The world is full of willing people: some willing to work, the rest willing to let them. From [Robert Frost]
A willing participant. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
To have a label willing to come alongside us and not define us is great!. From [ - Home] Reference
Here, therefore, we feign a new act of the mind, which we call the willing an obligation; and on this we suppose the morality to depend. From [A Treatise of Human Nature] Reference
I went in willing to experience the new experience. From [Susan Eley: Hooters to Swan Lake During One Week in New York] Reference
How willing is one to ... how hard does one ... want to fight?. From [Archive 2009-08-01] Reference
Asking for a dollar from 5000 people who are willing is no big deal. From [EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Help this guy get his new computer and blow up his old one.] Reference
The Germans were once again willing to work within the Association. 30. From [Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I] Reference
Part of the explanation for why they aren't so willing is just old-fashioned elitism. From [Writing and Publishing] Reference
I remain willing to listen to that case, but if he cannot make it convincingly, then he must move on. From [Sanford loyalist says he should consider resignation] Reference
Now there's the Miami 6/Atlanta 1 (the Urban South 7?), who everyone describes as willing but not able. From [Larry Beinhart: The Basic Questions] Reference
"The tenants are highly organized and remain willing to partner with an entity that shares and can meet its goals," he said. From [Taxes Weighed On Stuyvesant] Reference
I asked myself that same question, because it is striking, given the brutality, that people remain willing to take tremendous risks. From [Life in Mugabe-ville] Reference
After more adventures they reached Brighton, and there they really did find a boat and a captain willing to take them over to France. From [An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls] Reference
That's the only time I recall willing as a promise. From [Obama Escalates Battle With Hillary] Reference
"You are willing, that is enough," said the unknown. From [The Man Who Was Thursday, a nightmare] Reference
Is not sincerity what St. Paul terms a willing mind?. From [The Doctrines and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church] Reference
Is it no sincerity what St. Paul terms a willing mind?. From [The Doctrine & Discipline of the African Union First Colored Methodist Protestant Church, of the United States of America, or Elsewhere.] Reference
You are willing, that is enough, said the unknown. From [The Tale of a Detective] Reference
“You are willing, that is enough,” said the unknown. From [The Man Who Was Thursday] Reference
Lakhani is described as willing, even eager to close a deal. From [CNN Transcript Aug 13, 2003] Reference
Any possible name willing to review my paper could contact me easily. From [iMechanica - Comments] Reference
The idea of matching so-called willing workers with willing employers. From [CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2004] Reference
DOLE: I think they'll probably go it with what has been referred to as the willing majority. From [CNN Transcript Mar 10, 2003] Reference
Clinton was more the kind of guy who'd sleep with anyone willing, which is just kind of sad. From ["Women don't decide elections because they're not rational political actors... [T]hey vote on impulse, and on elusive factors such as personality."] Reference
When the hypnotist calls the willing volunteers onto the stage, this is when the actual show starts. From [xml's] Reference
"My husband couldn't supply me with a thousand cents, even if he were willing, which is not likely.". From [Timothy Crump's Ward A Story of American Life] Reference
Brian, a lot of people are saying this so-called coalition of the willing is a coalition in name only. From [CNN Transcript Oct 9, 2007] Reference
The so-called willing buyer, willing seller system was not helping the government in the land redistribution program. From [News24 Top Stories] Reference
Even 20 years ago Judy Miller was known as a willing bullhorn for the ruling class, including some she knew intimately. From [Jeremy Gerard: Times to Judith Miller: Drop Dead] Reference
Are labels willing to let a great song that wasn't right for every station go to No. 9 at Country radio instead of No. 1?. From [Edison Research] Reference
Can we be sure that Islamic women in a Sharia court are genuinely 'willing'?. From [On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...] Reference
But Obama merely said he would be "willing" to meet with other world leaders. From [Dueling Memos: Hillary And Obama Camps Club Each Other] Reference
In a few days Deputy Morey came to me and asked me if I was "willing" to come out and work. From [Seven Wives and Seven Prisons; Or, Experiences in the Life of a Matrimonial Monomaniac. a True Story] Reference
What a joke floating the idea that Hillary would be 'willing' to put Obama on the ticket. From [Bill Clinton: Hillary-Obama Ticket Would Be "Almost Unstoppable Force"] Reference
So you've just got to be flexible and kind of willing to go wherever they end up putting you. From [CNN Transcript Jun 8, 2004] Reference
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