Use lower illuminant intensity at first to make this alignment a little easier, to start with. From []
For the illuminant we may select any good acetylene cycle lamp. From [Things To Make] Reference
The illuminant sign on the front lawn of the museum hummed noiselessly. From [The Art Thief] Reference
Broadly speaking, however, no illuminant which evolves light by combustion. From [Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use] Reference
Acetylene gives a light which is nearest to sunlight of any artificial illuminant. From [Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding together with related methods and materials used in metal working and the oxygen process for removal of carbon] Reference
As the population grows, the demand for illuminant should grow at least as quickly. From [Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Someone Else Joins the “Peak Whale” Bandwaggon] Reference
Rockefellers as soon as the sun goes down, no matter what form of illuminant they use. From [Chapter 9: The Mathematics of a Dream] Reference
For the illuminant used in enlarging, we may employ either daylight or artificial light. From [Bromide Printing and Enlarging A Practical Guide to the Making of Bromide Prints by Contact and Bromide Enlarging by Daylight and Artificial Light, With the Toning of Bromide Prints and Enlargements] Reference
The form of light-box presupposes the choice of illuminant, and in this there is a wide range. From [Bromide Printing and Enlarging A Practical Guide to the Making of Bromide Prints by Contact and Bromide Enlarging by Daylight and Artificial Light, With the Toning of Bromide Prints and Enlargements] Reference
The time a safety lamp will continue to burn with a full charge of illuminant will be determined. From [Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXX, Dec. 1910 Federal Investigations of Mine Accidents, Structural Materials and Fuels. Paper No. 1171] Reference
So if gas be the illuminant in your study, see to it that no volume of yours be above the level of the burner. From [The Book-Hunter at Home] Reference
This can be overcome by adding a small amount of an illuminant such as kerosine, vegetable oil, or animal fat. From [1 Production and Use] Reference
I had a dream last night it was the illuminant who was stirring all this controversy over the health care bill. From [Baucus could send proposal to 'Gang of Six' on Saturday] Reference
It will then be mixed with the gas from the retorts, and will supply a far higher illuminant than we at present possess. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891] Reference
The superiority of acetylene in respect of brilliancy and portability will at once suggest its employment as the illuminant in the. From [Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use] Reference
The illuminant which acetylene is best fitted to supersede on the score of convenience, cleanliness, and hygienic advantages is oil. From [Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use] Reference
Rockefeller, by driving down the cost of Kerosene as an illuminant, did more than any other person in the history to save the whales. From [Coyote Blog » 2005 » February] Reference
Jean Parisot de la Valette; in him the pure flame of religious enthusiasm burnt with so clear a light as to act as an illuminant for the paths of others. From [Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean] Reference
The kernel oil (stillingia oil) has been used as an illuminant and is a powerful drying oil that could substitute for similar oils such as tuna and linseed. From [Chapter 6] Reference
But not only as an illuminant is it being brought into direct competition with gas, but also as a fuel and for cooking purposes, as well as for motive power. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887] Reference
The product, it will be seen, had lost almost exactly 50 per cent. of its value as an illuminant, owing to the excessive heating to which it had been, exposed. From [Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use] Reference
If, on the other hand, the Soul keeps to its own place and illuminates the lower without directing any act towards that end, why should it alone be the illuminant?. From [The Six Enneads.] Reference
By far the most important chemical reactions of acetylene in connexion with its use as an illuminant or fuel are those which it undergoes with certain metals, notably copper. From [Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use] Reference
Under ordinary conditions the gas burns with a very smoky flame; in burners constructed so as to secure a large amount of oxygen it burns with a very brilliant white light, and hence is used as an illuminant. From [An Elementary Study of Chemistry] Reference
Despite its splendour, it is a very feeble illuminant. From [The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles] Reference
Linseed-oil is generally exported, but if used at home it is mainly as an illuminant. From [The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala] Reference
If you wanted to go up you walked up; and after dark your single illuminant was candlelight. From [Marse Henry, Complete An Autobiography] Reference
Gas was introduced into London about the year 1812 and was thought a prodigiously "brilliant illuminant.". From [Pickwickian Manners and Customs] Reference
Gas has its virtues as an illuminant also, and is favored by many on account of the softness of the light. From [The Complete Home] Reference
It is possible that he may have there derived, from his experiments, the first idea of Gas as an illuminant. From [Men of Invention and Industry] Reference
It did not show us much, though, the darkness being too great for such a feeble illuminant to penetrate far into it. From [The Island Treasure] Reference
No patient was seriously or permanently injured, and none was in a person who used the electric light in a proper manner as an illuminant. From [Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine] Reference
This calcium carbide is the basis of acetylene gas, a powerful illuminant, and it is widely used in metallurgy, for welding and other purposes. From [The Age of Invention : a chronicle of mechanical conquest] Reference
Think we as we may, of all the possible directions to develop a practical illuminant, the line of high vacua seems to be the most promising at present. From [Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency] Reference
There is some prospect of the luminosity excited in a vacuum tube by the alternating currents from a dynamo or an induction coil becoming an illuminant. From [The Story of Electricity] Reference
While we are wondering that we are alive in the face of such dreadful facts, we may note further that gas is rather variable in its qualities as an illuminant. From [The Complete Home] Reference
For more than thirty years the arc light remained an expensive laboratory experiment; but the coming of the dynamo placed that illuminant on a commercial basis. From [Edison, His Life and Inventions] Reference
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