The Hague Convention of 1907 prohibits attacks on "undefended" civilian targets. From [To The Victors Go The Trials] Reference
Leave it undefended but heavily monitored with cameras. From [Neetu Mahil: Build a School; Then Build It Again] Reference
The town was undefended, and the Boers in full retreat. From [With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back] Reference
How could he leave her undefended now by his watchful love?. From [The First Soprano] Reference
English coast between Portland and Plymouth was practically undefended. From [From John O'Groats to Land's End] Reference
Our right flank for some reason seems to be left practically undefended. From [With the Naval Brigade in Natal (1899-1900) Journal of Active Service] Reference
"I shall let the divorce suit go undefended," she had said, smiling happily. From [Swirling Waters] Reference
Creek, perfectly undefended, and accomplished a complete surprise to the enemy. From [Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals] Reference
If you're tired of being used, neglected and undefended, this message is for you. From [CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2008] Reference
He occupied our rearmost village, which was undefended, and attacked our hospital. From [The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919] Reference
Meaning: In both worlds -- secular and even in the religious -- the child is left undefended. From [Carla Seaquist: Where Is the Vatican's Outrage About Child Molestation?] Reference
"She tried to make me believe that she wanted a divorce and would let the suit go undefended.". From [Swirling Waters] Reference
They are little more than prayer halls made of wood and thatch, and they are always undefended. From ['A Free Reign Of Terror'] Reference
Russia, I guarded your trade routes in the Mediterranean and left my northern coasts undefended. From [The New York Times Current History: the European War, February, 1915] Reference
Paddling towards an undefended part of the castle, he taught him how to clamber up the wall; and Mr. From [Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844] Reference
The Normans turned, galloped up the hill, and poured by thousands into the gap thus left undefended. From [Stories from English History] Reference
The cranium, owing to its comparatively superficial and undefended condition, is liable to fracture. From [Surgical Anatomy] Reference
But Bernibus was not to be taken lightly, and neither was he to let the love of his life go undefended. From [The Revolutions of Time] Reference
Before the shops the undefended tree trunks were gnawed into grotesque patterns by the farmers 'hungry beasts. From [Janice Day at Poketown] Reference
The fight would spread and the victors would be eaten by the wildlife that swarmed over the undefended perimeter. From [Deathworld] Reference
This roused her anger, for she felt the inventors were defrauded and undefended individuals who needed a protector. From [Ten American Girls From History] Reference
Morgan reproached himself for offering her these instruments which had sent so many men to sudden, undefended death. From [Trail's End] Reference
What does this country really have a reason to exist, because borders remain undefended, the ports are still insecure. From [CNN Transcript Sep 8, 2008] Reference
The French fleet is now in the Mediterranean, and the northern and western coasts of France are absolutely undefended. From [New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Vol 1, No. 2 Who Began the War, and Why?] Reference
Too many really bad plays are immensely advertised by a critic's undefended statement that they are not fit to be seen. From [Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing] Reference
While they're assembled in the square, the ship itself is undefended, although loosely surrounded by a cordon of guards. From [The Status Civilization] Reference
He could not have told just when they were caught in a murderous crossfire which poured canister at their undefended flanks. From [Ride Proud, Rebel!] Reference
Why mercy show when well we know that when our course is ended, we all must die -- they'll hang us high, unshaven, undefended!. From [Rippling Rhymes] Reference
While Arbus is known for chronicling humanity at its most undefended, Levitt's gaze is tender, leavening the impact of Arbus's work. From [How To Sell The Joke] Reference
He clips their tails, a common precaution against pigs 'tendency to bite one another on that tender and undefended part of the body. From [A Tale Of Two Hogs] Reference
He feared that the Russians, finding them undefended, might have taken possession of them when darkness fell, but he found them empty. From [The Story of General Gordon] Reference
This force was intended to proceed direct to Richmond, or to march into undefended Petersburg, as the case might seem best to warrant. From [Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death] Reference
The estates of Tichborne were not likely to be left undefended either by the trustees or by the family, who, with the exception of the. From [Celebrated Claimants from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton] Reference
We must also record that on Sept. 4 and 5 bombs were hurled from an aeroplane upon Ghent and Escloo, which are open and undefended towns. From [New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Vol 1, No. 2 Who Began the War, and Why?] Reference
Lessingholm, and with fierce cries the noble viscount raised also his sword, and was in act to strike the undefended head of his assailant. From [Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844] Reference
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