worldly goods and advancement. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
He had been everywhere and had seen everything, and was full of what we call worldly wisdom. From [The Confessions of a Beachcomber] Reference
"What they called worldly amusements were prohibited.". From [GreenCine Daily] Reference
Contrast with this glorying in worldly wisdom (Jer 9: 23, 24). From [Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible] Reference
For instance, Christians whom we call worldly are of the first sort. From [Sermons. [Vol. I.]] Reference
It is a sign we have our eyes darkened if we are bowed down in worldly-mindedness. From [Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)] Reference
It is in worldly wealth that he places his happiness, and therefore he sets his heart upon it. From [Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)] Reference
"Love, Women, and War" Redbeard opines that women "are incapable of self-mastership ... mere babies in worldly concerns.". From [Essays] Reference
Not in worldly things, but in things far deeper; – personal things, which strike at the root of love, home – nay, honor. From [John Halifax, Gentleman] Reference
He was a simple, friendly man, of utter modesty, truly uninterested in worldly honors, and worried by the adulation heaped upon him. From [Albert Einstein: Appraisal of an Intellect] Reference
To chapter 4, paragraph 1The quattrocento experienced an increased valuation of and investment in worldly pursuits, including the products of the mechanical arts. From [Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro] Reference
So far as one is merely "rich" in worldly goods, "he shall pass away"; in so far as his predominant character is that of a "brother," he "abideth for ever" (1Jo 2: 17). From [Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible] Reference
Page 13 like Cain, try to dissipate our consciousness of need by building and being absorbed in worldly objects, but let us come before the Lord in penitent, beseeching prayer. From [God Seen Above All National Calamities] Reference
Yet we go on our way, oppressed by care, warped by envy and hate, our eyes blinded by what we call worldly wisdom. ". From [Mr. Pat's Little Girl A Story of the Arden Foresters] Reference
Maybe it's the kind of person who qualifies to be called worldly that I admired. From [You Will Know Me By My Swagger] Reference
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was known as a worldly and even hedonistic guy. From [] Reference
Alethea was worldly -- as worldly, that is to say, as a sister of Theobald's could be. From [The Way of All Flesh] Reference
I know that I have been what the world calls worldly, but you will have to cure me of that. From [The Small House at Allington] Reference
I know it's just the height of idiocy from a so-called worldly point of view, but I can't help it. From [No Man's Land] Reference
That zeal is hot and earnest, not cool and worldly, which is why it's still too early to say it has won. From [Smoking Out What's Cool] Reference
Men rise above their fellows, they gain fame and honours, wealth and power, which we therefore call worldly goods. From [Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. VII (of 8)] Reference
"This is what I call a worldly paradise!". From [Other Things Being Equal] Reference
We may see this in what we call worldly men. From [Sermons. Volume The Fourth.] Reference
Any kind of worldly social custom (such as a marriage ceremony). From [Four Hundred Verse Treatise on the Actions of a Bodhisattva's Yoga ��� Chapters 5 - 8] Reference
It is one kind of wisdom only, and that the least -- "worldly" wisdom. From [Browning's Heroines] Reference
But with a some help, Mabel can become "worldly" & not get "screwed". jose. From [Mexico Readies Crackdown on Bribery] Reference
All enjoyment was frowned upon; pleasure was "worldly" and had to be severely suppressed. From [The Magnificent Montez From Courtesan to Convert] Reference
These renounce every kind of worldly happiness from desire of winning felicity in the other world. From [The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12] Reference
I had no idea where I was going to live, I had all my "worldly" posessions crammed into my car. From [moschikat Diary Entry] Reference
Three years ago, I decided to become "worldly" through a series of trips around the globe. the Earth. From [You Will Know Me By My Swagger] Reference
But Italians have a kind of worldly wise attitude, and it's like the thing on a side of a package of cigarettes. From [CNN Transcript May 8, 2004] Reference
I think it's good for her and good for us to let Mary know the extent to which "worldly" politics have failed her. From [Hullabaloo] Reference
Evangelicals used to believe that politics was a bad business and existed in a "worldly" sphere that didn't terribly affect them. From [Hullabaloo] Reference
Job after his tribulations is rewarded with the same kind of worldly goods and relations that had characterized his pretrial prosperity. From [HAPPINESS AND PLEASURE] Reference
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