Van Praagh says there are people who claim to be mediums who have what he calls underdeveloped abilities. From [ - Latest News] Reference
Another notable, but again underdeveloped character is Tim Roths Emil Blonsky. From [Kevin's Review: The Incredible Hulk - A Jolly Time with the Green Giant «] Reference
So she keeps throwing in underdeveloped characters to serve as random obstacles. From [A Tale of an Unknown Country Book 1 » Manga Worth Reading] Reference
People in underdeveloped countries do have many positives, despite their circumstances. From [Lisa Haisha: What's Holding You Back From Changing the World?] Reference
Do economists have a reliable recipe for increasing growth in underdeveloped economies?. From [Foreign Aid and Growth, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty] Reference
She has given clinics in underdeveloped countries and visited U.S. troops in Afghanistan. From [Driven and skilled, Mendoza has softball leading role] Reference
“Do economists have a reliable recipe for increasing growth in underdeveloped economies?”. From [Foreign Aid and Growth, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty] Reference
It would be untrue to say that the people in underdeveloped countries have no regard for principles and ideals. From [The Role of Free China in the Free World] Reference
There are already now regions and groups in underdeveloped countries where the mortality trend has turned upwards. From [Gunnar Myrdal - Prize Lecture] Reference
People are literally dying in underdeveloped countries from diseases for which cures have already been discovered. From [Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Crowdsourcing] Reference
The first is that the subject of investment in underdeveloped countries is very prominent in much that is written and said today. From [Peace Through InvestmentA challenge to the Capitalist Countries] Reference
And they represent anyhow, like the oil exporting countries, only a small part of the peoples living in underdeveloped countries. From [Gunnar Myrdal - Prize Lecture] Reference
Let me simplify what I would like to term "The Ontario Plan" for long term industrial development in underdeveloped foreign markets. From [A New Look At Foreign Aid] Reference
In the fifties, it began helping management in underdeveloped countries -- a programme which they eventually stopped because it was not effective. From [Management Education: How Are We Doing in Canada?] Reference
The central problem of the world is nutrition of the people in underdeveloped countries, because you can't educate and guide undernourished people. From [The Advance of Medical Research] Reference
The device could solve one of the vexing problems of AIDS treatment in underdeveloped countries, where patients are not within easy reach of medical facilities. From [Handheld Puts AIDS Fight in Field (Wired News)] Reference
But this whole system of intergovernmental organizations has more and more become agencies for discussing, analyzing, and promoting development in underdeveloped countries. From [Gunnar Myrdal - Prize Lecture] Reference
The oil crisis has had, and has, serious implications for agricultural production in underdeveloped countries, particularly but not only by raising the prices for fertilizers. From [Gunnar Myrdal - Prize Lecture] Reference
Nonprofit group that introduces women in underdeveloped countries to film. From [Filmstalker: Aniston to direct] Reference
Developing nations have also been called underdeveloped nations. From [developing nation] Reference
The word is divided between developed and so-called underdeveloped countries. From [TEXT OF CASTRO HAVANA UNIVERSITY SPEECH] Reference
Western achievements look no less desirable elsewhere, including the so-called underdeveloped countries. From [HEALTH AND DISEASE] Reference
But it is only going to do well in underdeveloped countries which can’t afford Windows for their computer infrastructures. From [Microsoft’s Vista Problem, by the Numbers - Bits Blog -] Reference
And this imperialism acts the same against the interests of the so-called underdeveloped world as (? against the) industrialized world. From [CASTRO SPEECH CLOSING CULTURAL CONGRESS] Reference
The word "underdeveloped" is a little derogatory, is it not?. From [TELEVISION INTERVIEW] Reference
JON ANDERSEN, STRONGMAN: I was a kind of underdeveloped poor (ph) heel (ph) guy. From [CNN Transcript May 9, 2004] Reference
Cold War and even by a more general underestimation of individuals from "underdeveloped" parts of the world. From [The Nobel Peace Prize 1901-2000] Reference
Babies born too small are at risk for many immediate problems, such as underdeveloped lungs and bleeding in the brain. From [Aging well starts in womb, as mom's choices affect whole life] Reference
What economic hit men do is they go to "underdeveloped" countries and they explain to the leadership why they should invest in. From [The "War with Islam"] Reference
Muhammad Yunus, the poor, and countries which we have always considered "underdeveloped" have a lot to teach us about sustainability!. From [Vivian Norris de Montaigu: Muhammad Yunus: Social Business, the Financial Crisis and the Little Engine that Could] Reference
One closing school ranked better ('well developed') and two scored worse ('underdeveloped'). From [NYT > Home Page] Reference
We ordinary US citizens are destined to become like the citizens of "underdeveloped" nations. From [Dissident Voice] Reference
Don't even get me started on cell phones which "underdeveloped" nations had for years before we did. From Reference
To use the phrase coined by the late Walter Rodney of Guyana, the West actually "underdeveloped" Africa, not the other way around. From [News Dissector Blog] Reference
The so-called South-East-Anatolia-Project (GAP) is meant to catapult the "underdeveloped" southeastern part of Turkey, mostly inhabited by. From [ - Business News] Reference
It's all too common in Irish left analysis to see the industrial development of the North in contrast to the rural, 'underdeveloped' South. From [Irish Blogs] Reference
Eight years on there is still no real police force, the country is still 'underdeveloped' and poor, and women's lives are beyond miserable. From [The Full Feed from] Reference
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