Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint. From [Daniel Webster, Source: Speech at the Charleston Bar Dinner, May 10, 1847. Webster's Works. Boston. 1857.]
Dogs should be kept under restraint. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
The unlawful restraint of trade. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
The room was simply decorated with great restraint. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
He was a model of polite restraint. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
The reason for Bush's relative restraint is obvious. From [Close Up: The Mind of George W. Bush] Reference
The Tories dont have the word restraint in their vocab!. From [Tory-Libdem Coalition; The lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS] Reference
I for one don†™ t think restraint is the answer. From [Think Progress » Bolton: My Support ‘Would Probably Be The Kiss of Death’ For Next U.N. Head] Reference
No it isn't its called restraint its called making choices. From [Old Bitter Balls] Reference
This new found fiscal restraint is about eight years too late. From [Pawlenty slams Dems on 'reckless' spending] Reference
This fiscal restraint translates into a bargain for consumers. From [ First Drive: 2007 Mercedes-Benz S-Class] Reference
Salutary restraint, but not unnecessary restraint, is desirable. From [The Mother's Book] Reference
Minnesota and Wisconsin, was a combination in restraint of trade. From [Frank B. Kellogg - Biography] Reference
Fiscal restraint is a federal priority, and I have to live with it. From [Transportation in the Eighties] Reference
The most important area for spending restraint is entitlement reform. From [Wonkbook: Welcome to gridlocked America] Reference
This is good practice in restraint and prevents a build up of "things.". From [Restoring the Dignity of the Home] Reference
It transforms restraint from the realm of a promise into a matter of law. From [The Budget] Reference
No state shall impose any barrier in restraint of trade on any other state. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment] Reference
"Budgetary restraint" is code for "we don't have any money to give you", whereas. From [ | Top Stories] Reference
Prior restraint is alive and well for students (of all ages) in educational institutions. From [Primary educator's intro to PJ] Reference
As the orgies advance, as the mirth waxes fast and furious, all restraint is thrown aside. From [Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia] Reference
If an enemy does not see us as human, attacks innocent civilians, self-restraint is treason. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Conservatives and Torture:] Reference
Co-chair of Obama's deficit commission knocks tax cuts agreement without long-term restraint. From [ rss feed] Reference
However, their best restraint is NOT government, but other selfish, monopolistic competitors. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Anti-Wal-Mart Astroturf] Reference
This lack of restraint is a problem for many North Koreans trying to adjust to life in the South. From [Mother of All Mothers] Reference
Mr. Lawrence cares comparatively little for delicacy; and the word restraint is not in his bright lexicon. From [The Advance of English Poetry in the Twentieth Century] Reference
"I just think any effort at prior restraint is anathema to the whole concept of free flow of information.". From [No Gun Ri] Reference
He wants a system where general managers 'lack of restraint is no longer a big reason for salary inflation. From [ - NHL and union reject new proposals] Reference
But at its core, the novel depicts impulsiveness, and how both characters restraint is not entirely consistent. From [Twilight's First Official Photo and Why I'm Passing «] Reference
He also doesn't know the word restraint, as his showy, entertaining, but borderline flamboyant performances show. From [Ionarts] Reference
It is an education in restraint; after seeing it, one cannot forget the fine severity beneath all natural beauty. From [The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing] Reference
Before Swordspoint, I thought endings were about tidying things up, but I think that restraint is just as important. From [MIND MELD: Which SF/F Books Have The Best and Worst Endings?] Reference
Insurers are prevented by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act from collusion in restraint of trade, meaning price-fixing. From [Ms. Sebelius Knows Better About Insurance Regulation] Reference
"If you present a sensational story with good intentions and restraint, is that enough to do away with its tabloid appeal?". From [GreenCine Daily: Zoo.] Reference
All the female responses showed restraint from the name calling and kept their sights squarely on the issue we are discussing. From [Why I Hate the Booth Babe Story, a Guest Editorial by Holly A.] Reference
This latter restraint is rather academic, and is aimed at preventing the Corporation being taken over by a single private group. From [The Canada Development Corporation] Reference
His restraint is deliberate and masterful: this is not the explosion of colour or characters that defined Spirited Away or Ponyo. From [MIND MELD: Anime Film Favorites (+ The Top 14 Anime Films of All Time!)] Reference
Fiscal restraint is always a virtue in government, and all the more so when the restraint involves paring back universal entitlements. From [Welfare and Class Warfare in Britain] Reference
Voluntary self-restraint is almost unheard of; everybody strives toward further expansion to the extreme limit of the legal frames. From [Challenges Facing the Legal Profession] Reference
We have long felt that the mere arm of restraint is but a temporary expedient for the remedy, but not the prevention, of cruelty and crime. From [Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest] Reference
Well, after the opening sequence with the neck-to-wrist restraint, that is. From [Cinematical] Reference
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