As I already mentioned, many doctored coins worsen over time. From [Coin Rarities & Related Topics: Defining Coin Doctoring and Dipping, Additions to the PCGS Lawsuit Against Alleged Coin Doctors : Coin Collecting News] Reference
"Some consumers are seeing their scores improve, others are seeing their scores worsen, which is normal," a lawyer for Allstate Corp. says. From [Car Insurers Defend Their Credit-Score Use] Reference
Other medications can worsen urinary incontinence. From [An Unspeakable Affliction] Reference
Unemployment, already at 12.4 percent, could worsen. From [Collateral Damage] Reference
Concern: they could worsen already bad city schools. From [Suing To End A Clinton 'Cover-Up', Listen For The] Reference
The political storm may only worsen for the White House. From [Yet Another Gulf War] Reference
And the problem will only worsen as the job market recovers. From [The Incredible Shrinking Continent] Reference
And as credit conditions worsen, those loans lose their value. From [Getting Paid to Clean Up Your Own Mess] Reference
That can only worsen its already tense relationship with China. From [China's Growing Holy War] Reference
All would worsen the recession and, presumably, deepen pessimism. From [The Stunted Economic Stimulus] Reference
Bush's fate is tied to the outcome in Iraq, which continues to worsen. From [Capitol Letter: Borrowed Time] Reference
Lithium can affect heart, thyroid and kidney function, and worsen acne. From [Psychiatric Drugs: The New Pharmacopoeia] Reference
AIDS, on the other hand, will worsen substantially over the next decade. From [Practical Futurist: China's Uncertain Future] Reference
Because more trade leads to more contact, it may actually worsen some U.S. From [Mexican Standoff] Reference
If it doesn't last, prospects for the U.S. and world economies would worsen. From ['Hell No, We Won't Save!'] Reference
Indeed, other health problems (i.e., spotty insurance coverage) will worsen. From [This Plan Too Slick] Reference
If not, critics warn, globalization can actually worsen the opportunity gap. From [How Brazil Reversed the Curse] Reference
Most Indonesians are convinced the unrest will worsen as Election Day approaches. From [Running Through A Minefield] Reference
When this happens, easily available guns can catastroph - ically worsen the result. From [Mail Call] Reference
Greater competition from imports and foreign firms in China might worsen unemployment. From [Economics As Statecraft] Reference
To confuse matters more, treatments for other ailments can cause or worsen a leaky gut. From [Gut Reactions] Reference
Simply as a matter of arithmetic, all these poor workers worsen our poverty indicators. From [Immigration And Poverty] Reference
Credit markets are still uncomfortably frozen and the housing slump continues to worsen. From [Goodbye to the Bulls?] Reference
If symptoms persist or worsen, make sure you keep bringing up the topic with your doctor. From [Not So Stealthy Anymore] Reference
In some patients, testosterone-replacement therapy (TRT) can cause or worsen sleep apnea. From [Is Male Menopause Real?] Reference
If we don't, most of these problems will slowly worsen-even if we create universal insurance. From [Salesmanship Isn't Leadership] Reference
To convince them, interest rates might have to rise, which might perversely worsen the crisis. From [Priming the Economy] Reference
Higher defense spending and lower taxes, the argument went, would disastrously worsen inflation. From [The Blinders Of Politics] Reference
Shares of Bear Stearns plunged 45% in morning trading, which will only worsen its liquidity crisis. From [Can Bear Stearns Survive?] Reference
Allowing the situation with India to worsen is a disservice to Pakistanis who can't make ends meet. From [A Call To Arms For Pakistan] Reference
Resurgent state intervention will worsen the rigidity of Europe's economies and hamper entrepreneurship. From [Globalization Revolution] Reference
Clinton avoided these issues, and his proposals for higher retirement benefits would worsen the long-term strains. From [Candidate For The Status Quo] Reference
Yet many Indonesians are convinced that some old partners of the dictatorship are plotting to worsen the troubles. From [Running Through A Minefield] Reference
Their budget, debt or trade troubles worsen, and the fallout spreads to other countries through lower imports or loan defaults. From [Is Argentina A Time Bomb?] Reference
China fears that floating the yuan could worsen the bad-debt problems in its banking system and precipitate a financial crisis. From [Bush Behind The Smiles] Reference
The upshot is that an Argentine default, by damaging trade and investment throughout Latin America, could worsen the global slump. From [Is Argentina A Time Bomb?] Reference
(A limpid headline in the state-run English-language China Daily summed up the official view: victory unlikely to worsen relations.). From [The Politics Of Celebrity] Reference
The Specter of Growing InequalityThe financial crisis could worsen the existing high levels of inequality in China and India, say experts. From [The Poverty Problem] Reference
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