They didn†™ t have the power to stand up to crooked landlords who charged them high rents to live in uninhabitable housing. From [The New Orleans diaspora « BuzzMachine] Reference
The property was described as uninhabitable, reclaimed by nature. From [Berkshire Eagle Most Viewed] Reference
If it's economically advantageous to individuals to make the planet uninhabitable, that is what will happen. From [Medlogs - Recent stories] Reference
They didn’t have the power to stand up to crooked landlords who charged them high rents to live in uninhabitable housing. From [The New Orleans diaspora « BuzzMachine] Reference
The claim that unmitigated global warming could render the Earth "uninhabitable"?. From [RealClimate] Reference
Whereas the British resigned much of Palestine to be "uninhabitable," the Jews took this. From [Home] Reference
The county jail was declared "uninhabitable" and inmates were transferred to nearby counties. From Reference
He said the county jail was "uninhabitable" and efforts were being made to transfer inmates to nearby counties. From [The Times-Reporter Home RSS] Reference
He said the Polk County Jail was "uninhabitable" and efforts were being made to transfer inmates to nearby counties. From [The Weather Channel: National Weather Outlook] Reference
The roof of the building was gone, and the building was "uninhabitable" and "probably structurally unsound," Geisler said. From [ -] Reference
Are you suggesting that we couldn't live someplace like the moon or on Mars some day ... places that are considered 'uninhabitable'?. From [Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz] Reference
"uninhabitable," and that swift action was needed to help homeowners stuck in a predicament not of their choosing. From [news | SH |] Reference
These rooms along the front will be uninhabitable. From [Is Lymington the snootiest town in Britain?] Reference
Spreading mold could make your house uninhabitable. From [Batten Down The Insurance] Reference
The flames left 58 houses destroyed or uninhabitable, officials said. From [Investigators Seek Clues From Oddly Cobbled Pipe] Reference
Without it, the annual city of two months would become uninhabitable. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865] Reference
Uninhabited, uninhabitable, the planet was unsuitable for colonization. From [Starman's Quest] Reference
Half of the island is expected to remain uninhabitable for another decade. From [The 2004 CIA World Factbook] Reference
French area is barren desert, and much of the rest of it uninhabitable by white people. From [Up To Date Business Home Study Circle Library Series (Volume II.)] Reference
A rainy season of exceptional severity set in, and the villa quickly became uninhabitable. From [Famous Women: George Sand] Reference
These villagers knew nothing of what lay beyond, save that it was desert and uninhabitable. From [The Rogue Elephant The Boys' Big Game Series] Reference
The Amex, like the NYSE, has a centralized trading floor, and its building is uninhabitable. From [Wall Street's Morality Play] Reference
The Matabeles and Mashona tribes between them contrived to render the country uninhabitable. From [South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 1 (of 6) From the Foundation of Cape Colony to the Boer Ultimatum of 9th Oct. 1899] Reference
Although the island contains forty thousand square miles, five-sixths of it is uninhabitable. From [Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania] Reference
A total of about 50,000 residential properties are still either uninhabitable or empty lots. From [Obama to Visit New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina Anniversary] Reference
The Yellowstone flows in the eastern portion of Montana through an uninhabitable desert called the. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 106, August, 1866] Reference
Alas! the spade fell just a moment too late and henceforth that hut was uninhabitable for a month. From [Ranching, Sport and Travel] Reference
(Such an explosion would disperse enough plutonium to make midtown Manhattan uninhabitable for decades.). From [Reality Check] Reference
The convoy had reached a long stretch of road where most of the buildings were blown up and uninhabitable. From [Tender Mercies] Reference
PALCA: Without it, all the equipment aboard the station would overheat and the crew quarters would be uninhabitable. From [NASA Schedules Spacewalk To Fix Broken Pump] Reference
Fly ash is an environmental liability because it makes land uninhabitable and the particle-size dust pollutes the air. From [Vecor Recycles Waste From Coal Plants Into Building Materials] Reference
Many homes remain uninhabitable; many claims for support, whether from five years ago or five months ago, remain unanswered. From [Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins: Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins: Five Years After Katrina, the Gulf Is Showing All of Us the Way Forward] Reference
Making a space uninhabitable by making it risky for criminals to operate there -- and publicizing it -- is far more effective. From [Danah Boyd: How Censoring Craigslist Helps Pimps, Child Traffickers and Other Abusive Scumbags] Reference
He is still in New Orleans, but his neighborhood is still uninhabitable so he's temporarily living on the west bank of the Mississippi. From [Fats Domino, 'Alive and Kickin' After Katrina] Reference
Eventually, law enforcement stings will make a space uninhabitable for criminals by making it too risky for them to try to operate there. From [Danah Boyd: How Censoring Craigslist Helps Pimps, Child Traffickers and Other Abusive Scumbags] Reference
Some believe the rising sea levels will put most of the archipelago underwater in 50 to 100 years, and leave the rest of it uninhabitable. From [Seychelles Sinks As Climate Change Advances] Reference
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