In 1973 she lost custody of her daughter Emma, not because of her drinking, but because of what the judge called her "undoubted ambition". From [The Saturday interview: Anne Robinson on leaving Weakest Link] Reference
Do you think there will be some kind of undoubted interruption in the flow of oil into the United States because it's hitting this particular area?. From [CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2008] Reference
Mr. Linden gave the doctor a quick glance, but the smile which followed was 'undoubted' in another way. From [Say and Seal, Volume I] Reference
Arethusa accepted this invitation with undoubted pleasure. From [The Heart of Arethusa] Reference
KUHN: Musically, tonight's concert was an undoubted success. From [Orchestra Director Sees 'Tiny Step' in North Korea] Reference
All that concerns its preparation, therefore, is of undoubted interest. From [The Art of Living in Australia ; together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken] Reference
Nursery, however, trees of undoubted parentage were successfully raised. From [Fruits of Queensland] Reference
The colpoda -- undoubted infusoria -- behave in an exactly similar manner. From [The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)] Reference
So far, however, football clubs have been unable to harness their undoubted popularity. From [Overseas investors seek the pot of gold in football clubs' TV rights] Reference
Lordships undoubted right of repealing laws, and appointing officers civil and military. From [An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 1] Reference
Here is a case in which, unlike in the Sharif stabbing, the ideological motive is undoubted. From [James Lee's Awakening] Reference
The rhythm slackens, which is a shame, because it detracts from the undoubted power of the ending. From [The Persians] Reference
It's easy to see how party strategists might want to deploy Blair's undoubted communication skills. From [Blair Redux] Reference
Such a future may be worth it, a price we have to pay if Milosevic's undoubted evil is to be eradicated. From [Not Much To Celebrate] Reference
He has the undoubted right to sing both parts to suit his own fancy, or to hire others to do it for him. From [Lessons in Life A Series of Familiar Essays] Reference
Spare a thought for them -- and not just because nobody can know how they handled their undoubted private grief. From [Diana's Britain] Reference
Of undoubted contributors and their work, it may be stated, more than two hundred and fifty are here dealt with. From [The History of "Punch"] Reference
And in the meantime, the Africans or the Asians would get the undoubted benefit of all this huge western expertise. From [Paul Romer is a brilliant economist – but his idea for charter cities is bad] Reference
He had not allowed his undoubted powers of observation to be entirely concentrated upon the seamy side of his profession. From [The Motor Pirate] Reference
This artistic sensibility is the one undoubted advantage of man over other animals, the extra octave in the gamut of life. From [The Idler Magazine, Vol III. May 1893 An Illustrated Monthly] Reference
It will readily be understood how ministers of undoubted ability and consecration, are backward to inaugurate such a movement. From [Love's Final Victory] Reference
Their undoubted soldierly qualities are sapped by luxury, and they possess no constructive gifts which peace and prosperity might develop. From [Pan-Islam] Reference
Ireland, and of all the dominions and provinces belonging to the empire, and in particular his undoubted right to the province of Carolina. From [An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 1] Reference
In their undoubted wisdom an unnamed architect has chosen to reproduce the Elgin marbles in their entirety on a wall of one of the blocks of flats. From [British Olympic Authority demands role in merged body] Reference
Yet his pride, sustained for so long by his loyal followers, and self-belief that sprang from his undoubted excellence as a fighter, were deeply bruised. From [Ricky Hatton's love of the high life sent him crashing back to earth] Reference
Wasserstein considers them, evokes them and then gaily abandons them with gags and banter that use her undoubted comedic gifts to evade rather than confront. From [You Gotta Have Heart] Reference
That it is inseparably essential to the freedom of a people, and the undoubted right of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed on them but with their own consent. From [An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 2] Reference
Paul Lessingham, a man of world-wide reputation, of great intellect, of undoubted honour, who had come to me with a wholly unconscious verification of all my worst suspicions!. From [The Beetle] Reference
To them the present mania is an undoubted lease of the finer uses of intellect, and their mental horizons have widened until the prose of their lives is brightened into poetry. From [Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878] Reference
As the people had received undoubted benefits from this state of things, there were few to object to it, and even their objection was more for theoretical than practical reasons. From [Daybreak; a Romance of an Old World] Reference
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