It was the song of the immigrant boy who'd made good. From [A Song For America] Reference
There are millions of others who'd like a shot at that. From [It's A Woman's World] Reference
But Bracco was one of those guys who'd do anything for DiMaggio. From [The Loneliest Hero] Reference
And for those of us who'd love to hate her, maybe we should follow her lead. From [Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too] Reference
The staff briskly gathered and evacuated the kids who'd already been checked in. From [Kids In Casinos? You Bet.] Reference
In the early 1970s, the family quizzed one doctor who'd treated Charlton since 1950. From [A Human Horror Story] Reference
RULE 5: CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FORWith all these headaches, who'd even want to be CEO?. From [BUILDING A BETTER CEO] Reference
One guy who'd averaged 15 home runs his previous four seasons suddenly knocks out 50. From [Starr Gazing: Selig's 'Sorry' Testimony] Reference
But the other guys who'd put money in yanked the rug -- and forced both DiMaggios out. From [The Loneliest Hero] Reference
Ebadi, who'd been in France for a speaking engagement, was as shocked by the news as anyone. From [Q&Amp;A: 'I Want To Die In My Country'] Reference
The woman, who'd been drinking heavily, then fell off her seat, ending our political discussion. From [Ready, But Are We Willing?] Reference
I'd seen a documentary about a 14-year-old girl who'd been tied up to a potty since she was a baby. From [The Women Of 'Beloved'] Reference
Freshmen, who'd barely met their roommates before being evacuated, are the most reluctant to re-enroll. From [Tempest: Part Two] Reference
He favored hundred-dollar bills, in safe deposit boxes -- like an old Papa who'd tuck cash in the mattress. From [The Loneliest Hero] Reference
But, he found that widowers who remarried enjoyed the same lower mortality rate as men who'd never been widowed. From [The Death Of A Spouse] Reference
Working with so many new people wasn't easy for Stefani, who'd been writing with the same crew for half her life. From [IT'S MY LIFE] Reference
There's a young pig farmer (James Nesbitt) and the woman who'd marry him if he didn't smell so bad (Susan Lynch). From [The Pluck Of The Irish] Reference
There have been biographies written by people who'd never met me, gleaned from various sources and not terribly true. From [Periscope] Reference
Never mind that she had a B+ average, an outgoing personality and a teacher who'd had no problems with her in the classroom. From [Abusing The Rights Of Parents] Reference
But Storr, an Air Force pilot who'd been shot down during the 1991 gulf war, managed to survive 33 days as a prisoner of war. From [Pows: The Buck Stops Here] Reference
Several companies sent back copies of sales orders, complete with the names of the Iraqi clerks who'd signed for the shipments. From [Unearthing The Truth] Reference
Actors, singers, musicians and virtually anyone who'd ever appeared in People magazine declared their undying love for Manhattan. From [Opinion: Let's Not Forget Bali] Reference
He remembers watching two 18-year-old male monozygotic twins, who'd been raised by separate families, meeting for the first time. From [The Power of Two] Reference
I'd find him at yard parties near campus, surrounded by beer-drinking, adoring students who'd put a red bandanna around his neck. From [Grieving For A Pet? I Won't Roll My Eyes.] Reference
He was skimming over a listserv connecting parents who'd adopted kids from the Jiangmen Social Welfare Institute at the same time. From [The Power of Two] Reference
Mugabe reiterated that he would not evict armed black squatters who'd been occupying nearly 1,000 white-owned farms since February. From [Africa's Silence On Mugabe] Reference
When Smith took over as CEO in 1992, he agreed to hear a pitch from Barabba's team, who'd been largely ignored by the old management. From [Divide And Conquer] Reference
Cohen, who'd written a column taking Oprah to task, was invited to appear, along with another critic, Frank Rich of The New York Times. From [The Wrath of Oprah] Reference
In addition, the idea of online entertainment was too strange and new for consumers who'd known only television, movies and View-Masters. From [KEEPIN' IT ON THE DOWNLOAD] Reference
Justin drew this picture around Christmas, a time when he relapsed into grief over his mother, Diana Day, who'd worked in the HUD office. From [The Orphans Of Oklahoma City] Reference
Conversely, Clapton's presence was calculated to reassure graybeards who'd been seeing the name Wyclef Jean for a while now but didn't know how to pronounce it. From [Smooth As Santana] Reference
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