chooses such peculiarities as admit of being reproduced and consequently are not indissolubly bound up with the individuality of a single person, -- a possibly common sort of uncommonness, so to say, -- peculiarities that are held in common. From [Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic] Reference
The commonness or uncommonness won’t have the force of authority if it hasn’t been formally taught. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause] Reference
The whole point of Kafka is his uncommonness. From [F. Kafka, Everyman] Reference
(which the uncommonness of his case required of us, for our own satisfaction as well as public good) there was found in his left kidney a nest of no less than seven stones, of the most irregular, figures your imagination can frame, and weighing together four ounces and a half, but all fast linked together, and adhering to his back; whereby they solve his having felt no greater pains upon motion, nor other of the ordinary symptoms of the stone. From [Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete] Reference
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