Peace is when the heart is no longer in duality, when the struggle within has been resolved. From [Prem Rawat]
And her name within the organization, Lily Hawthorne. From [Edge] Reference
I originally put the title within the a after the href. From [Wait till I come!] Reference
Docs files and next to the title within each Google doc. From [Datamation Security] Reference
Heidegger translated the term within the Idealist tradition. From [enowning] Reference
He took the address and said "You'll have the label within 48 hours.". From [Irons in the Fire] Reference
Not so, however, is the term within which the atmosphere alone will reintegrate. From [The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia] Reference
Every champion is obligated to defend his title within a certain amount of time. From [Becoming Holyfield] Reference
I attempt to find the term within the string and use that as a base to create an excerpt. From [ full roast blend] Reference
For much of a breezy afternoon at Kapalua, Byrd appeared to have the title within his grasp. From [ - Home Page] Reference
He cursed you the night he wrote your name within those pages, for now you are part of the story. From [Nevermore] Reference
Wolfe's use of the term within a Judeo-Christian tradition of the arts is very intriguing, I agree. From [Philocrites: Uh oh: Here come the Christian humanists!] Reference
But was he likely to have recognized the term within the context of Leibniz 'eminently rational philosophy?. From [HIERARCHY AND ORDER] Reference
A soap opera-esque near mishap turned Kurt Busch's season around, and now he's got the title within his reach. From [Yahoo! Sports - Top News] Reference
Lee's principle is that an annuity on a life is the annuity made certain for the term within which it is an even chance the life drops. From [A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II)] Reference
"green" in the title within two years of each other. From [Hollywood Elsewhere] Reference
The volume has this title within an ornamented border. From [The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)] Reference
In OBJ format anything jumped to within a segment must be specified as a label within some segment. From [DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 14] Reference
The companies requested a priority review, hoping the FDA will approve the new label within six months. From [ RSS Feed - Politics & Policy] Reference
It is a title within the Megami Tensei series of video games, and was released in Japan on October 8, 2009. From [WiiNintendo] Reference
We will replace any defective merchandise with a replacement of the same title within 60 days of your order. From [Wil's Ebay E-Store] Reference
The destination operand of a conditional jump must be a label within 128 bytes of the end of the instruction. From [DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 14] Reference
CORWIN: Well, actually, zoology is a term within the science of biology for someone who specializes in animals. From [CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2005] Reference
The individual should have a problem and be identified by a title within the family (e.g., mother, son, grandfather). From [Chapter 6] Reference
Lobbyist John Wyma never held a title within state government, but he was clearly one of the governor's closest advisers. From [Cindi Canary: Lobbying Belongs on the Reform Agenda] Reference
Text Positioning Area (only Scan data) Use the positioning area Text to generate a label within the curve area in the graphic. From [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
Dlamini-Zuma said South Africa and Lesotho should work together to rid Lesotho of this dubious title within the next five years. From [ANC Daily News Briefing] Reference
The COM format does not allow you to refer to the value of a named segment, or to make a FAR pointer out of a label within the program. From [DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 14] Reference
On the appointed day, the parties meet, balance up their blood debts and other obligations and decide on a term within which to pay them. From [The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir] Reference
Master food preserver volunteers will return the call within 24 hours. From Reference
If Garko doesn't make Bochy tattoo his name within 100 at-bats, forget it. From [McCovey Chronicles] Reference
Alenier said she received a fateful phone call within a day of his birth from an aunt. From [Gay/Lesbian Forum] Reference
Finding a plumber who will return your phone calls within 72 hours is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. From [There’s No Place Like Home] Reference
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