An unconsummated marriage can be annulled. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Problem is, a second touch brings death, so their love must remain unconsummated despite increasingly creative forms of non-contact contact. From [Replanting ABC's 'Pushing Daisies': Will it bloom or wilt?] Reference
An unconsummated marriage would suit him very well. From [Dancing with Clara]
The marriage was unconsummated and lasted 10 months. From [Stars in Alignment] Reference
The match, which likely went unconsummated, was "a disaster.". From [A Forgotten Explorateur] Reference
That's why he argued for unconsummated, Platonic relationships. From [Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: The Kosher Sutra: Recapturing Lost Sexual Desire] Reference
I understood that the marriage will be binding but unconsummated. From [The Red Queen] Reference
The good old hates were oddly confused, and remained unconsummated. From [Dead Heat Dumb-Out] Reference
An unconsummated marriage, after all, was one that could be annulled. From [The Falcons of Montabard]
Married at 16, Catherine's marriage was unconsummated for seven years. From [Archive 2009-02-01] Reference
There is no passion quite so strong as unrequited or unconsummated love. From [Yon Ill Wind]
An unconsummated hate can be almost as unsettling as an unrequited love. From [Dead Heat Dumb-Out] Reference
Their unconsummated affair works because quite frankly, we WANT it to work. From [Top 10 Weirdo & Unlikely Couples » Scene-Stealers] Reference
They slept unconsummated and the next day she put her things together to go. From [Tours of the Black Clock] Reference
He brings her back, they fall in love ... and are doomed to a lifetime of unconsummated romance. From [Fall Preview: Television] Reference
He brings her back, they fall in love … and are doomed to a lifetime of unconsummated romance. From [Fall Arts: Television] Reference
When nobody said anything, Edwige went on, You two still have an unconsummated thing for each other?. From [KILLING COUSINS] Reference
She was lost in her turbulent thoughts about her mother, Reede, and their unconsummated love affair. From [Best Kept Secrets]
Deducing this theme of unfulfillment, I ask the film-maker if her work was about unconsummated desire. From [Spread ArtCulture: Interview: Eve Sussman - on the making of her film, Rape of the Sabine Women] Reference
It was a relationship that, for a decade, appears to have remained secret, passionate and unconsummated. From [Sir Arthur Conundrum Doyle] Reference
His long first marriage, to Lois Martin, whom he met at J.B. Priestley's house, most likely remained unconsummated. From [Giddy & Malevolent] Reference
Nor does anyone consider Dante humiliated, or his masterpieces tarnished, by his unconsummated passion for Beatrice. From [More Amour] Reference
Loving each other as men and women love but once in a lifetime, their love was destined to be for ever unconsummated. From [The Hermit of Far End] Reference
It seems to me that what gave the edge to the lovers' frustration is that their relationship was indeed unconsummated. From [Archive 2009-01-01] Reference
There was still the certain distance, the coy shyness, that spoke of passion as yet unconsummated, though acknowledged. From [The Serpent's Shadow]
So long as the question still gets asked at the county level, the marriage of the DNC and OFA will remain unconsummated. From [Tom Sullivan: Extending The Obama Brand In 2010] Reference
Underlying it all is the story of his unconsummated love for an incomprehensibly beautiful woman named Mary the Magdalene. From [Lamb by Christopher Moore: Questions] Reference
The story is a simple one, about a pair of stiff-upper-lip Britons who endure a passionate though unconsummated love affair. From [Night Music Still a Delight] Reference
In a marriage situation, do you think once a quarter, or a couple times a year, I could have an unconsummated “romance”?. From [N.Y. Beauties Collapse: Formerly Chichi We, Now Netflixed, Dumpy] Reference
The new pieces go deeper, arguing that Andersen's biography is better understood through his experiences of unconsummated love. From [LIVING A FAIRY TALE] Reference
Oh yes, it could, but only as long as their marriage remained unconsummated, but she wasn't going to remind him of that right now. From [Passionate Relationship]
Culture teaches women that an unconsummated erection is a terrible thing and that giving a man the wrong idea makes one a “tease.”. From [Great Sex for Moms] Reference
Tintin is pure negative, the whiteness of the whale, the sexlessness of the unconsummated marriage, the radical erasure of the Khamsin. From [Archive 2007-02-01] Reference
Both are virgins, and their ritualistic dialogue and behavior resemble an unconsummated marriage. From [Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue] Reference
Since Smith and Greenwalt didn't own the property, he saw no obligation to tell the bank of the unconsummated deal. From [ Stories] Reference
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