(x - y) ² = x² - 2xy + y² x² - y² = (x + y) (x - y) (x + y) ³ = x³ + 3x²y + 3xy² + y³. From Wordnik.com. [Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions] Reference
But it cannot be true that x and y are together double of (x +y). From Wordnik.com. [A Tangled Tale] Reference
MouseGetPos, x, y; the function writes values to x and y, so don't use \% x\% \% y\% here. From Wordnik.com. [AutoHotkey Community] Reference
Cada aurora, en la basura, con un pan y un tallarín, se fabrica un barrilete para irse ¡y sigue aquí!. From Wordnik.com. [veruscio Diary Entry] Reference
M, y sat A iff M², y² sat A, it is clear that no formula in PDL with cycle is equivalent to loop (Ï). From Wordnik.com. [Propositional Dynamic Logic] Reference
Dime, alma mía ... -- respondió el renegado con voz sorda y mirando a su alrededor -- ¿y has contado eso a algún. From Wordnik.com. [Novelas Cortas] Reference
Interesting that Pike apparently does not like the 25+ old idiom for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) since in Go it is different. From Wordnik.com. [Hottest News Articles] Reference
Since not M, x sat loop (Ï), not M, y sat loop (Ï), M², y² sat loop (Ï) and for all formulas A in PDL with cycle, M, x sat A iff. From Wordnik.com. [Propositional Dynamic Logic] Reference
∈ Ψ θ ∈ Θ () () N′ ∏ ∫ p θ (x N, y N) n, x′ j − 1, y′ j − 1 p x′j x′j − 1, θ dθ ˆ ˆˆ (16) j. From Wordnik.com. [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
By Lfc-tisr t. t '. j.c-a:. g-rsr/y in rAr air, k y -. \j.\'y \'. '. From Wordnik.com. [Elements of Chemical Philosophy: Part 1, Vol.1] Reference
Andrews had by many letters acquayiited him with y° dif - ferences betweene them, and appoynted him for his as - signe to receive his parte of y 'debte. From Wordnik.com. [Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society] Reference
= 2 θ ∈ Θ () () l (x′j) ˆ ∏ ∫ p y′j, k x′j, k, ψ dψ k − 1 p ψ (x, y), x′, y′ y′j, ⋅. From Wordnik.com. [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
ψ (x N, y N) n, x′ N ′ − g y′ N ′ − g, x′i − − g +1, ⋅ y′i − − 1g +1, ⋅ p y′ ′ − g +1, i x′ ′ − g. From Wordnik.com. [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
“y” with small “e” directly above it; the more accurate form yͤ may not display correctly in all text readers. From Wordnik.com. [A Ioyfull medytacyon to all Englonde of the coronacyon of our moost naturall souerayne lorde kynge Henry the eyght (A Joyful Meditation of the Coronation of King Henry the Eighth)] Reference
"I call y'u all to witness that my friend killed him in self-defense," said Bannister evenly. From Wordnik.com. [Wyoming, a Story of the Outdoor West] Reference
You repose like the warriors in Germany-at least I hope so -- I trust no ill health has occasioned your silence. From Wordnik.com. [The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3] Reference
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