Noun : a bear for physics. From
Adjective : bear market. From
Opposed to it Gregory assumed the title borne ever since by his successors. From [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent] Reference
(Jeremiah 39: 3,13) a title borne by Nergal-sharezer, probably identical with the king called by the Greeks Neriglissar. From [Smith's Bible Dictionary] Reference
A hereditary title borne by certain Feudatory Chiefs. From [The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India—Volume I (of IV)] Reference
Vicarius Praefectorum (?), title borne by Gemellus as Governor of. From [The Letters of Cassiodorus Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator] Reference
Mauu, the name borne by a Tahitian man of good family in Papeete. From [Mystic Isles of the South Seas.] Reference
"Earl of Dublin," one of the titles borne by the late Duke of Kent. From [Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — Volume 2] Reference
Nin-igi-azag, "The Lord of Clear Vision", one of the titles borne by. From [Legends of Babylon and Egypt in relation to Hebrew tradition] Reference
The Sigma Delta Chi was the name borne by the honorary journalistic society. From [History of the University of Virginia, 1819-1919] Reference
A title borne by the champion archer ever after, so long as bowmanship in earnest lasted. From [The Armourer's Prentices] Reference
Dekel is clearly an equivalent of Digla or Dighath, a name borne by the Tigris in all ages. From [Smith's Bible Dictionary] Reference
The Hopper examined the silver pieces and found them engraved with the name borne by the locket. From [A Reversible Santa Claus] Reference
Africa courting a death that would free him and yet leave no stain on the name borne by his wife. From [The Shadow of the East] Reference
Mirobo, arose solely from the latter questioning at the Club the titles borne by the former nobleman. From [The History of Pendennis] Reference
The same vocable is preserved to our day in the name borne by one of the provinces of Persia, Khouzistan. From [A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1] Reference
The official title borne by the Egyptian kings down to the time when that country was conquered by the Greeks. From [Easton's Bible Dictionary] Reference
They called themselves Meyer, a name borne by so many people that nobody would care to adopt it unless obliged to. From [A Hungarian Nabob] Reference
Originally each character had, it would seem, the phonetic power of the name borne by the object which it represented. From [The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 1. (of 7): Chaldaea The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.] Reference
Edward viscount Mandeville (courtesy title borne until his father's death in 1642) is better known as the second earl of. From [Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents] Reference
Another appellation borne by them formerly was "Swines 'bread," and they were supposed to be engendered by thunderbolts. From [Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure] Reference
Mountain, Alcide de Mirobo, arose solely from the latter questioning at the Club the titles borne by the former nobleman. From [The History of Pendennis, Volume 2 His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and His Greatest Enemy] Reference
All schools and their teachers and students must struggle and work so that the name borne by the school will be a true tribute. From [SCHOOL DEDICATION] Reference
(exterminating the idol), the name borne by two members of the family of Saul -- his son and his grandson. From [Smith's Bible Dictionary] Reference
Walford was some old family name borne by both cousins. From [The Golden Calf] Reference
Beshir is a proper name borne by many people in the mountain. From [Travels in Syria and the Holy Land] Reference
"Just so," proceeded Conrad; "Zahori, or Zahuri is the name borne, as. From [The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm and Pietro of Abano Tales from the German of Tieck] Reference
The 'waster' of whom he chants is the slang name borne by the local fast man. From [Robert F. Murray: His Poems with a Memoir] Reference
This told Godfrey nothing, neither the geographical name borne by the island, nor its position in the Pacific. From [Godfrey Morgan A Californian Mystery] Reference
The head of the caste committee has the designation of Mandloi, which is a territorial title borne by several families in Nimar. From [The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II] Reference
The earliest name borne by the island of Iona, so far as known in modern times, was Innis-nan Druidneach, or Isle of the Druids. From [The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales] Reference
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