I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets. From LearnThat.org. [Dave Edison]
As the term wore on he lost his independence -- almost without knowing it. From Wordnik.com. [The Longest Journey] Reference
As the term wore on, the thought of exams. brought to Gordon only a feeling of excitement. From Wordnik.com. [The Loom of Youth] Reference
Are you sure it wasn't the funny shoes Robin wore?. From Wordnik.com. [Shooting a "Double Robin Hood"] Reference
Anyone who would want a pair of socks Huddy wore is pretty odd. From Wordnik.com. [USATODAY.com] Reference
My cousin wore a baseball cap, a sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers. From Wordnik.com. [Regrettable Halloween Costumes] Reference
Bristol Palin wore a monkey costume on Monday night as part of her fifth. From Wordnik.com. [Bristol Palin Wears Monkey Costume On 'Dancing With The Stars' Week Five (PHOTOS, POLL)] Reference
I hope she wears the leathers like Palin wore at the recent McCain rally. From Wordnik.com. [Fey likely to revive Palin impersonation] Reference
Palin "... wore the red jacket from her book cover for the last time ...". From Wordnik.com. [Palin pokes fun at William Shatner] Reference
I shut the door and sat down for a long time until the adrenalin wore off. From Wordnik.com. [Things that keep me from writing.] Reference
Despite near-summer temperatures, Slavin wore his full dress Marine uniform. From Wordnik.com. [Bennefeld, Steven H.] Reference
Just seeing the clothes people wore is fun and brought back some memories …. From Wordnik.com. [McDonald’s Mondays: Kickin’ it old school with Jason Alexander and the McDLT Canada] Reference
He was a new sidekick for the Wizard, and like Robin wore a tiny cape and shorts. From Wordnik.com. [Archive 2009-08-01] Reference
The Diana of the Stag wore the first rainy-day gown. From Wordnik.com. [The Master-Knot of Human Fate] Reference
The expression he wore sent a chill through Parween. From Wordnik.com. [Lipstick in Afghanistan] Reference
Michael, the idea wore a less attractive countenance. From Wordnik.com. [The Wrong Box] Reference
She wore a karaginu and train trimmed with three folds. From Wordnik.com. [Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan] Reference
The label wore off when the team stumbled to 4-12 in 2007. From Wordnik.com. [Mangenius? Third season will prove coach's worth in N.Y.] Reference
He assumed the expression he wore in class when correcting Harvey. From Wordnik.com. [Dreaming in French] Reference
The men wore a kaftan with a hood made of thick wool called a djellaba. From Wordnik.com. [TravelPod.com TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at TravelPod.com] Reference
He wore a karate jacket, baggy jeans, and jet-black boots with three-inch soles. From Wordnik.com. [Rapture Ready!] Reference
Funny you say that, remember he wore a kangaroo leather shoe on his kicking foot?. From Wordnik.com. [Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local] Reference
And besides, since his interview with Michael, the idea wore a less attractive countenance. From Wordnik.com. [The Wrong Box] Reference
If the brick wore a kaffiya it could claim anything it wanted and you'd probably believe it. From Wordnik.com. [On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...] Reference
The fight was over and Gcrbcrt's expression wore peace instead of the ravages of pain and fever. From Wordnik.com. [The Falcons of Montabard]
Stalin wore clothes too. From Wordnik.com. [Eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. | clusterflock] Reference
His Mister Haggin wore pants and shoes. From Wordnik.com. [CHAPTER II] Reference
(The bejeweled mask she wore is on display.). From Wordnik.com. [Katharine Graham: Portrait of a lady, on display in D.C.] Reference
` ` We kind of wore them out in the second half. ''. From Wordnik.com. [USATODAY.com - Scores] Reference
But meanwhile the glue kind of wore off all by itself. From Wordnik.com. [So, just out of pure intellectual curiosity] Reference
But by and large, they just kind of wore us down in the post. From Wordnik.com. [NCAA Men's Basketball - Uc-Irvine vs. Tulsa] Reference
We gave a great effort and I think it kind of wore them down. From Wordnik.com. [USATODAY.com - Basketball - Cleveland vs. Toronto] Reference
` ` I felt dehydrated, but it kind of wore off a little bit, '' Thornton said. From Wordnik.com. [USATODAY.com] Reference
I guess her rhetorical bag of tricks kind of wore thin for me through the years. From Wordnik.com. [Interesting quotes] Reference
` ` We had them on the ropes, but the bodies that we had just kind of wore out. From Wordnik.com. [USATODAY.com - Basketball - L.A. Clippers vs. Charlotte] Reference
Ultimately they kind of wore people down and figured out an end run around the voters. From Wordnik.com. [Sound Politics: "But voters won't necessarily get the final say"] Reference
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