Adjective : undesirable qualities. From
Noun : a collection of malcontents and undesirables. From
And if questioning all of that has made me undesirably sexless, I can live with that. From [April 2006] Reference
However, the use of OPC alone makes a harsh mortar, which achieves undesirably high strengths. From [Chapter 9] Reference
We sit up and take full notice only when politics undesirably intrudes on us, and then we act. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Citizens, Courts, and Confirmations: Understanding the Mass Public] Reference
In particular the relations between individuals of white races and coloured races are still undesirably bad. From [Has The British Empire Completed Its Task?] Reference
Over rough ground the wagons travel slowly, and patients with only provisional splints were shaken undesirably. From [Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre] Reference
According to the annual economic report, employment remained "at undesirably high levels" throughout the past decade. From [ANC Daily News Briefing] Reference
In 1937, Stalin liquidated most of his census board for reporting an undesirably low population for the Soviet Union. From [On Stalin, Child Abuse, and Crime - Freakonomics Blog -] Reference
The articles to be silvered are scratch-brushed, washed, and electroplated, till they begin to look undesirably rough. From [On Laboratory Arts] Reference
Though for social science papers "high" can still be undesirably low compared to, say, probability sample health surveys. From [Role Player Study released] Reference
No one's Social Security or Medicare benefit can be reduced or modified, even if the recipient is wealthy and the cost is undesirably high. From [The $3 Trillion Cop-Out] Reference
The central problem is not illegal immigration, it is undesirably high levels of poor and low-skilled immigrants, whether legal or illegal. From [ Blog Articles » Print » Required Week-End Reading: Sessions Reveals Senate Punting On Immigration Bill] Reference
She had, on the other hand, already learned enough to guide a good deal of action, and being seen would complicate matters most undesirably. From [The Nitrogen Fix]
Restoring ones diminished ego can take on many forms of action which can explain and justify itself in ways that may undesirably come back to you. From [I love Mexico but spouse wants to move back to US] Reference
This reaction correlates with an undesirably high tannin and polyphenol content and can serve as screening technique to eliminate candidate plants. From [Chapter 7] Reference
For example, the Nazis, in a calculated fashion, rounded up children and adults from supposedly undesirably ethnic groups for systematic slaughter. From [On Rejecting "The System"] Reference
Likewise, if harvesting occurs too early, an undesirably high proportion of the kernels will be immature, shrunken, low in weight, and inferior in flavor. From [Chapter 11] Reference
And blessed as he was with a lively nature, he proceeded happily upon his path in life, notwithstanding a certain ticklish sense of being shot at undesirably. From [Mary Anerley] Reference
Consequently, the area near the pump is usually more intensively irrigated than the remainder, the net result being an undesirably small effective service area. From [Chapter 19] Reference
I did once venture to speak of the subject in the most casual way I could, shortly before she underwent her operation, but the effect was to excite her very undesirably. From [Unnatural Death]
Second, if you behave undesirably toward people you run into in your everyday life, what's to stop you from developing a habit that extends into your work and home lives?. From [Alexandra Levit: The Corporate Freshman: Don't Be a Tailgater] Reference
Moreover, the projections assume -- probably unrealistically and undesirably -- a constant fall in defense and domestic discretionary spending as a share of national income. From [The Deficit In Leadership] Reference
Thus, algae grown on waste water, or organisms grown on waste liquor from the paper industry may contain undesirably high levels of toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, etc. From [Chapter 26] Reference
And some "noted concern" that the action "could put unwanted downward pressure on the dollar's value in foreign exchange markets" or "an undesirably large increase inflation.". From [Fed lowers economic expectations for 2011] Reference
Do you not perceive that the weather has undesirably changed. From [Monsieur Lecoq] Reference
The issue isn't just that most of the coverage is undesirably. From [Center for American Progress Action Fund] Reference
"Cleft palate" also connects undesirably the mouth and nasal chambers. From [Voice Production in Singing and Speaking Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged)] Reference
"I reckon, 'a hath begun with you too, Zeb," Mrs. Tugwell would answer, undesirably. From [Springhaven : a Tale of the Great War] Reference
Probably no man ever laid in a winter's supply of coal so quickly or so undesirably. From [Among the Forces] Reference
It also means that real interest rates can't be negative, and so are undesirably high. From [The Mess That Greenspan Made] Reference
Others, on the other hand, acidify the wine and give it an undesirably bitter palate and musty odour. From Reference
The starchy potato interior is undesirably grainy, similar to the texture of frozen supermarket fries. From [Paly Voice] Reference
"It is increasingly likely that inflation will fall to undesirably low levels," Yellen said at the meeting in San Francisco. From [Top Stories - Google News] Reference
It was evident that his sudden appearance unaccompanied by Vane, which he felt had been undesirably dramatic, had alarmed her. From [Vane of the Timberlands] Reference
The Harvard admissions office seems to be just about as effective as its Chinese counterparts at screening out the undesirably creative. From [James Fallows] Reference
Archbishop that his usual costume would make him undesirably conspicuous in America, for during his tour of this country the Primate of all. From [The Story of Cooperstown] Reference
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