It says we harbor an undreamed-of capacity for evil. From [Early Buzz: Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist | /Film] Reference
And then some undreamed-of antagonism assaults our life. From [Defenders of Democracy; contributions from representative men and women of letters and other arts from our allies and our own country, edited by the Gift book committee of the Militia of Mercy] Reference
Here it was that I discovered I had an undreamed-of talent. From [The Luxembourg Run]
To find happiness, undreamed-of happiness, and then to lose it!. From [Archive 2009-12-01] Reference
“All news” radio stations and TV channels were undreamed-of. From [Wednesday Night MetaFilterFilter « Gerry Canavan] Reference
Army hospital in Frankfurt found the hitherto undreamed-of answer. From [Obama’s new policy on nukes: I guess he wants to earn that Nobel ex post facto] Reference
For Fate upsets all plans and leads into strange and undreamed-of adventures. From [The Merriweather Girls in Quest of Treasure] Reference
Caleb received the statement as if it were an astounding bit of hitherto undreamed-of news. From [Then I'll Come Back to You] Reference
Research along these lines might turn up fascinating new resources of undreamed-of usefulness. From [10. Sorghum: Specialty Types] Reference
The microchip and the global marketplace are opening up undreamed-of prospects, but real challenges. From [President Remarks At Netday Concord Ca] Reference
Dropping that human battering-ram, Thor, from the football, squad was something utterly undreamed-of. From [T. Haviland Hicks Senior] Reference
The discovery of Prontosil opened up undreamed-of prospects for the treatment of infectious diseases. From [Physiology or Medicine 1939 - Presentation Speech] Reference
The arrival of these Jews with their riches offered undreamed-of opportunities to the other prisoners. From [Commandant of Auschwitz]
This was the basis of the discovery which was destined to bring undreamed-of advances in chemotherapy. From [Physiology or Medicine 1939 - Presentation Speech] Reference
She climbed to heights undreamed-of in her earlier days, and became a shining light in the world of letters. From [Idle Hour Stories] Reference
Bringing her with throbbing intensity closer and closer to some undreamed-of edge where all control would be gone. From [Rome's Revenge]
Her thoughts were singing; life seemed suddenly to mean undreamed-of wonders — the unravelling of a magic coil. From [Mary Christina] Reference
Dumbledore had left them to grope in the darkness, to wrestle with unknown and undreamed-of terrors, alone and unaided. From [Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows]
Their exponential success is legend, as they have become the leading force in manipulating prices to undreamed-of levels. From [Raymond J. Learsy: OPEC at 50 -- Showing the Way to Rebuild America's Economy "As High As An Elephant's Eye"] Reference
He filled her with a trembling premonition of the undreamed-of things that were waiting for her in the long aisle of life. From [The Coast of Chance] Reference
Now that global saturation of American commercial media product has reached undreamed-of levels, we face certain realities. From [The Permanent Crisis] Reference
It is, then, not difficult to understand that, from the first days, Ivan was in a situation undreamed-of even by his father. From [The Genius] Reference
A whole generation of young men had died in hitherto undreamed-of conditions, and social values had been turned upside down. From [A Conversation with Kazuo Ishiguro about Never Let Me Go] Reference
There she meets Selina, a former medium who seduces Margaret with promises of a life together, a heretofore undreamed-of happiness. From [Archive 2006-06-01] Reference
I was completely overwhelmed, not on account of the punishment, but because of this undreamed-of betrayal on the part of the confessor. From [Commandant of Auschwitz]
Cincinnati friends, I took a motor ride of about forty miles amidst undreamed-of beauty, both near the city and in the surrounding country. From [Travels in the Far East] Reference
The presence of the Dictator dismayed Cicero not a jot; instead, it pushed him to hitherto undreamed-of heights of eloquence and brilliance. From [Fortune's Favorites]
The blight on the potato first showed itself in 1845 -- a new, undreamed-of disaster, probably owing to the long succession of unfavourable seasons. From [Great Britain and Her Queen] Reference
Watching TV opens your eyes to the world and provides undreamed-of moneymaking opportunities -- those Ginzu knives must be making someone real cash!. From [Richard Laermer: Bandwagoning: The Lazy Man's Guide to Success] Reference
Where others fear trade and economic growth, we see opportunities for creating new wealth and undreamed-of opportunities for millions in our own land and beyond. From [State of the Union Address (1790-2001)] Reference
The new-made widower enjoyed the hitherto undreamed-of experience of knowing that he might put in for a glass at every public-house he passed, and not exhaust it. From [A Sheaf of Corn] Reference
It was the Ninth Cavalry which a few years ago astonished the army by reporting not a single desertion in twelve months, an unheard-of and perhaps undreamed-of record. From [Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue] Reference
Hence there has been on their part an ardent pursuit of hitherto undreamed-of sins, whose aura of suggestiveness has not been rubbed off by previous artistic expression. From [The Poet's Poet : essays on the character and mission of the poet as interpreted in English verse of the last one hundred and fifty years] Reference
Euripides and Sophocles and Menander; and the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, which have already produced undreamed-of treasures, may well have in store for us further glad surprises. From [Recent Developments in European Thought] Reference
Then renewed strength will come to thy limbs, then shall undreamed-of might enter thy sinews, and an accumulation of stout force shall bespread and nerve thy frame through-out. From [The Danish History, Books I-IX] Reference
Speedily he sprinkled her with the sweet water that brings joy, and when Psyche rose from her couch she was radiant with the beauty that comes from a new, undreamed-of happiness. From [A Book of Myths] Reference
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