What's unstated is that Young needs a target to run quick, short routes much more than he needs a gazelle racing downfield. From Wordnik.com. [Same issue in Tennessee: Does V.Y. have enough weapons?] Reference
Why, the second unnamed person had just seen the first unnamed person not 4 hours earlier, at a location that ought to remain unstated. From Wordnik.com. [The fire alarm] Reference
Rightly or wrongly, neatness is considered significant in this organisation and a kind of unstated dress code has sprung up. From Wordnik.com. [Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners] Reference
Nonetheless, this kind of unstated interplay among the studies makes the book an intriguing read. From Wordnik.com. [Angry Bear] Reference
SMITHSON: I'm not sure that there is an unstated reason. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Oct 29, 2002] Reference
There is a stated reason, and I think an unstated reason. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Oct 28, 2002] Reference
Maybe it's an unstated policy that's an open border policy. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Jan 20, 2007] Reference
The unstated message is a powerful one: this is about you - only you. From Wordnik.com. [Michael Brenner: Modernism's Empty Empty Spaces] Reference
The undertow of power is something unstated to which all his facts and laws refer. From Wordnik.com. [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 76, February, 1864] Reference
ZAHN: So if that is their stated reason, what do you think the unstated reason is?. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Oct 29, 2002] Reference
And that, of course, is the obvious unstated, unspoken goal by U.S. officials here. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2007] Reference
This was to the effect that she should be doing some unstated but specific thing . From Wordnik.com. [The Complete Federation Of The Hub]
The answer, implicit but generally unstated, is that others may follow Davis's lead. From Wordnik.com. [Actual Innocence] Reference
Americans seem to harbor an unstated faith that, sooner or later, they'll find a job. From Wordnik.com. [Revenge Of The Old Economy] Reference
And unstated goal, waiting out from a flood of criticism for his handling of Katrina. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Sep 26, 2005] Reference
England where men go off 'on the spree' for a day or two at slated or unstated periods. From Wordnik.com. [Roumania Past and Present] Reference
She has positions, stated and unstated, on most (a) people, (b) issues, and (c) matters. From Wordnik.com. [The Way They Are] Reference
And I think perhaps that's once of the unstated reasons why the Pentagon made that choice. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2002] Reference
But that will not be enough to achieve all of George Bush's stated and unstated objectives. From Wordnik.com. [Four Ways The War Could End] Reference
That's the other unstated officially possibility for one of the reasons that they did this. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Feb 21, 2008] Reference
But letting him stay in limbo just as a prisoner with the case unstated against him is even worse. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Jun 4, 2005] Reference
So, I sacrifice the remainder of French hall to this unstated comrade and make my way to the street. From Wordnik.com. [Hunting Season] Reference
CONWAY: And I think that shouldn't go unstated here is that they are very different men ideologically. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Jun 2, 2009] Reference
The unstated message in the large Chrysler booth is: business as usual, plus some window dressing from Fiat. From Wordnik.com. [2010 Detroit Auto Show: The Chrysler product black hole] Reference
In fact, I think one of the purposes, though perhaps unstated at this conference, is to isolate those countries. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2007] Reference
It was a necessary condition to the present publication that the authorship of these letters should remain unstated. From Wordnik.com. [An Englishwoman's Love-Letters] Reference
But in America the unstated civil war between competing ethnic and racial groups has never been ultimately dealt with. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2007] Reference
But there was soon a gradual dispersion of the group, some going for wood and some for water, and others on errands unstated. From Wordnik.com. [The Blood of the Conquerors] Reference
And these outrages have earned me the unstated doctor of philosophy twelve times over, a zodiac of degrees I bend over my knee!. From Wordnik.com. [Excerpt from Calembouria (in collaboration with Anthony Metivier)] Reference
Programs endure; beneficiaries enjoy unstated property rights in their payments; favored constituencies get selective tax breaks. From Wordnik.com. [The Peace Dividend] Reference
The unstated assumption of much school "reform" is that if students aren't motivated, it's mainly the fault of schools and teachers. From Wordnik.com. [Why School ‘Reform’ Fails] Reference
The choice of Senator Lieberman has shown that yet another unstated barrier to government service at the highest level has been torn down. From Wordnik.com. [Mail Call] Reference
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