This can range from a tempest in a me-knot to a sublimely liberating encounter with apparent others that leaves nothing in its wake but untranslatable beauty. From [Robert Augustus Masters]
An untranslatable idiom. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
“Kayf” is a word untranslatable in our mother-tongue!. From [Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah] Reference
Besides, many authors consider a word untranslatable when there isn't an exact one-word equivalent. From [The St. Petersburg Times] Reference
I think I would add Kosztolanyi to the list of 'untranslatable' authors. From [ MAGUIRE ON TRANSLATION.] Reference
The title "is a combination of two more or less 'untranslatable' words: lagom (just enough, just right) and duktig (clever, smart).". From [ LAGOMDUKTIG.] Reference
He said a word in his own language, untranslatable. From [The Ringworld Throne]
Mœurs, is untranslatable by any single English word. From [Voltaire] Reference
Her full lips were curled in an untranslatable expression. From [Maigret's Dead Man]
There is somewhat in all life untranslatable into language. From [Uncollected Prose] Reference
But there is more than this that is untranslatable in the title. From [The Growth of the Soil] Reference
It is as untranslatable as the sigh of the wind in a pine forest. From [Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood] Reference
Of course it is untranslatable, but that is no reason not to try. From [The Genius of Berlin] Reference
"The future is so untranslatable," says she, with a little evasion. From [April's Lady A Novel] Reference
Rheba made an exasperated, untranslatable sound and turned to Kirtn. From [Dancer's Luck]
There are two other perhaps untranslatable lines in this short piece. From [Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847] Reference
Matthew Arnold could only characterize by the untranslatable French word. From [The Power of Womanhood, or Mothers and Sons A Book For Parents, And Those In Loco Parentis] Reference
Vendacious gave a Tinish chord, untranslatable but as a sign of smug pleasure. From [A Fire Upon the Deep]
It speaks in a language of its own, like music, and is equally untranslatable. From [The Hawaiian Archipelago] Reference
It was a spaceman's phrase that was untranslatable yet universally understood. From [The Emperor and the Monster]
I would say that Thompson Twins are also sufferers of their untranslatable style. From [that's me in the corner] Reference
I suppose it was an experience of that world, and thus untranslatable to this one. From [Shaman's Crossing]
Her two songs on Volunteers are intricate and untranslatable for mass consumption. From [Grace Slick The Biography]
As though it were a page on which was spelled some untranslatable other world message. From [The Metal Monster] Reference
She heard her words, understood her language, untranslatable to all others than a mother. From [The French Immortals Series — Complete] Reference
The almost untranslatable airs of India assume in China something like an artless melody. From [Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 26, August, 1880 of Popular Literature and Science] Reference
Chienlit is an untranslatable French word referring to defecating on a bed — a big mess. From [1968 the Year that Rocked the World]
Undefinable, untranslatable, and yet the most real thing and the greatest power in human life!. From [Mary Slessor of Calabar: Pioneer Missionary] Reference
The latter phrase was untranslatable but all the more understandable to the other mousebeaver. From [Unleashed Powers]
The excluded Human continued to pound on the window while bellowing untranslatable imprecations. From [The False Mirror]
Horace is utterly untranslatable, and prose translations afford little clue to the music of his songs. From [The Book-Hunter at Home] Reference
He knew enough Italian to appreciate the untranslatable passages of the language of the man of the people. From [The French Immortals Series — Complete] Reference
Indeed, that significant, almost untranslatable, French word might have been coined to fit La Fontaine's case. From [Classic French Course in English] Reference
The mules rattled on at a jog-trot, while Manuel beguiled the way with untranslatable songs in the vernacular. From [The Mission of Janice Day] Reference
The English title is given and the word “sentimental” is declared a new one in England and untranslatable in German. From [Laurence Sterne in Germany A Contribution to the Study of the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Eighteenth Century] Reference
Paxton also says that I should have quoted the "untranslatable but delicious" summing up of the old Marshal by Céline. From [Vichy & Petain] Reference
I think a lot of the bossa nova lyrics have this sort of spirit what we called saudade, which is in sort an untranslatable world - word. From [Luciana Souza: Revising Pop by Way of Bossa Nova] Reference
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