vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over. From [F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940).]
The vitality of a seed. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
The strongest, the most amply endowed with what we call vitality or power to live, win. From [The Last Harvest] Reference
But the thought that it is mechanics and chemistry applied by something of which they as such, form no part, some agent or principle which we call vitality, is welcome to us. From [The Breath of Life] Reference
So the speech at CAGNY was all about the long-term vitality of the category. From [ Home Page] Reference
We won't find long term vitality in 99-cent burgers, no matter what Patrick Boyle says. From [Christina Pirello: Children's Health And The Meat Industry] Reference
The increased vitality is shown by the height and number of the apices of this wave-crest. From [Married Love: or, Love in Marriage] Reference
There may be good films and good music being made, but the vitality is not there any more. From [The Path For Art Games] Reference
The stakes could scarcely be higher - the long-term vitality of America's economy is at stake. From [BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition] Reference
While not glamorous work, a governance review is vital for the long-term vitality of the union. From [ RSS feed] Reference
The something we call vitality, that a child recognizes, science does not find; vitality is something. From [The Breath of Life] Reference
The only function which gives them any tangible vitality is their power of imposing taxation and levying rates. From [Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences] Reference
I have seen young girls suffer and grow sensibly lowered in vitality in the first years after they leave school. From [Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes] Reference
Of course it matters to the long term vitality of the project, but most end users don't care what it's written in. From [Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz] Reference
I've concluded that this isn't such a bad thing for the long term vitality of the RNC and for the country as well. From [Yahoo! Buzz US: Top Stories] Reference
Our economic vitality is based on generating hits – finding special talents that enjoy strong commercial appeal. From [Boing Boing: July 11, 2004 - July 17, 2004 Archives] Reference
These are important, but the underlying foundation for long-term vitality and connection is a couple's shared vision of life. From [Douglas LaBier: "For Adults Only" -- Creating a Sustainable Intimate Relationship] Reference
The physico-chemical forces do play second fiddle; that inexplicable something that we call vitality dominates and leads them. From [The Breath of Life] Reference
"A celebration of urban life and vitality" is fine when the competition is a stale shopping center or a hollowed-out downtown. From [Boing Boing: November 11, 2001 - November 17, 2001 Archives] Reference
It all works together on a number of levels to maintain vitality on the very razor's edge between total chaos and complete stability. From [A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers] Reference
Nouns of this type are characterized by vitality but not by the same kind of animacy that Swahili-speakers assign to humans or animals. From [The English Is Coming!] Reference
In addition to providing a boost to the area's construction industry, she said, "we're going to be able to improve the long-term vitality of the housing we own.". From [The Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter Latest Headlines] Reference
In other words, the long-term vitality of plants depends of the everyday people who grow these plants, allowing them to evolve, and then save seeds for generations. From [GOOD] Reference
Yet the word vitality stands for a reality, it stands for a peculiar activity in matter -- for certain movements and characteristics for which we have no other term. From [The Breath of Life] Reference
It seems to me that the idea of vitality entertained in our day by. From [Fragments of science, V. 1-2] Reference
The percentage vitality, that is, the number of seeds which germinate out of one hundred. From [Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study] Reference
And because of the world having within it the seeds of a ceaseless vitality, that is true. From [Is The Young Man Absalom Safe? A Sermon Preached in The Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Stoke Bishop, on Sunday, July 19th, 1885] Reference
We have to take opportunities like this to collaborate to ensure the long term vitality of the Internet. From [Craig lists ways to battle spammers] Reference
The long-term vitality of the U.S. aerospace workforce is a priority issue for the Aerospace Industries Association. From [Apollo's Daughter :: STEM Brain Drain, especially women] Reference
And then, the hopelessness, the helplessness of under-vitality, which is often the real name for despair, had caught him again. From [August First] Reference
Natura medicatrix carried it off, that is to say the vitality of the mucous surfaces prevented the development of foreign germs. From [The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)] Reference
It is this ebullience of youthful energy, this inexhaustible vitality, which is the admiration and despair of his contemporaries. From [The Grand Old Man] Reference
Egypt possesses a kind of vitality that is infectious. From [Shakespeare]
These things have a kind of vitality and reality that they don't have when they're simply abstractions. From [Berger And Talbott Briefing On President Europe Trip] Reference
"I miss the 'vitality' of the city: people on the streets, shops everywhere, the mix of cultures," she wrote. From [Kirsten Dirksen: America's Post-Fast Food Era and Europe's Old-Skoolers] Reference
In both The Sandbox and The American Dream, it is only the figure of the grandmother who retains some kind of vitality and freedom. From [These Illusions Are Real] Reference
At the thought of her own humdrum existence Eleanor laughs again with a return of that superabundant vitality which is hers by nature. From [When the Birds Begin to Sing] Reference
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