The teacher made a slight variance in the directions to clarify them. From
A zoning variance. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Looking at the bottom graph, it appears the variance is a bit less than 5%. From [Matthew Yglesias » Elections Getting Duller] Reference
Lord by faith to be at variance, is an utter inconsistency. From [Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible] Reference
Jerusalem, as Maurer translates in variance with the context. From [Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible] Reference
How much is the difference in short term variance between the data?. From [ News] Reference
If an exception or variance is needed, then the rules need changing. From [Trust me (Jack Bog's Blog)] Reference
The biggest variance from the ARG survey is in the number of undecideds. From [Archive 2004-01-01] Reference
The hypothesis would assert that substantial local variance is deliberate. From [Wolfram Blog : Flag Analysis with Mathematica] Reference
Another factor could be the difference in variance in talents within the genders. From [All else being equal.] Reference
The word variance might suggest as much, suggesting, as it does, something that varies. From [Stupid ID statement of the month - The Panda's Thumb] Reference
Refer the matters in variance to any, rather than go to law about them before heathen judges. From [Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)] Reference
And you don't have to assume any large difference in variance between the male and female population's abilities. From [Gender Differences, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty] Reference
OTOH one could say that LTP implies greater long term variance and therefore potential to mistake noise for trends. From [Climate Models – the Next Generation « Climate Audit] Reference
One has to wonder what ever happened to the old practice of using CP to manage short term variance in working capital. From [The Earth Times Online Newspaper] Reference
BTW, I will try to remember not to use the word variance as a synonym of the word difference when statisticians are in the room. From [Jungle Fever « Climate Audit] Reference
The Planning Board can not do that, any variance from the rules would have to come through the ZBA, but would probably be hard to get. From [Robert E wyman] Reference
The only variance occurs when he wears his olive-colored chinos. From [Dr. Maroon] Reference
The variance was the result primarily of increased collocation costs and exchange fees. From [TradeStation Group Management Discusses Q2 2010 Results - Earnings Call Transcript -- Seeking Alpha] Reference
The variance was the result of increased costs for tax advises, attorney's fees and orderlies. From [TradeStation Group Management Discusses Q2 2010 Results - Earnings Call Transcript -- Seeking Alpha] Reference
Less than 2 percent of the variance was attributed to the number of laparoscopies surgeons had performed. From [Primary Sources] Reference
Any set of data will have a mean and a variance, which is the sum of the squares of the difference from the mean. From [RealClimate] Reference
I don't usually post about trial court decisions -- they have a high variance, that is typically narrowed on appeal. From [PointOfLaw Forum] Reference
The expected value of each draw is the mean of the box: 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 3.5 (1) 6 The box also has a variance, which is 35/12. From [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
Of course, this phenomenon washes out overtime, but in a quarter with big price swings, the variance is a little bit more pronounced. From [ The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator] Reference
A dashboard that compares actuals, for a given reporting period, to the operating plan this is typically called variance analysis along. From [Post-close] Reference
The only variance from the rules benefited her!!. From [Clinton champions Obama to smattering of boos] Reference
Barbour said there was a "variance", but said his estimates were. From [ANC Daily News Briefing] Reference
You could, though, compare the "variance" in two-spot ladybugs and humans. From [Protein-protein Interactions] Reference
Zoning: Why did they invent the word "variance" in relationship to zoning laws?. From [Lake Chapala Real Estate Agents] Reference
This record will then have a mean close to zero, and a low "variance" from the PCA viewpoint. From [A Red Noise Spaghetti Diagram « Climate Audit] Reference
And maybe we're just seeing that fascinating statistical phenomonon known as "variance" in action. From [McCain Takes Lead In Gallup For First Time In General Election] Reference
The "variance" of a given stock can be much more closely estimated over 30 days than a single day. From [Caveat Investor: One-Day Options] Reference
To me, that is the perfect use of the word "variance". From [Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories] Reference
DataColumn dc8 = new DataColumn ( "variance", typeof (float)). From [ASP.NET Forums] Reference
Even if one accepts the 'variance' form of uncertainty, this is still not an argument for action. From [Library of Economics and Liberty] Reference
Its called variance within the margin of error. From [Charlie Gibson: McCain's Favorite Network Anchor?] Reference
It's called variance within the margin of error. From [Gallup: Obama's Lead Narrowing] Reference
A kind of variance that we've supported since C# 2.0. From [MSDN Blogs] Reference
… oh, I know this is just 'variance', because I'm in with the best hand almost every single time. From [ News] Reference
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