The action of the fire may concentrate, but not volatilize them. From [The Art of Making Whiskey So As to Obtain a Better, Purer, Cheaper and Greater Quantity of Spirit, From a Given Quantity of Grain] Reference
It forms small cubes which melt at a red heat and volatilize readily. From [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"] Reference
The metal obtained melts at about 700°C, above which temperature it starts to volatilize. From [Marie Curie - Nobel Lecture] Reference
As a class, the metallic bromides are solids at ordinary temperatures, which fuse readily and volatilize on heating. From [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"] Reference
Only in the intense heat of the electric arc does carbon volatilize, passing directly from the solid state into a vapor. From [An Elementary Study of Chemistry] Reference
It can also volatilize from fields or manure lagoons into the atmosphere and be redeposited where it can wash into waterways. From [Hypoxia fact sheet] Reference
Its char - acteristic action was to concoct materials, to bring them to fruition, to energize, sometimes to volatilize or dissolve. From [Dictionary of the History of Ideas] Reference
You thus have seen that all the old "radiant matter" effects can be produced in tubes containing no metallic electrodes to volatilize. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891] Reference
The work must be slow that would volatilize such a black body of horror till it leavened all the being into power and grace undreamed of before. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864] Reference
Moreover, precipitates are never wholly insoluble; and most substances will volatilize and lose some of their weight if heated to an excessive temperature. From [Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture] Reference
However, albeit an image of the inner life, poetry does not volatilize it into pure feeling as music does, but distinguishes its objects and assigns its causes. From [The Principles of Aesthetics] Reference
As you begin to chew, some scent molecules volatilize and travel up to the olfactory organ through a “back door” - that is up a passage at the back of the throat and to the nose. From [How is your tongue like an inkjet printer?] Reference
He subsequently used the furnace to volatilize many substances which had been regarded as infusible and to prepare many new compounds, particularly carbides, silicides and borides; in 1891 he discovered carborundum. From [Henri Moissan - Biography] Reference
Some metals, it is well known, such as silver, gold or platinum, when used for the negative electrode in a vacuum tube, volatilize more or less rapidly, coating any object in their neighborhood with a very even film. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891] Reference
The length of time air masses remain at, or above, critical temperatures influences the extent to which an organic contaminant can volatilize and remain easily within the gas phase, or attached to airborne particles. From [Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic] Reference
C, above which temperature it starts to volatilize. From [Radium And The New Concepts In Chemistry: Nobel Lecture] Reference
"It'll volatilize and leave the scene of action, won't it?". From [The Ultimate Weapon] Reference
There is enough moisture in your breath to volatilize the wax. From [Tucson Citizen] Reference
Do not use a non-stick (the coating can volatilize), and add the fat. From [The Full Feed from] Reference
The more quickly manure is incorporated into the soil, the less N can volatilize in year one. From Reference
The mirror will volatilize harmlessly at the temperature of melting mercury, but the torpedoes must be destroyed. From [Spacehounds of IPC] Reference
They burn, as we have seen, without flame, for the reason that carbon does not volatilize, even at the highest temperatures. From [Religion and Chemistry] Reference
Enough of those forces came through the mirrors to volatilize half our crew, and in a few minutes more none of us would have been left alive. From [Spacehounds of IPC] Reference
Almost instantly the entire hull became blinding white, but it was several seconds before the extremely refractory material began to volatilize. From [Skylark Three] Reference
Although the tanks were not harmed by the fire, liquid propane has the potential to volatilize if exposed to heat and have been known to explode. From [News from] Reference
Now a well-made pastil should not develope any odor of its own, but simply volatilize that fragrant matter, whatever it be, used in its manufacture. From [The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants] Reference
The Marquise de Nesle, the Comtesse de Brancas, the Comtesse de Pons, the Marquise de Polignac, are with Rouelle when he undertakes to melt and volatilize the diamond. From [The Ancient Regime] Reference
The use of charcoal in a pastil is merely for burning, producing, during its combustion, the heat required to quickly volatilize the perfuming material with which it is surrounded. From [The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants] Reference
Crane, at the controls, had the Fenachrone super-generator in line, and his hand lay upon the switch, whose closing would volatilize the submarine and cut an incandescent path of destruction through the city lengthwise. From [Skylark Three] Reference
The plates are so hot that it would soon volatilize. ". From [Spacehounds of IPC] Reference
"But every plant has some kind of a smell, that is, all of them have essential oils which volatilize in the air. From [Plotting in Pirate Seas] Reference
True, ice will volatilize. From [Explorations]
32,000 miles of the Sun. The heat to which it was exposed was sufficient to volatilize the most infusible substances known to exist. From [The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'] Reference
But volatilize it, and it becomes transparent. From [The Ultimate Weapon] Reference
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