The electrician used a voltmeter to check the wire to see if it was live. From
As if by magic, tools appeared, and wire, and a voltmeter. From [The Legacy of Heorot]
• Run engine until batteries right up and voltmeter showing F. From [True Spirit] Reference
They tested the fence section: not a flicker from the voltmeter. From [The Legacy of Heorot]
Figure 69. like Fig. 68 but with one voltmeter 1 change-over switch. From [7. Measuring technology of checking electrotechnical installations and equipment and of permanently controlling the main parameters in operation (I, U, P, Wh, Q, )] Reference
Voltage measurement (high-voltage - voltmeter with voltage transformer). From [7. Measurement Circuits] Reference
Willie plugged his end of the cable into the voltmeter, and took a reading. From [Modesty Blaise]
He turned the knob, and the needle on the voltmeter moved obligingly upwards. From [Damned If You Don't] Reference
On putting a condenser on the high pressure circuit, the voltmeter wire fused. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891] Reference
Measuring instruments voltmeter ammeter wattmeter with 2 elements electrometer. From [1. Selected Graphical Symbols of Electrotechnology] Reference
Direct correct-voltage measurement - A amperemeter, V voltmeter, RA load resistance. From [7. Measuring technology of checking electrotechnical installations and equipment and of permanently controlling the main parameters in operation (I, U, P, Wh, Q, )] Reference
By means of a certain voltmeter, a maximum voltage of Ui = 15 mV can only be measured. From [3. Electric Circuits] Reference
Wires from the battery were connected to a voltmeter and other electrical instruments. From [Golden State] Reference
He unplugged the voltmeter, put it in his pocket, then bent down, lowering her to the floor. From [Modesty Blaise]
We're not talking about whether you read the numbers on a voltmeter or in a centrifuge the same way. From [Harvard Probes Claims Of Scientific Misconduct] Reference
The plates were 41¾ inches apart, and at the end of the run the voltmeter across the terminals read 20. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 1157, March 5, 1898] Reference
It was tested calorimetrically, and also by the three voltmeter method, which, however, proved to be too insensitive. From [On Laboratory Arts] Reference
The resistance, R1, serves to vary the intensity of the shunt field of the dynamo, the volts being indicated by the voltmeter. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889] Reference
The voltmeter, V2, immediately above this resistance, serves to indicate the difference of potential at the machine terminals. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889] Reference
A Gramme alternator was coupled to the low pressure coil of a transformer, and a hot wire voltmeter put across the primary circuit. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891] Reference
An A.C. voltmeter can, of course, be substituted for the lamps, or a D.C. voltmeter with D.C. current can be used in making the tests. From [Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding together with related methods and materials used in metal working and the oxygen process for removal of carbon] Reference
Analog AC voltmeter directly connected to main bus. From [MAKE Magazine] Reference
You can test your alternator by using a voltmeter. From [EzineArticles] Reference
The relux plate cooled slightly, and the voltmeter remained steady. From [Islands of Space] Reference
At full load the voltmeter would indicate 110 plus 26, or 136 volts. From [Electricity for the farm Light, heat and power by inexpensive methods from the water wheel or farm engine] Reference
He left, just as Devin returned with a large electrostatic voltmeter. From [The Ultimate Weapon] Reference
College with two light bulbs, red and black wires, and a voltmeter in front of them. From [Columnist: Keith Groller] Reference
Testing a TP sensor is easy if you have a basic digital voltmeter and a T-pin or two. From [Berks county news] Reference
Batt-O-Meter is a simple to use device, yet so much more than a voltmeter or multimeter. From [Music gadgets] Reference
Turn the rheostat handle gradually; as you advance it, the voltmeter needle will advance. From [Electricity for the farm Light, heat and power by inexpensive methods from the water wheel or farm engine] Reference
Set the voltmeter to the DC scale and measure your jeep's voltage across battery terminals. From [EzineArticles] Reference
Yeahp, I would just turn on the engine and measure with any voltmeter the battery terminals. From Reference
Having assured yourself that the mechanical details are all right, now look at the voltmeter. From [Electricity for the farm Light, heat and power by inexpensive methods from the water wheel or farm engine] Reference
Do you have a recommendation about which voltmeter I might buy - and maybe a few tips to use it?. From [Berks county news] Reference
The built-in voltmeter shows kids how effective their energy sources are at collecting electricity. From [TreeHugger] Reference
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