The atom, being for all practical purposes the stable unit of the physical plane, is a constantly changing vortex of reactions. From [Kabbalah (BC 1200?-700? AD).]
"It took us about two years to build this, what we call a vortex lab, and it is just starting to do some research," he said. From [Times Record News Stories] Reference
By morning she had slipped back into what she called the vortex, in which she “wrote like a thinking machine in full operation.”. From [Louisa May Alcott] Reference
Backyard designed by Thom Faulders looks like a vortex from the world of Tron. From [Fox News apologizes for misrepresenting footage again (link roundup)] Reference
Sometimes, the pull of the vortex is so great that only time and distance can protect you. From [How much is enough? « Dating Jesus] Reference
The india-rubber has then what is called vortex-motion. From [The Unseen World and Other Essays] Reference
There at the heart of the vortex was the source of the evil light-it was. From [Burning Water]
UPDATE II: You could heat and cool this vehicle with a simple device called a vortex tube. From [The Speculist: Getting There on Air] Reference
The golden vortex is tough to resist, you’ll be here soon enough (and others like you, too!. From [Corner View- Cityscape « Bodhicitta] Reference
The vortex is the same; we merely lack the validation that comes from a deity sharing our personal priorities. From [Valerie Tarico: God Cares About What I Care About] Reference
By degrees, however, as you come within what may be described as the vortex of Prague, a great change is perceptible. From [Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837. Vol. II] Reference
It seems like the duo is stuck in a time vortex, which is a handy way of sneak previewing disparate elements from the upcoming season. From [From Inside the Box] Reference
Before the tornado forms, it appears that the downdraft completely engulfs this developing vortex, which is bigger than the actual tornado. From [Storm Warning] Reference
The vortex is approaching. From [Friends] Reference
The vortex is the point of maximum energy. From [A Revolutionary Simpleton] Reference
8: 39 pm the why vortex is a good way of putting it. From [en français] Reference
"Scarlett say 'vortex' a bit more sexily, can you manage, hmmm?". From [Keep cool.] Reference
And the Paschen-alpha 'vortex' nebula around Sgr A-star really stands out. From [Great Observatories Combine for Stunning Look at Milky Way | Universe Today] Reference
Do you think he just wants to create a little "vortex" and enjoy the fallout?. From [About that teacher arrested for a blog comment.] Reference
The NASA Visible Earth page has many more (search on "vortex") and a lot else besides. From [Archive 2004-01-01] Reference
What I want to know is, how many times does the word "vortex" show up in the two memoirs?. From [Jack Cashill's strange notion that Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams From My Father."] Reference
It creates a kind of vortex, which then funnels down into whoever is trying to consume the energy. From [Dead Beat]
One way not to get caught in that "vortex" was not to Google yourself. From [Latest News - Yahoo!7 News] Reference
"Helicopters are susceptible to an aerodynamic phenomenon known as the vortex ring state. From [ Top Stories] Reference
Sounds a lot like triangle craft to me, with their engines, one 'vortex' in each corner. From [] Reference
A kind of vortex is formed, and there is a constant and powerful indraught through the funnels. From [Occult Chemistry Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements] Reference
There is no bottom on the blade protector, so the beans get drawn up into the "vortex", I guess. From [Notes from the Vegan Feast Kitchen/ 21st Century Table] Reference
The devine afflatus usually lasted a week or two, and then she emerged from her 'vortex', hungry, sleepy, cross, or despondent. From [Little Women] Reference
Whether a physical carrying tube was being used, or the water was simply making its way up some kind of vortex, I can't be sure. From [Signs of the Times] Reference
Home Office: The spot where home meets work can be a frightening vortex. From [CLUTTER BUGS NO MORE] Reference
ON THAT DAY EUROPE plunged into a vortex of metahistorical change called the Great War. From [The Birth Of Modernity] Reference
They also want to learn more about how wake vortex may affect aircraft at low altitudes. From [Unsolved Mystery] Reference
Like a violent postmodern vortex, the bad news sucked down all who struggled to escape it. From [How crisis PR hasn't kept up with the turbulent times] Reference
Prof. Kim Hyong Joon of Seoul's Myongji University calls this "the politics of the vortex.". From [One Mob, One Vote] Reference
This creates a small vortex of fire which should remove soot emissions from the atmosphere. From [Hellfighters To The Rescue] Reference
Congress tomorrow becomes the momentary center of the vortex swirling around Hewlett-Packard. From [A Playbook for the HP Hearings] Reference
For a long moment last weekend, it felt as if the entire nation could be sucked into the vortex. From [Settling Old Scores In The Swamp] Reference
A comprehensive effort to address global turmoil has to start with its vortex in the Middle East. From [A GRAND ALLIANCE] Reference
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